The 'funeral'

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The airships were arriving back at Beacon after everyone had succeeded in their missions.

Weiss and Cardin were immediately brought to Ozpin to discuss what happened to Jaune.

"Well would one of you two like to tell me why Mr.Arc isn't here?" Ozpin asked in a serious and frightful tone.

"Wa..Well we encountered the enemy and we each got separated by the Ursa and after the battle was over all we could find was Jaune's shield and some pools of blood. But after doing a count of the eliminated Ursa we determined that one had gotten away and had killed him sir." Weiss stammered out as she started to tear up.

"Well then this will be a problem." Ozpin said while thinking to himself.

'Ha those acting classes father made me take actually paid off.' Weiss thought to herself, realizing that they had gotten away with it.

"I will hold an assembly in a couple hours until then I will be taking Mr.Arc's shield and neither of you are to speak of this." Ozpin said as he dismissed the two.

They then left to go meet back up with their own teams and see how their missions went.

Weiss went back to her dorm to see the rest of the members of team RWBY relaxing on their beds.

"Hey Weiss, what did you have to do for your mission?" Ruby asked as she sat up on her bed.

"We had to hunt down a pack of Ursa, what did you all do?" Weiss questioned trying to change the subject.

"Well my team got to hunt down a pack of Beowolves that were hiding in the forest." Ruby spoke up as she looked at the other two to see what they did.

"Ours was pretty easy, we only had to kill a small group of Boarbatusk that were in a cave." Blake told them being unemotional as always.

"Man you guys got lucky, we had to kill a small group of Beowolves but on the way back we ran into a King Taijitu that really gave us a run for our money." Yang said as she laid down on the bed to relax.

"Would all first year students meet in the assembly room for an announcement." Ozpin's voice said as it rang out over the intercom.

"Huh I wonder what that's about?" Ruby wondered as they started to leave.

"Don't worry sis he is probably just congratulating everyone." Yang assured her as the exited their dorm and saw the three members of team JNPR.

"Hey guys do you know where Jauney went?" Nora chirped in her always happy attitude.

"Sorry but he said he had to go do something when we got back." Weiss told her giving them an explanation as to why their leader wasn't here.

They had then arrived in the assembly room to see Ozpin standing behind a podium with Mrs.Goodwitch standing next to him.

"Hello students, I guess you are all wondering why I have called you all here? Well I have called you here for two reasons. One, is to congratulate you all for completing your missions even though you were partnered with new people. But the second piece of news is to inform you that we had lost a student during the missions." Ozpin stated as everyone gasped and looked worried.

"Unfortunately Jaune Arc had been killed during his team's mission and the only thing we were able to salvage was his family shield." Ozpin continued as he held up Jaune's scratched up shield.

Immediately teams RWBY and the remaining members if team JNPR had been shocked to say the least and their reactions were varied.

Pyrrah and Ruby began to cry because neither of them had gotten to tell Jaune how they felt about him.

Yang had immediately started to try and comfort Ruby.

Ren was depressed and started to mope while comforting a bawling Nora.

Blake didn't really know how to feel since she never really talked to him.

And Weiss had acted as if she was sad and depressed that one of her freinds were killed.

"Also I would like to ask if team JNPR would meet me in my office later to discuss the situation." Ozpin said as he left the stage.

Later team JNPR went to Ozpin's office to see what he wanted.

"Okay you will have two options on what will happen with your team. Option one is to replace Jaune with an applicant who did not get accepted into Beacon..." Ozpin was explaining only for Pyrrah to cut him off.

"No we are not replacing Jaune he was our leader and no one can replace him!" Pyrrah shouted as she wiped some tears from her face.

"Okay then your second option is to work with another team from now on when you go on missions." Ozpin told them as he sat back in his chair.

"So what will happen to Jaune's shield and the rest off his stuff?" Ren asked since he was currently the one who was the least distraught.

"We will send a letter to his family and ask what they would like to keep, and what they do not claim you may have." Ozpin said as he began to write the letter.

"Thank you sir we will leave now" Ren said as they left his office to go back to their dorm.

When they walked back they saw that team RWBY had their room open and they could see Ruby crying into Yang's shoulder.

"Oh it's okay Ruby everything will be ok." Yang told her while patting her back.

"So are you all going to be ok?" Ren asked poking his head into the room.

"You guys should be more worried about yourselves, you just lost your leader so I wouldn't be trying to comfort us." Weiss told him as she pushed him into team JNPR's dorm.

A week later Ozpin called the two teams into his office again.

"Okay the first order of business is to inform you that your teams will now be working together on missions from now on. And I would like to inform team JNPR that Jaune's parents decided to take most of his possessions, except they left you his shield that I had fixed." Ozpin told the groups.

"So we are going to be working with them now for all the missions we are assigned?" Ruby asked as she pointed to the remaining members on JNPR.

"Yes that is correct, so I suggest you all be prepared for what Beacon has in store for you over the next couple of years." Ozpin said as he took a drink from his coffee and dismissing the teams.

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