Neo's revenge

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My name is Y/n and I'm Neo's Little brother and she has taken good care of me. I even remember her saving me from a girls with yellow hair.

Yang: He's mine!!!

Neo: Give me back my brother!! HE'S MINE.

Yang: We are gonna get married!


Neo tripped yang and grabbed me. as I was giggling at the 2 fighting each other then I seen neo get punched in the throat losing her balance and falling to the ground.

Yang: Don't mess with me again

Said the blonde as she was walking away and I crawled over towards my older sister as she was having a hard time get.

Y/n: Gaga

I was feeling my sister's hair as she was crying and holding me close. That's when I got picked up by someone and I fell asleep seeing to people pick up my sister. One had grey hair and the other had Orange hair. And everything went black.

~ Future ~

I swear on my life I would get revenge for neo as she took care of me and raised me like she was my mother.......
That yellow haired girl needs to know how it felt losing something precious

Roman: Earth to Y/n. We need you to pay attention.

Y/n: Sorry my bad.

Neo sat beside me and put her head on my shoulder with a smile and blush.

Cinder: Y/n.....We need to destroy this school and we need help from Salem to take over VALE

She started laughing like she just finished reading a fanfic of me and Neo and yang.

Y/n: I'll go plant bombs on each pillar in the school. But first I need a disguise

Roman: I stole this off this faunas hater.

Y/n: I look like an idiot

I said as I was walking to beacon. And smiled as I walked right in but u immediately ran into a Rabbit faunas she fell and hid her face in fear.

Velvet: c-cardin i-im s-so s-sorry! I-i didn't m-mean it

She still hid in fear but I helped her and caressed her cheek.

Y/n: I won't hurt you. My pretty bunny.

Coco Adel saw this and she immediately stopped when I kissed velvets hand and walked away

Velvet: o-oh m-my....

Velvet blushed and walked towards her dorm with Coco stopping me in my tracks

Coco: Hey cardin. Why didn't you pull her ears like you always did?

Y/n: Well for start. I changed over A new color of Shades. I don't hurt faunas's anymore but I do enjoy there company now.

Coco: Right.........okay then......

Coco walked away feeling weirded out as I seen a robot girl walk towards me and looked at me intensely.

Y/n: Need something robot?

Penny: Your not cardin.....who are you.

I whispered in her ear and softly bit it after making the now wet robot moan. And after I walked away and started planting C4's on each pillar in the school and hiding it behind a poster. But I kicked to the ground from non other then Russell

Russel: What did you do to cardin. Faker

Y/n: Faker I think. he was the fake person around here. your comparing cardin to me Ha. He's not even good enough to be my fake

Russel: I'll make you eat your words

Y/n: you won't even get the chance

But as always I was right and I did beat Russel until he wasn't breathing. Then I took off cardin's gay armor and called cinder.

Y/n: Bombs placed.

Cinder: EXCELLENT work y/n. Did you get spotted?

Y/n: almost. But nah

Cinder: Return back to this warehouse

Y/n: I'll wait here. For you guys

Cinder: Copy that. Alright team let's get to work.

I waited in cardin dorm as the rest if his team where either crawling away dying or just dead

Y/n: Boring.

Velvet: c-cardin?

I herd the same voice from outside the room.

Y/n: Yes darling?

Velvet: I w-was wondering i-if you w-would come outside with me.....

Y/n: to make it up for my troubles. It will be delightful to join you?

Velvet: g-great.

Y/n: let me get ready first.

I got ready and went outside to see the faunas girl blushing like crazy and we both went outside were I seen neo and others waiting.

Y/n: this way darling.

I guided her away from them as they were still walking towards the school.

Cinder: doesn't matter of y/n is here or not. He did the job

Neo activated the C4's making the school explode leaving all the girls to crawl out

Ruby: Weiss, Blake, Yang, ngh.....are you guys alright

Yang: what's going on.......

Yang Was stopped stopped by the same girl that got her throat punched my yang.

Yang: n-neo w-whay are you doing here.....

I watch my older sister pull of yangs arms with the rest of her team screaming in horror.

Yang: y-you b-b**ch

Yang past out from pain and bloodloss and the rest if her team got up and start fighting neo so I stopped elevt from cuddling me and kicked Weiss and Blake making them fall to the ground and making them groan in pain

Ruby: What have you done to the school Cardin....why are you working with them....

Y/n: Foolish child. I'm not the one your speak of. I'm Y/n L/n and you will be brought down to your knees.

Roman and mercury both tied up Weiss and Blake and soon they tied up ruby to.

Roman: Let's. Go grab thus faunas

Y/n: Leave her Roman she's been through enough already.

Roman: Let's. Go them.

Neo kissed my lips and wrapped her arms around my neck and smiled as we both walked off holding hands.

Velvet:.........You will be stopped y/n. And I will find you and my friends.........even if it kills me...


Part 2? Nyeh heh heh. Maybe idk

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