The Proposal - Chanting Scene

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I own nothing. Just a guy with too much time on his hand.

Zack looks through the archive for a world. 'Lets see, we've done an upbeat one, a mysterious one and an action filled one. Time for something funny,' Zack thinks, looking for an appropriate world and scene.

Hitting jackpot, Zack starts laughing like a bad spy movie villain, very uncharacteristic since he is currently in the form of a suave British gentlemen spy.

The audience was slightly unnerved and curious, wondering what was so funny that the normally cool and collected being was laughing his head off.

Grinning, Zack turns towards the Arcs in the room. "Remember that religion your grandmother believes in?"

The Arcs nod, not quite following.

"And remember the world where Weiss pretends she's engaged to Jaune to save her job?"

At that, Weiss groans and turns red. R_BY smiled madly, looking at Weiss like they just won the lottery. Jaune was in lala land, Pryyha had her hair covering a very dark look on her face, Nora and Ren were patting Jaune on the back.

Winter looked ready to stab something, preferably, the blond haired male Arc in the room.

The adults in the room had shit eating grins on their face, remembering Weiss unique solution to avoid being deported.

Letting them all get it out of their system, Zack looks at the Arcs, more specifically Saphron and continues.

"Mrs Arc-Cotta, remember what your grandmother had you and your wife do when you went home and told your family you were engaged?"

Saphron had a look of realization on her face, turning red in embarrassment at the memory of what her grandmother put her and her wife through.

Jaune, realizing what Zack was referring to, laughs at the memory of Saphron and Terra, having recorded it without their realizing. He then pales, thinking that it was his turn.

The rest of the audience turn toward the Arcs, curious.

Face in hand, Saphron just says, "Just watch. Just watch."

The scene opens with Weiss in a forest, biking. She hears a beat being played from somewhere there.

"Oh, what now?! What is that? What is that" sighs Weiss, somewhat exhausted from the charades she had to play with Jaune's family.

Jaune sighed in relief, realizing he wasn't there. Saphron looks at him, envy in her eyes at the fact Jaune wouldn't be going through the same experience.

Team RWBY and _NPR, along with the other students were now very curious at what the Arcs were referring to.

Biking further ahead, she comes across someone dressed oddly, chanting to the beat in front of a large bonfire.

The Arcs merely sighed, shaking their heads and smiling. Their grandmother would never change.

She walks closer, wanting to get a better look. The person turns around and notices Weiss.

"Kongnashi!" the person exclaims, "Come to me, Weiss of Vale."

Uncrossing her hands, she says, "It is I, Grandma Annie."

"Oh," recognizes Weiss.

"Really? " Yang asks, "You don't even recognize your fiancé grandmother."

"Cut me some slack," grumbles a very irritated Weiss, "As if anyone would recognize her in those clothes."

Some of the adults were curious about the clothing, Ozpin and Oobleck especially recognizing what kind of ritual the Arc grandmother was doing.

'Oh boy,' thought Ozpin, having been with such people before. 'At least their not smoking any mind altering substances.'

"I see you are a curious one," says Grandma, "Come, see how I give thanks to Mother Earth."

"Actually uhh," Weiss tries to reject her politely, "I'm not that curious. I'll just uh..."

"Come on Ice Princess," says Coco, "Go spend some quality time with your future grandma-in-law."

"Oh go die in a ditch you fashion blind coffee addict!" snaps Weiss, before recoiling in horror at what she just said.

Winter and her friends look at her as if she just grown another head.

Coco was being held back by Velvet, barely stopping her from tearing Weiss a new one.

"Look around you," Grandma says, "Mother Earth has provided all this. Just as She brought you and Jaune, together to be joined."

Weiss looks somewhat regretful at that, afraid what finding out the rouse would do to the old woman.

"You better not," state the Arcs, loving their grandmother very much.

"We must give thanks," continues Grandma, not noticing Weiss looks. "And asks that your loins be abundantly fertile."

At this, the mood was restored. The students bar Weiss were either holding back their laughter or failing at it.

Weiss was back to being embarrassed, face very red at the thought of children.

Winter couldn't help it, she was openly amused at her little sister's predicament.

The married couples who still had parents remembered when their family would say the same thing. Saphron especially, being married for less than five years and having all her relatives bless her with many children.

With the Arc genetics, that was probably a sure thing.

The villains, being villains and enjoying the misery of others, laughed as well at Weiss misery.

Weiss looks somewhat disgusted at that, never wanting children.

"Come, dance with me in celebration," Grandma invites Weiss to join her.

"Uh, you know, can I just thank her from here?" Weiss asks, not wanting to embarrass herself.

"I insist!" exclaims Grandma, throwing some powder into the fire, making it burst larger for a moment.

"Ok, Ok," says a nervous Weiss, unnerved by the fire, "I'll come down and dance with you."

"This, I must record for all eternity," Blake states, holding up her scroll to record it.

"Hey!" yells Weiss, trying to get Blake's scroll but was being held down by Ruby and Yang.

Weiss joins Grandma at the bonfire.

"Follow and learn," commands Grandma, starting her odd ritual.

Weiss half-heartedly copies her.

"Come on Weiss," says Nora, "Put some effort into it."

Nora then proceeds to mimic them.

Ren doesn't even try to stop her, knowing it was harmless.

"Come on Weiss," encourages Grandma, seeing Weiss not putting her heart into it, "Feel the rhythm of the drums. Now you!"

"Me what?" asks Weiss, copying Grandma's stance.

Weiss doesn't even react at the bad grammar, too embarrassed at what her other was doing.


"Chant what?"

Walking towards Weiss, Grandma says, "Whatever comes to you, it is the way."

"Like this," begins Nora, before being silenced by Ren, putting his hand over her mouth.

"I don't think we need to hear that," replies Ren, knowing exactly how Nora thinks.

"But I don't know any chants," replies Weiss.

"Look at the trees. Use your vowels," says Grandma.

They continue chanting, Grandma giving encouraging words to Weiss.

"To the universe!" exclaims Grandma.

Weiss does so, starting to really get into the chant. Eventually, she starts to put her own twist on it.

"You're really getting into this," says Emerald.

Weiss, still embarrassed, can only watch as her other dance their dignity away.

Blake was wondering how many views on Dusttube this video would get.

Tyrian was grumbling that there was a distinct lack of bloodshed in this world.

"Louder!" yells out Grandma, seeing Weiss starting to get into it.

Weiss begins dancing and making up lyrics along the way, confusing Grandma for a bit.

The students were either laughing or dancing along with the Weiss on screen. Nora, well...

"All this ..., the wind now, the wind now," sings Nora as she dances along.

Weiss was very embarrassed, her sister on the other hand, was very amused at this other Weiss.

"So Weiss," begins Winter, teasing her, "You never told me you could dance so well."

"Winter!" mortified that even her sister was doing this.

Jaune is seen walking towards where they are, hearing the beat.

Saphron was really envious that Jaune wasn't going through this weird ritual with their grandmother, remembering when she brought her and Terra to do this.

Weiss continues dancing and singing, really getting into her weird little dance, infecting Grandma with her enthusiasm.

Neither notice Jaune as he watches Weiss dance and sing, amused that his uptight boss and fake fiancée was getting so into this.

"So Weiss," teases Yang, "Trying to seduce Jaune with your mad dance skills?"

Weiss doesn't even answer, well numb to all the teasing by now. Though she does notice how free her other was, not burdened by the expectations of her station.

Eventually, Jaune makes his presence known.

"What are you doing?" asks an amused Jaune, knowing exactly what she was doing, having seen Saphron and Terra do the same thing.

"You couldn't have done that earlier?" complains Weiss.

"No," replies Jaune with complete honesty.

"It's tradition," states Saphron with a bland tone, remembering how her sisters laughed at her. Oooh she couldn't wait for their turn and felt cheated out of Jaune's.

"Huh," says Weiss, embarrassed Jaune saw her dance like that, "You know, your granny wanted me to chant, chant from the heart."

"Balls?" asks Jaune, barely stopping himself from full blown laughter, "That's what came to your heart?"

"You know I ah, went with the beat," Weiss tries to justify.

"Nice save," snorts Raven.

"Your scroll arrived," says Jaune, the reason he walked out here. "I'm going to town to pick it up. You want to come?"

"Oh yes! I want to go! I want to go!" Weiss says. Then, remembering Grandma, "Oh, hold on." Turning towards Grandma, she asks, "Is it Ok that I go with him?"

"Whatever you do is what shall be," says Grandma.

Confused, Weiss asks again. "But, you're Ok if I go?"

"Fine, go," chuckle Grandma.

"Ok, bye Granny."

"Your preeeetty ..." teases Jaune.

"Shut up," says Weiss, not wishing to bring up the last few moments of her life.

Jaune laughs at her.

"Would you please?" says an irritated Weiss. He doesn't stop, so she hits him with her sweater.

Scene Ends.

"I'll give you all ten minutes to get it all out of your system," says Zack, getting up to get the next world.

Everyone was still laughing, some having recovered but with big smiles on their face.

Weiss just thanked the gods that it was over.

"Jaune!" exclaims Nora, "Can we go visit your grandma? She seems like a whole bundle of fun!"

"Well..." panics Jaune, thinking of all the stories she would tell them of his childhood, "I'll uh..."

Saphron, deciding some retribution was required, said

"Oh if you wanted some stories about our childhood, you could have asked me."

Jaune looks at her with the most betrayed look he can muster. His friends look at her as if she just handed them the keys to Heaven.

"Quite an interesting tradition, don't you say Barty?" says Port.

"Yes, quite. In fact, I believe Mr Arc's grandmother must have been descended from the ............" lectures Oobleck.

"That was one of the most unique takes on that particular ritual I have seen yet," says Ozpin, about to drink some coffee before frowning, remembering their host hadn't gave them any refreshments yet.

"You've seen people like that before?" asks Ironwood.

"You know how old I am James," deadpans Ozpin, "I've seen and experienced some weird cultures."

Zack was back, wondering if he should go look for a world they hadn't seen yet as trailers, before settling on one. One with a Drunken Fist master and the clone of a certain monkey. But first,

"Right, why don't you all freshen up first before the next one."

That got some cheers, they had been here for some time.

"Kitchen's fully stocked with everything known in the multiverse, bathrooms on the far right and there's a wine cellar in the basement.

"And, I'm gone," says Qrow, having stopped being interested in anything else after he knew where the wine cellar was.

"Right," sighed the adults, having known that Qrow couldn't live sober.

"I'll be back in an hour. Enjoy yourselves."

Comment if you enjoyed this one. The next one will be showing one that's not part of the trailers in Universal Trailer, a special if you will.

I'll be throwing those in every now and then to keep things interesting.

Next : The Forbidden Kingdom – The Monkey King's Story

AN : Decided to change what the next one would be.

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