Welcome to Beacon

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you met Ruby, Ozpin, and Glynda. How is it going to go with everyone else?


POV: You

Part 1.

It's the next day and I was on a ship that was on its way to Beacon. I looked out a window as I flew to the academy. I wore my huntsman outfit along with Lord and Chief on my back. Lord and Chief can't transform into a smaller form for easy travel, I designed them for performance in combat, not as a nice accessory.

"Hope this first day of school goes well. I wonder who will be on my team?" I said to myself.

A boy with blond hair and wearing white armor over a casual outfit bumps into me. I look at him and he didn't look so good.

"You okay there?" I ask him. He only shook his head "Let me help you out"

I took each of his hands and put my fingers on the pressure points on the wrists of each hands and applied pressure.

"Motion sickness?" I question.

"Yeah..." He replied as he started to feel better.

"Better now?"

"Yeah, thanks for that. I can get really bad motion sicknesss sometimes. How did you know I had motion sickness?" The boy asked me as i let go of his hands.

"My sister used to get really bad motion sickness as well. I used to help her out with it. Now days she's been fine with it" I tell him.

"Name's Jaune Arc. Short, sweet, rolls off the tounge, ladies love it" He says with pride.

"They do?" I ask him.

"They will.." He says then falls short "My mom says that...nevermind"

"Well my name's (Y/n) (L/n). It's nice to meet you Jaune"

"Nice to meet you too" He said and we shook hands.

"Hi (Y/n)!" I hear a voice say.

I turned and I see Ruby waving at me. I then turned to Jaune.

"It looks like I'm being called. I'll see you later Jaune" I say before walking over to Ruby.

"This is the guy who you told me about" The blond girl next to Ruby said as I walked over "He looks more handsome than you described him to be"

"Yang!" Ruby shouts quietly at her.

"I guess I'll take that as a compliment" I say.

"Hey there handsome~" The girl next to Ruby said to me in a light seductive tone.

The girl had blond hair which brought out her lilac colored eyes. She wore a a short brown shirt which revealed her stomach and also showed of some of her cleavage while also wearing short shorts. This girl was either trying to show of her mature body or found that her outfit suited her fighting style.

"Sorry (Y/n), this is my sister Yang, she tends to........ I don't know why she does this to boys to be honest" Ruby says while thinking about the second thing she said.

"Nice to meet you Yang" I say.

"Right back at you handsome~" Yang says.

"Do you call every boy you see handsome?" I ask her.

She moves closer to me before replying, Ruby was too busy thinking about why Yang acts the way she does with boys.

"Only the one's I find hot, sexy and handsome, and your the only one who fits those requirements" She tells me in a little more seductive tone.

"So your the seductive sister while Ruby is the innocent, pure sister. Makes sense" I say.

Yang stops with the seduction from what I said and glances at Ruby whose still thinking and smiles to her self "I hope Ruby will always be a pure white rose"

"Well until she ends up falling in love and getting a boyfriend" I tell her. Yang then punches me in the arm lightly but with some force behind it "Sorry, I tend to say things like that"

Part 2.

We had finally arrived at Beacon academy I walked of the ship. I front of me was the place where I would be for the next 4 years. People walked past me as they also got of the ship, there were also people getting off of ships bsides the one I was on.

"People really like killing these days, though I'm here also, so I can't judge anything when this school is meant to train people to protect the people of the world" I say to myself.

I hear a small explosion and I look in the general direction to see Ruby and a familiar girl with white hair. I walk over to the pair who were having a one sided argument.

"Unbelievable, this is the exactly the kind of thing I was talking about" The girl with white hair tells Ruby.

"I'm really, really sorry" Ruby tells the girl.

"Well if it isn't Weiss Schnee" I say as I stood slightly behind the girl with white hair.

The girl had snow white hair that was put into a pony tail which was of set to the right, icy blue eyes, and wore a white and icy blue combat dress with a red inside.

"You shouldn't butt into someone else's argument" Weiss says as she turns to me before freezing in place once she saw me. "(Y-Y/n)"

"You know (Y/n)?" Ruby questions.

"Me and Weiss go back a bit, don't we Weiss?" I say.

"I -I don't know what he's talking about" Weiss says, trying to push away the past.

"What happened?" Ruby asked.

"We were engaged once" I tell Ruby.

"W-why would you tell her that you complete dolt!" Weiss shouts at me.

"What? It's the past. It's not like either of us wanted it anyway" I say.

"I didn't mind it since it was you" Weiss says under breath.

"Well what's done is done now. Our parents are the one's who wanted the engagement so you had a protector" I say.

"And you should know that I didn't need someone to protect me then and I don't need it now" Weiss says.

"If you say so" I said while rolling my eyes.

"Anyways, I need to go" Weiss says then leaves with a 'hmph' while the guys with her luggage followed her.

"You okay Ruby?" I asked.

"Yeah I'm fine" She replied "Was it okay for me to hear that conversation?"

"It's fine, it was the past" I tell her.

"Hey (Y/n)" I hear a boy said and I saw Jaune walk up to me.


"Who's this?" Ruby asks.

"Name's Jaune. Short, sweet, rolls of the tounge, Ladies love it" Jaune says.

"Do they?" Ruby questions.

"They will...I hope"

"Some day buddy, some day" I say and pat his shoulder "We should start heading to the auditorium"

We started walking and Ruby starts a conversation. And when I mean start a conversation she pulls out her scythe

"So I got this thing"

"Woah, is that a scythe.." Jaune says as he got frightened of its sudden appearance.

"It's also a customizable high impact sniper rifle" Ruby added.

" a wahh?"

"It's also a gun" I tell him.

"Ohh okay"

"I got these" I say as I pulled Lord and Chief off my back and lightly stuck them in the ground as I held them.

"I never got to see them up close. Did you make these?" Ruby says with sparkles in her eyes.

"Yup. I'm pretty sure I went way more overboard in designing my weapons then you did your scythe" I tell Ruby.

"How!" She said as she hopped all over the place inspecting everything "aretheyalsoguns?, doesthebigoneturn intoashield?, Dotheycombinetogethertomakesomethingdeadlier?"

"Uhh, I'm not sure what you said but I can do this"

I press a button on the handle of Lord and it transforms into a shield, where you have to hold the shield with your arm vertically.

"That's cool" Jaune says.

"It's more than cool, it's awesome" Ruby shouts "It's a gun right? It's got to be a gun"

"You'll just have to find out" I say.

"How about you Jaune?" Ruby asks.

"Umm, I got this sword" He says and pulls out a sword "and I have a shield too"

"Does it do anything?" Ruby asks.

"Not everything is a gun Ruby" I say "You see his weapon set is a classic. By the way it's made its got to be at least a century old. In very good condition though. Simplicity is what makes his weapons good. He only has one mechanism and that's for his shield. Much easier to fix during time of need then weapons like ours"

"Wow....you just dropped a huge logic bomb" Jaune says.

"Yeah, and I got more information on a lot of things" I say.

After a few moments we reached the auditorium where the opening ceremony was taking place. The place was full of people who had their weapons.

"Ruby over here!, I saved you a spot!" Yang shouts.

"Sorry guys, I'll see you after the ceremony" Ruby says before going off to Yang.

Jaune sighs "Where am I supposed to find another nice, quirky girl to talk too?"

I pat him on the shoulder "Someday buddy, Someday"

"Hey (Y/n), have any girls ever liked you before?" Jaune asks me.

"Besides my sister loving me like a sister I wouldn't be sure" I replied.

"I have 7 sisters. And their all older than me" Jaune says.

"Ouch. But hey, someday the right girl for you will walk into your life who also likes quirky boys just like you"

"That's oddly specific"

"That's just a generalization of things Jaune, some girls are into the quirky, sometimes dense boy who's in their life just because their different"

"You're just full of facts aren't you?" Jaune sighs.

"It's a tendency" I tell him.

Everyone hears a tapping on a microphone which silenced everyone and turn to the stage. On the stage was Professor Ozpin along side Professor Goodwitch. He pushed up his glasses before speaking.

"I'll keep this brief....We all traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and to aquire knew skills. And when you are finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amungst you, and all I see is wasted energy in the of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge will only get you so far. It is up to you to take the first step"

After his speech, Ozpin casually walks away and off the stage. Professor Goodwitch walks up to the microphone.

"You will gather in the ballroom tonight, tomorrow your initiation begins. Be ready, your dismissed" She said.

"Huh, I thought we would be getting our dorms today" I say to myself.

Part 3.

It was night time and inside the ballroom was all of the new students who were sleeping in sleeping bags, well most of the students. I was shirtless while wearing some soft pajama pants. As I walked through the room I saw Ruby and Yang talking.

"Hey guys" I say as I walked up to them.

"Hey (Y/n)" Ruby says innocently.

"Hey there sexy, are you shirtless just for me?~" Yang says in a light seductive voice.

"No, I'm not shirtless for you" I say simply.

"You can't just flaunt a chiseled body around and have me not notice" Yang says before standing up and inspecting my upper body while lightly touching me "This chiseled 6 pack and toned chest, along with these biceps that are just right, not too big and not too soft"

"Yang stop it, what your doing is inappropriate" Ruby tells Yang.

"It's fine Ruby, (Y/n)'s not resisting" Yang says while touching my arm.

(I just wanted to mention that your body is cross fit built not body builder built)

"You should stop doing indecent things to (Y/n)" I hear Weiss say as she walks into the scene.

"And when did you care about those type of things with me?" I asked Weiss.

Her cheeks become slightly pink "I didn't say that I cared. It's school policy"

"I read that entire 500 page book and didn't see anything about a policy related to that" I say to Weiss.

"I, uhh.....nevermind!" Weiss says before running off.

"What was that about?" Yang asks as she sits down on her sleeping bag.

"It's nothing to worry about" I say to them "I'll talk to you guys later, Goodnight"

"Goodnight" They both say.

I start walking to my to my sleeping bag and I notice a girl with black hair and amber colored eyes. She had a bow that sat atop her head. She was reading a book as she leaned against a wall. In the cover of the book read 'The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde'.

"Jekyll and Hyde, when two souls are in one body, one of good and the other of evil" I say as I walked up to the girl.

She looked up from the book and her cheeks became pink "Your the one who helped out that girl who exploded"

"Name's (Y/n) (L/n)" I say to the girl with my hand out to her.

She shakes my hand and her cheeks became a bit more pink "You have strong hands" she tells me.

"Umm Thanks?" I say.

She realizes what she says and hides her face behind her book. I saw that her bow was moving, as if it was twitching. She then peaks out from behind the book.

"Sorry for that.."

"It's fine, I've been getting comments like that all day" I say.

"Sorry, my name's Blake Belladonna" The girl says as she rose her head from the book.

"Its pleasure to meet you Blake" I say "Well I'll let you continue with your book. See you around"

I then went back to walking to my sleeping bag.

"These 4 years here will go well"

Hello everyone this is the end of the chapter, hope you guys enjoying the book. I'm trying to do things with this book that I haven't seen anyone do for a RWBY book, trying to be as unique as possible. Though I am using a few ideas off of others. Until next time, bye

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