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The next day at Beacon

"So what do we do now?" Ruby asked in a slightly depressed tone after since Torchwick escaped last night.

"Well we could try to track down the mystery man that Ren fought." Yang suggested to her saddened sister.

"That's not really a bad idea but we have no where to look." Blake told the rest of her team.

"So we should just focus on the tournament and stop trying to hunt down criminals." Weiss argues with her teammates.

"I guess Weiss has a point, we do keep attracting the attention of criminals every year." Ruby admitted as she stared at the ground.

"Well who will take care of them if we don't?" Blake asked them all being slightly angry at the heiress.

"The actual hunters will or the police, why should we have to risk our lives doing other people's jobs?" Weiss argues with their Faunus teammate.

"Blake, she has a point we should just try to be normal students for the rest if this year." Yang says trying to settle the argument the two were having.

"Fine bit maybe we should call team CFVY so they can at least try to keep some tabs on Roman." Blake suggest to her partner.

"That's probably a good idea, I'll send them a message to them tomorrow." Yang agrees as soon as their scrolls buzz, reviving a message.

Teams RWBY, PNR, and CRDL
There is a hoard of Grimm gathering in the Emerald Forest, meet at the launch pads and be ready to eliminate them at all costs.

"What's the big deal if they gather in the Emerald Forest, there aren't any dangerous Grimm there it's just Ursa and Beowolves." Weiss comments as they go to the locker rooms to retrieve their weapons, meeting team PNR along the way.

"Hey are you guys wondering why we are being sent to the forest too?" Ruby asks as they enter the locker room.

"A little, mostly because the Grimm aren't very strong and the first years could probably handle this meaning that it must be an exceptionally large group of Grimm." Pyrrah answered as she grabbed Miló and Akoúo from her locker.

"It shouldn't be to hard as long as we stay as a group." Ruby adds as they all finish retrieving their weapons and head to the launch pads.

Meanwhile with Jaune

Jaune was currently tracking a small pack of Beowolves who were heading deep into the Emerald Forest.

'Jaune why aren't you just killing them, you've been meaning to test out that new weapon?' Tukson asked as Jaune continued to follow them.

'Because the dust in the cartridge can only be used once and it might be possible that they will lead us to a larger group to eliminate.' Jaune answered his ghostly companion.

'And why do you have to eliminate all the Grimm in this area?' Tukson asked him.

'Because if I don't they will be a threat when possibly one of the most dangerous Grimm in existence makes it's way to Remnant.' Jaune replied being slightly annoyed with Tukson.

Jaune had then followed them for awhile longer until he saw then enter a large clearing full of Grimm, with a lot of them having heavy bone plates or large bones coming out from their backs.

'Well this might be a little difficult.' Jaune said as he watched the hoard of Grimm.

At the cliffs

The teams had arrived to see team CRDL and professor Ozpin waiting for them.

"Took you guys long enough." Cardin said in a mocking tone as they arrived.

"Mr.Winchester please save your disputes until this endeavor is over with." Ozpin told the arrogant hunter in training.

"So what exactly are we dealing with?" Ren asked as he took Stormflower out from his sleeves.

"Grimm have been gathering rapidly in the forrest for the past few hours with their numbers currently around 60 to 70 with almost all of them seeming to have heavy bone plating around them." Ozpin told the boy.

"But how is that possible the school does yearly exterminations of the Grimm in the forrest so they can hold initiation every year?" Weiss asked him.

"It seems rather odd, it's as if the Grimm have gotten tremendously stronger in the past week alone." Ozpin replied to her.

"Okay so you'll be sending us a certain distance away from them and then we gather to eliminate the threat." Ruby said to the professor as she got on a pad.

"That is correct Mrs.Rose. You will be sent two miles south of the Grimm so don't propel yourself or you may land right on top of them, then you will gather and discuss a plan to remove the Grimm from the area." Ozpin told them as they got on to the panels.

They were then launched into the forrest and landed in a matter of minutes. After several more minutes they found each other and began to formulate a plan to eliminate the Grim.

"Ok team CRDL since you all have close range weapons you will be guarding the ranged users before we begin a charge on the enemy. The people who will be firing at a distance will be Ruby, Nora, and myself. The rest of you will be flanking the Grimm on the left side of the clearing and when our group starts a frontal assault you will begin your attack. When we engage in close quarters Nora, Cardin, and Yang will target the Grimm with the most plating while Ren, Blake, Russel, and Dove will be attacking the faster ones leaving Ruby, Sky, Weiss and me to take care of the rest. Do you all agree to this plan." Pyrrah stated while drawing in the dirt with the tip of Miló in spear form to show them the plan.

"Well it seems like the best plan we have so we better get moving." Cardin said as they all nodded in agreement.

"Okay then let's move." Pyrrah ordered as they started to get in position.

When Ruby, Pyrrah, and Nora positioned themselves in the trees team CRDL stood in some bushes to watch the Grimm. The three huntresses then began to open fire with Ruby and Pyrrah picking a few off one by one while Nora fired an onslaught of pink grenades. After the first shots were fired the Grimm began to charge to the tree line where they were at.

"Move!" Pyrrah shouted as she shifted Miló into sword form and began the charge as the second group emerged from their position.

As they approached the hoard they split up to attack their targeted Grimm.

Nora, Yang, and Cardin had started to attack some large Ursa with bone plating on their front paws and back. Nora had used her hammer to send one flying in Cardin's direction who used his mace to finish it off while Yang was hammering into one with a barrage of hits from Ember Celica. Cardin then used the dust in his mace to create a wall of fire to make sure no more Grimm could join the fight. Nora then jumped and swung Magnhild onto an Ursa then fired a dust grenade into it causing it to explode. Meanwhile Yang was fighting three of them who had decided to charge at her. Yang swiftly dodged but as she finished she noticed some of her hair was cut off.

"Ok no more nice Yang!" She growled angrily as her semblance activated creating flames around her.

She then quickly moved to each Ursa and punched holes into their chests with her gauntlets.

"Should we help her?" Cardin asked awkwardly as he and Nora battered some of the Ursa.

"Nah she'll be fine." Nora replied as she hit one into the fire.

Meanwhile Ren, Blake, Russel, and Dove were striking at some of the lightly armored Beowolves. Russel and Dove were cutting through them with their daggers and sword while Ren and Blake were dodging and shooting the rest.

Blake was currently making clones with some fire dust to make some of the Beowolves explode while Ren was using his acrobatics to leap over them while firing into them from all sides.

"Jeez those two are way out of our league huh." Russel commented as he spread some fire dust into his daggers and slashed at some more Grimm.

"That just means we need to train harder." Russel said as he stabbed his sword into a Beowolf's chest and fired the sword's pistol attachment to send it flying off.

Blake and Ren were still easily maneuvering their way through the Grimm and picking them off easily either by stabbing or shooting them.

"Ren watch out!" Blake called as she used Gambol shroud to move him away from a Beowolf that had tried to attack him from behind.

"Thanks." Ren said to her as he shoot the Beowolf with his pistols.

Ruby, Weiss Pyrrah and Sky were having the hardest time though. Since Cardin made a wall of fire it left most of the Grimm for the other groups.

"That idiot he shouldn't have caused that fire, now they are after us." Weiss groaned angrily as she put a glyph down to send herself flying toward a Grimm then stabbing it in the chest.

"It's fine we can handle it." Pyrrah said as she cut through several of them with Miló in sword form.

"That's easy for you to say!" Sky complained while skewering a Beowulf with his halberd.

"Would you just calm down." Ruby told Sky as she used her semblance to behead several Beowolves with her scythe.

Back to Jaune

Jaune was watching as the teams were obliterating the Grimm with ease while siting in a tree with his bow in hand.

'Jeez I don't even think I need to help.' Jaune says being surprised by how his freinds were fighting.

'But they can't keep this up forever so you better intervene.' Tukson suggested to the blonde hero.

'Fine but I should probably leave my hood up so they don't get to distracted when I start fighting.' Jaune tells the ghost as he readies a fire dust arrow.

Jaune then releases his hand sending the arrow flying right into the back of an Ursa that then exploded creating a fiery corpse. Jaune then but his bow away and ran forward drawing Crocea Mors from it's leather sheath and started to slash his way through several Beowolves and Ursa. Meanwhile Cardin's fire wall started to die down and everyone could see the hooded stranger who was slicing through Grimm with ease.

"Who's that?" Ruby asks Pyrrah as the two kill more oncoming Grimm.

"I don't know but at least he's helping us." She saws while stabbing a Grimm with her sword.

Jaune could hear their conversation while slaughtering some more Grimm and was a little glad that they hadn't recognized him yet.

'Oh man when they see who I am I'm so dead.' Jaune though to himself.

An Ursa then knocked Jaune's sword away and was about to slash him with his claw only for Jaune to quickly grab his retractable blade from the back of his belt and stab it into the chest of the Ursa. He then activated the dust that sent several volts of electricity into the Ursa causing it to slump to the ground instantly as it died. Jaune then rolled over to his sword and picked it up while butting his blade away.

"Jeez that guy is tearing through them." Yang commented to Nora as the two killed an Ursa Major.

Nora was to busy to talk though when another Ursa came only to be hammered by Nora.

Currently there were only about 16 Grimm left and they were starting to drop like flies.

The three teams met back up to make a final strike at the Grimm to finish them off while Jaune had been getting ready to charge at the Grimm with his sword again.

"Okay let's finish this." Pyrrah orders as the teams and Jaune charge forward.

The remaining Grimm were were sliced through like a hot knife through butter until one was left which was a large menacing Ursa Major that started to be covered in some odd kind off black dust coming off the bodies of the dead Grimm. The Ursa then began to grow in size and acquired more bone plates as it towered over the hunters in training.

"Oh shit." Jaune said as he got ready with his sword.

Meanwhile Yang, Ren, and Blake started to fire at it immediately after it grew only scratching it's skin and bouncing off it's armor.

"Guys be careful." Pyrrah said as she readied her sword.

Jaune then dashed forward and jumped onto the Ursa, then stabbed it with his sword only being able to dig it a few inches into it's body as he was thrown off.

The teams then charged at it lashing at the Ursa with their weapons only to stop as it threw them in several directions and then let out a primal roar.

"Okay that's it." Jaune said to himself as he channeled some of Tukson's aura and his own into his sword, giving it a light greenish glow.

He then attacked the Ursa for the last time as he made a large gash in its chest sending it to the ground and then stabbed it in the throat to make sure it wouldn't get up again.

But as soon as he looked at the teams he failed to notice that his hood had fallen off of his head.

"Jaune?" He heard a voice say in a questioning manner.

'Oh shit.' Jaune thought to himself as he finally realized his hood was down.

And cliffhanger. Sorry everybody but you'll have to wait till I'm done editing for me to make a new chapter.

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