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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter was the initiation, after a series of events including saving the Ice Queen and taking dozens of beowolfs and Ursa, you became the leader of an international team called Team RMNT


POV: You

Part 1.

It was morning of the next day and I was sleeping in my dorm. It was empty besides 4 beds and my suit cases, I didn't want to unpack until the rest of my team had arrived. I got out of bed with my pajama pants on, I got my cloths and towel to go shower but right when I was about to touch the handle of the bathroom door and I heard a angry knock on the door.

"(Y/n)! I need to talk to you!" I hear a shout come from the other side of the door.

I put my stuff in the bathroom and I went to the door. I opened the door and on the other side was team RWBY who were wearing the same clothes they did during the initiation. In front of them was Weiss who had her arms crossed.

"We need to talk right now!" Weiss demands then walks into the room and closes the door behind her while also locking it.

POV: Ruby
Weiss got up this morning in a bad mood. I didn't know if it was because she didn't become team leader or if it was something else. After we all got dressed Weiss said she needed to talk to (Y/n), we went with her to (Y/n)'s dorm room. Once we got there, me, Yang, and Blake stood behind Weiss as she stood in front of the door. She knocked on the door while shouting.

"(Y/n)! I need to talk to you!"

"What's up with her?" Yang asks me quietly.

"I don't know" I replied.

(Y/n) then opens the door to his room, revealing him only to be in pajama pants. Yang looked at him with a weird look in her eyes while Blake had pink cheeks.

"We need to talk right now!" Weiss tells (Y/n).

She then walks into the room and closes the door behind her while also hearing the door lock. Yang put her ear against the doors.

"Yang! What are you doing!" I whisper shout.

"I'm listening in on their conversation. Don't you want to know what's got ice queen all riled up?" Yang tells me.

"I do" Blake says and gets close to the door.

"Not you too Blake"

"Wow, their really arguing" Yang states.

I then instantly go to the door and put my ear up against it.

"Did you seriously ask me why I saved you during the initiation?!" (Y/n) shouts.

"Yes I did!, I didn't need you to save me!" Weiss shouts back.

"So what!, did you expect to land on a pillow that magically appears out of thin air!? Because That's not how the world works" He tells her.

"No I didn't!, I was going to land myself!, so I don't need you to protect or save me!" Weiss tells him.

"You wanna know something Weiss. I don't just protect you because we used to be engaged, but because I made a promise to your mother, father, and sister that I would protect you. I also made a promise to my mom, dad, and sister that I would protect and save anyone I can at every chance I could" He tells Weiss "The less you act like the bratty princess you are and start accepting the things that happen to and around you. The better things will be for you. Now if you would excuse me before you started shouting at me I'm going to go take a shower" After a moment we hear the door to the bathroom close.

"Damn it.....why is he always right" We all hear Weiss say.

The door starts to open and we all jump back so that we wouldn't get noticed by Weiss that we were ease dropping. She opened the door all the way and we see that she was completely calm.

"So you have a history with (Y/n) I'm guessing?" Yang says.

"You could say that" Weiss says with pink cheeks.

"Why are you blushing?" Blake asks,

"It's nothing. Let's just head to breakfast" Weiss states.

POV: You

After having a short argument with Weiss over me saving her life, I took a shower and got dressed. After getting dressed I heard my scroll buzz, I looked at it and saw that it was a message from Ozpin.

Mr. (L/n), the rest of your team is arriving soon. Go greet them at the docks, I think they'll want to see who their team leader is once they get off their bullhead. Feel free to use emerald forest with them if you'd like too.

I put my coat on and put my scroll in my pocket. I exited my dorm and headed towards the docks. As I did I ran into a certain witch, Literally.
Now in front of me on the ground was professor Goodwitch, still wearing the same attire.

"I'm sorry about that professor Goodwitch" I say with a hand out to her.

"Ohh, (Y/n), I'm sorry as well, I wasn't paying attention" She says as she grabs the tablet which was beside her. I helped her up to her feet and she dusted herself off.

"So what brings you out and about this morning professor?" I ask Ms. Goodwitch.

"Ozpin wanted me to give you the extra dorm keys for your teammates" She says then hands me 4 sets of keys.

"Why are there 4 keys?" I ask her.

"Not sure. Maybe as a spare if all of your team lose your keys at the same time?" She says.

"Huh, makes sense I guess" I say.

"If you would excuse me I have to go, Goodbye Mr. (L/n)" Ms. Goodwitch says and starts walking.

"See you later Glynda" I say.

I see Ms. Goodwitch stopped for a second before continuing to walk away. I then continued on my way to the docks, after a few minutes I arrived at the ship docks. As soon as I arrived, I see a bullhead coming in for a landing. The bullhead lands on the landing pad in front of me. The door opens and a beautiful girl with blond hair and red eyes steps put of the bullhead. In her hands was a big thing that was taller than her, I have no idea what it is. Maybe some sort of lance?. She was wearing a coat and had a cage on her hip.

Despite how confident she looked on the outside, I knew that she was nervous. Who wouldn't be nervous about going somewhere you've never been and have to room with 4 other people who are complete strangers.
She walks towards me and asks.

"E-excuse me, do you happen to be the leader of team RMNT?" She asks me.

"Yup that's me, name's (Y/n) (L/n)" I say with my hand out to her.

She shakes it "I-I'm Ereshkigal Tohsaka"

"Nice to meet you, Ereshkigal" I say with a smile.

"Are the others here?" She asks me.

"Nope, you're the first to arrive"

"You must be really strong to of became team leader" She tells me.

"I think the headmasters just choose that the representative from beacon will become team leader" I replied.

"I see"

A second bullhead then lands at the dock. The door opens and I hear a voice.

"Big Brother!!" The voice shouts.

"It can't be" I say to myself.

A girl with whit cat ears runs at me and spears me to the ground. She was short and along with her cat ears had a cat tail. She had a scar on her left eye and a scar on her right cheek. She wore a coat and some revealing type of clothes under it.

"Madison!" I shout.

"I missed you to big brother" She says.

She looks at me with a cute smile and all is forgoten. I pat her head before getting up.

"How did you get here?" I asked her.

"Well, long story short, the head master in Vauco let me in early due to my skills" Madison tells me while continuing to hug me.

I stand up and pat her head more "I'm proud of you" I say.

She continued to smile and hug me tightly. Her embrace and smile makes me remember the night my mom found her while out on a mission. She went to a village to deal with a grim problem near by, but when she got there the village was on fire with a crying girl in the middle of it all.


I was 6 years old and it was a stormy night. Mom was supposed to be home from her mission earlier in the day. Dad was in the kitchen cooking dinner. I sat on the couch watching tv, waiting for Mom to come home.

"Dinner's almost ready" My dad says from the kitchen.

"Okay Dad" I replied

A moment later the front door opens and in the door way stood my mom with a coat on. Next to her was a small figure which was wearing a coat and hood. Mom steps in the house and leads the figure inside before closing the door.

"Honey, can you come over here please, I have someone for you to meet" My mom says.

"Okay, hold on a sec" Dad replied.

Mom looked at me before removing the hood off the figure, revealing the face of a girl who had a cut on her eye and cheek. She had white hair along with cat ears and a tail.

"(Y/n), this is Madison, she will be apart of the family from now on. She's a year younger than you" Mom tells me.

"Are you my Onii-chan?" Madison says cutely and her ears twitched cutely as well.

"Yes, Yes I am" I replied.

She walks over to me and hugs me tightly "I love you Onii-chan"

{Flashback End}

"So this is your brother" I hear a girl say.

I look up and I see beautiful girl with platinum hair and red eyes. She wore a white outfit which was covered by red armor and had multiple weapons on her.

"Mhmm" Madison hums.

"I've heard many great things about you from Madison. My name is Tomoe, Tomoe Gozen" She says then holds her hand out.

I shake her hand "(Y/n) (L/n)"

"Why did my team have to be all girls except me. Not that I would really mind it"

We all hear another bullhead and it lands. The door opens and a boy with brown hair and blue eyes. He wore armor over his black outfit with a blue fabric that matched his eyes on his right. Over his shoulder was a hammer that had a spike one one of its faces.

"You must me the last one" I say to guy "Name's (Y/n) (L/n), Team leader"


"I-I'm Ereshkigal"

"You can call me Tomoe"

"My name is Nicholas Watts, From Atlas" the boys says.

"It's nice to meet you Nicholas" I say with my hand out and he shakes it.

"What's the first order of business brother?" Madison asks me while no longer hugging me.

"I'm going to show you guys where the dorm is so we can put away our luggage and tidy up the room to our preferance" I say.

"Sounds like a plan" Nicholas says.

Part 2.

It was about 2 hours later and our room looked full of color instead of the blandness of it being empty. Our room was about double the size of a regular dorm room, probably to acomidate for 5 people. The 5 beds lined one wall while dressers, books shelves, TV, a desk and a work bench lined the rest of the room. On the walls were posters, each persons posters were above their bed. There was also a weapon rack that was on one wall that was next to the door. Suprisingly enough all of our weapons are able to fit on it, even with Ereshkigal's double sided lance thing and all of Tomoe's weapons. There was also a kitchen as well inside the dorm as well.

"This looks good. Everything is neat and organized" Ereshkigal says happily.

"I'm surprised we were allowed to have a workbench inside of our dorm" Nicholas adds.

"Weapon maintenance is required for proper function" Tomoe says.

"It feels like we're missing something" I state as we looked at the room.

"Ohh I know!" Madison says. In not even 10 seconds Madison had put something on the wall above the desk and workbench in bold black letters "All finished"

On the wall in the bold black letters read 'Team REMNT'. Coincidentally she was able to align a letter for everyone's first name in the word Remnant. R: Reader aka You, E: Ereshkigal, M: Madison, N: Nicholas, T: Tomoe. Our names were connected to the letters going down.

"Perfect" She adds.

"So what's next ?" Tomoe asks me.

"I was thinking that we should know each others semblances and how they work along with each others fighting styles, thought the fighting can wait for another day. Follow me, I know the perfect place to show each other's semblances" I say.

{Time Skip}

About 15 minuites later the 5 of us were inside emerald forest. We all stood on the circular platform that I stood on with my LMGs during the initiation.

"Now, since we are here now let's get started. I'll start us off. My semblance is body and mind enhancement. I can either enhance my mind, which temporarily raises my IQ and knowledge recollection significantly. It also allows me to think faster and do fast, accurate observations using my 5 senses. Or I can enhance my body, allowing me to move faster, become stronger, or anything else I would need to enhance my body for" I tell them "Though my semblance has limits, but they can also be broken also. When my mind enhancement limit is broken I can affect physical things and beings using my mind. For my body enhancement limit being broken, I can do the same thing like when I didn't have my limit broken with much more power but I can only do one thing at a time, for example, I can't run fast as hell and have enhanced regeneration at the same time. I think that covers it. Ohh, and my semblance has a passive mode you could call it that automatically enhances my mind and body slightly cutting combat"

"I know that it's a lot to understand for such a simple semblance" Madison says "Now, onto me, my semblance is pretty simple as well. I have telepathy, being able to talk to others with my mind while in there process allowing them to talk back as well if I allow it"

"That will be useful during combat" Nicholas says "My semblance is simple as well, I can teleport to where ever I want to, whether it is to a person or if is to a specific destination. All that is required is to be able to imagine very descriptively of the place or person I want to teleport to"

"I guess I'll go next" Tomoe says "My semblance is a blazing hot inferno inside of me which I can use to turn into raw strength and also burn or set aflame anything I touch if I wish it so"

"Interesting, i brought us down here because I thought we were going to have semblances that created a lot more destruction" I state.

"M-My semblance is kinda destructive" Ereshkigal says.


"W-Well, My semblance it's self allows me to use the powers of a goddess from another world...." She explained as if she was expecting a certain reaction "Your not going to laugh?"

"No, why would we laugh?" Madison says.

"When I tell others my semblance they think it's silly and not possible" Ereshkigal says " The goddess that I'm able to use the power of oddly enough is named Ereshkigal, the goddess of the earth, and of death"

"So what can you do?" I ask.

"Umm, I can create spears out of thin air, imprison souls, talk to and control living things-"

"Specify 'living things'" Tomoe says.

"Well, animals and......grim...." she replied.

"That's pretty useful" I say then looked at the cage that was on Ereshigal's hip "So what does that do?" I ask.

"This?" She says while taking the cage off her hip " It imprisons souls and it also does this. Look at the beowulf over there"

We look at a stray beowulf that hasn't noticed us. Ereshkigal shakes the cage with one of her hands and the ground starts to shake.

"The hell?"I say.

"Watch" Ereshkigal states..

Then out of the ground, a black, shadow that looked like a massive shark, jumped out of the ground and latching the beowulf into its jaws before slamming back into the ground while taking the beowulf with it.

"Well shit...."

"Awesome right?" Ereshkigal asks. We all nod "I think you guys will be my first real best friends"

"This is where team REMNT becomes one"

Hello everyone, this is the end the chaptor. I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Until next time, bye

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