Cy Character Short

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On the day of the dance

Ruby and Paige are walking in Signal to a board of sorts. It seemingly shows the results of the top 50 students. Paige is shown to be number one, whilst Cy, Yang, Justin and Ruby are all in the 10s to 30s range.

"Wow Ruby, you did amazing." Paige complimented Ruby.

"Thanks." Ruby responds with a really cute smile.

"On a serious note, where are Cy and Yang? Justin is just on his own." Paige asks.

"I saw them walking outside together." Ruby responds.

"Oh, they're at it again." Paige thinks they're making out again "Let's just..." a noise can be heard in a classroom next to them. The window seemingly cracked, but it was from a punch.

"What happened?" Ruby asks.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Suddenly, Cy and Yang are shown punching two bullies through the window.

"Holy crap!" Paige says in surprise. Then more bullies shows up in a mood to want to fight. Then a tall dude shows up and has blue dyed hair. Cy and Yang stand up like bosses.

"What is happening sis?" Ruby asks.

"Ask that guy. He just tried to punch Cy out of nowhere. I was defending him." Yang responds.

"Babe, you know I don't need your protection." Cy tries to tease.

"Quiet." Yang then hugs Cy by the shoulder and Cy hugs by the hips.

"So... tall dude..." Cy calls the tall guy, who seems to be the leader of the bullies.


"I'm good with names. It's just a nickname."

"He forgot 50% of the class." Yang corrects him.

"Hey!" Cy frowns and Yang chuckles "Anyway... why did you attack me?"

"Because I'm the only one if the whole school who can have blue hair!" the leader points at his hair.

"That's the stupidest reason to want to bully someone." Cy says the truth.

"Worse than doing it for your pleasure." Yang adds to it.

"Quiet you two! From now on Cy, you must have blonde hair next time!"

"Oh jeez. This going to be a mess." Cy comments, as the group of bullies surround both him and Yang.

"Let's do this." Yang gets in her fighting stance.

"Sure, But let's not hurt them too much." Cy also gets into his fighting stance.
(pause song)

At the end of school

Cy is outside next to Justin. He changed the traditional Signal clothes for some more geek clothes. The shirt he's wearing is of Bleach. A feature that is sticking out is a bracelet and two silver gauntlets on his arms. Right now, he's sitting around reading a Bleach manga, of the latest volume that just came out. As for Justin, he's just sitting with his eyes closed. As time passed, Yang, Ruby and Paige have arrived.

"We're here!" says Yang cheerfully.

"Awesome." Cy responds.

"So... since this dance is just for Cy and Yang, and Justin doesn't feel like going, what can both me and Ruby do?" Paige asks.

"You two can go around the town." Cy responds.

"Really?" Ruby asks.

"Yeah. You both can go." Yang confirms. Paige and Ruby then are happy and run of to explore the town.

"Well, there they go." Cy points out.

"I'm going home Cy." says Justin.

"Well, see you brother." Cy and Justin then fist bump. Justin then walks home.

"So... what now?" Yang asks.

"I'm going to rest to be ready for the dance." Cy responds.

"Yeah true." Yang responds.

"Hey, mind if I walk you home?" Cy asks.

"You're my boyfriend. Of course you can." Yang responds and Cy smiles. Cy stands up, putting his manga in the bag pack and stands up. Both Cy and Yang hold hands and walks away. They reach Yang's normal path, however whilst it looks beautiful and lively on the outside, Cy got a glimpse of what is in the inside, it looks dark, alone and like it was never properly grown. Cy is aware of how Yang is, she never got a proper childhood, aside from what they did together like play games, she was like the mother of the house ever since Summer died and Raven left. Cy then has an idea.

"Hey Yang, why not take a different path?" Cy suggests.

"What? Why?" Yang wonders.

"Trust me. You'll like this one. Come on." Cy then walks with Yang to a different pathway, sure it's longer, but it's mind blowing in how it looks.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"We should have reached it now." says Cy as they did get in a perfect view of the pathway. What Yang sees is a beautiful valley way, with waterfalls, trees that look like we're perfectly taken care of and flowers everywhere. Yang has no idea how to even process or react "Come on." Yang then begins to follow Cy. The first thing that passes as she walks are pedals flying off. Yang begins to get this weird sentiment, a feeling she never had, it just began to encourage her to run.

"Let's play tag!" says Yang as she taps Cy.

"Oh come on!" Cy chases after Yang into another forest, just as beautiful as The Valley. Yang then disappears in Cy's view "Yang?!" Cy is then playfully tackled by Yang onto steady hill, as they both begin to roll down. They reached the ground with Yang on top.

"You're it again." Yang boops Cy's nose, then runs of.

"Again?!" Cy gets up and chases Yang again.

Cy and Yang are now at an amazing view of a waterfall, so they take a selfie together then they appreciate the view for a few minutes.

Cy now carrying Yang on his back and Yang seems really sleepy. Yang feels so whole, like a piece that was missing is now fixed. In fact she felt like that ever since Cy saved her from the bullies.

"Thank you, Cy." says Yang as tears of happiness appear.

"You're welcome Yang." Cy responds.

Cy and Yang have reached Yang's house.

"We're here." says Cy as he gently places Yang on the ground and opens the door for her.

"Thanks again." says Yang as she enters "what would you like to do after the dance?"

"How about we just hang out?"

"Why not go to a hotel for some 'fun'." Yang suggests as Cy blushes.


"Are you thinking about me? Why are you such a perv?" Yang teases.

"Oh come on! I'm not the pervert right now! You're always such a pain!..." Cy responds "See ya love."

"Yeah. Looking forward to tonight." Cy and Yang then share a kiss as then leaves.

(Pause song)

Cy is now walking in the middle of the woods. He then hears some noise in the woods, such as branches being cracked and leaves rustling.

"Show yourself!" says Cy.

"Alright." says someone. Cy is in shock, it sounded like a Grimm, but no Grimm can even talk, not to mention in such fluent English. As the source of the talk shows up, it's a Human but looks a lot like a Beowulf.

"What?!" Cy wonders as several Grimm, ranging from Ursa to Nevermoores, show up.

"You might be wondering what I am." says the Human Grimm "you see, I am in the semi final stage of Grimm evolution. It varies depending on the Grimm, how it acts and more, however I was able to evolve to be more like a human. Now, for business, you might be wondering why I am here."

"Someone just needs to see what you're capable of. After these 13 years." The Human Grimm responds as Cy widens his eyes.

"What happened 13 years ago to be very important?" Cy asks.

"Oh, she never told you. Never mind. Kill him." The Human Grimm orders the other Grimm. The Grimm then charge at Cy.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Cy smirks as the Grimm charge towards him. A Nevermoore shoots it's feathers down at Cy. At the very last few seconds, Cy activates his boot enhancement and runs on the nearest feather, jumping onto and avoiding other feathers in the process. Once Cy got close, he swings his sword at the Nevermoore's head and pushes it back, then his sword glows, resulting into him firing a beam of lightning and fire at the Nevermoore and cutting it in half in the process. As another Nevermoore is about to attack Cy, Cy seemingly disappears then the next thing seen is the Nevermoore being pushed into the air and the Death Stalker being punched into the ground by Cy, now with the boxing glove enhancement. As Beowulf charges at Cy for a quick slash, Cy blocks it with his shield, then switches to a giant sword to slice it in half, then the giant sword glows and Cy does horizontal slash, resulting into the same lightning and fire beam. Cy switches to a shorter sword then does the same thing like he did with the long sword, but this time vertically, combining both beams, causing a cross like beam attack, causing a massive crater that kills several Grimm. Taking things up close and personal, Cy switches to the boxing gloves and punches in the face the King Taijitu, then proceeds to do a combo at it, then cutting its head off with his hammer. Cy looks behind him and uses his rope dart on the last Beowulf standing. Once the rope dart hit the Beowulf's chest, Cy brings the Beowulf towards him then uppercuts it's head off.

(Pause song)

"Now you..." Cy points at the human looking Grimm.

"Amazing job. You're stronger than anticipated. Now let me show you what I got."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The Human Grimm blitzes Cy's reaction speed then punches him in the face, sending Cy through several trees.

"Come on!" The Human Grimm is seen catching up to Cy, then kicking Cy in the gut then into the air. As the Human Grimm then jumps towards Cy, Cy is seen with yellow eyes and punches the Human Grimm in the face and causes a crater.

As the Human Grimm stands up and pants, Cy is seen on the Human Grimm's right, ready to fire a sword beam with his giant sword. The Human Grimm tries to punch Cy away, but Cy disappears and is now behind the Human Grimm, still firing the sword beam. The Human Grimm is able to stop it using his own force  and just crushes it. Cy switches to a katana and does stab, however the Human Grimm stops him using his hand and kicks Cy in the gut, launching Cy far away to several trees, then smoke appears.

(Pause song)

"You're more Grimm like than expected of you." says the Human Grimm, as he then powers up a bit and walks towards the smoke. The smoke is then disrupted, revealing Cy in blue eyes this time, his bracelet glowing, with then some blue aura going around him "Hm... that's it? Just glowing eyes and power level increases? Because that what your semblance seems to do. It increases your strength, speed and more. I was told that you have a phase 1 where it's 2 times your base, but this one you used was 8 times your base. However, with increase in power levels, you become more Grimm like as presented. I was never told of a 3rd phase and where you're all calm... is it a power decrease? If so, your Semblance isn't even good." Cy raises an eyebrow.

"Do you really think it's my Semblance? Or that it makes me weaker? Why not test it for yourself?" Cy said it all in calm and casual voice.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

As the Human Grimm charges at Cy and is about to punch, Cy doesn't seem to put up his own defenses. Once the Human Grimm got close to punch Cy, Cy raises his arm to block the attack. The disturbance in the air caused a crater to happen like from a nuclear bomb that can be seen several miles away. Cy and the Human Grimm then jump away from each other "Nice block. Seems like the only thing that increased were your defenses, because if it weren't for it, I would have completely destroyed you. You should be glad for that, because now I can now kill you without needing to worry about you attacking me back." The Human Grimm then just runs towards Cy and is about to throw another punch. Cy is ready to block and once he did, the same crater was caused. As the Human Grimm throws more punches, Cy blocks them all and even more craters are caused "Nice one!" The Human Grimm is about to slash at Cy using his claws, however Cy disappears completely, now seen at the top of a mountain "that won't work fool!" The Human Grimm is about to slash at Cy again, however Cy just jumps back to the ground. Cy is now seen just looking at the ground, without any defenses up as the Human Grimm is about to slash at Cy with full power. Cy just raises a single finger to block it, once he did, he cancelled the Human Grimm's slash.

(Pause song)

"What?! You weren't even trying!" says the Human Grimm.

"My turn." Cy then just flicks the Human Grimm's forehead and sends it flying away, like skipping stone. The Human Grimm gets back up and is seeing Cy waking towards him "You're wrong about this form. I rarely use it but this increases my stats. By how much you may ask? By 10 000 times that." The Human Grimm has the face like his jaw dropped "Remember this craters that occurred?"

*back to when the crater was caused*

"They were all me." Cy is saying the honest truth, and the Human Grimm realizes it as well "Wondered as well how I was able to react to your attacks without even trying?"

*Cy blocking the slash*

"I kind of get a sixth sense, to where I can predict your attacks then my body reacts to it all on its own."

(Video time 1:12)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

"What the fuck?!" The Human Grimm doesn't know how to react.

"Now, let the fun begin." Cy stands still and powers up as the ground begins to shake, like a powerful Earthquake. Cy then runs at the Human Grimm at full speed. The Human Grimm then noticed Cy was right next to him, with his giant sword with the beam attack about to fire. The Human Grimm couldn't even react as Cy just fires the beam and completely incinerated him completely "Ops, too much energy fired." Cy reverts back to his base form "I should have probably held back a little." Cy then walks away back to his home.

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