The mission begins

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Morning at Beacon

Jaune had just woken up with the rest of his team who were now getting ready for the day.

"Ok while you three get your gear packed I'll go check if team RWBY is awake." Jaune told his teammates as he walked across the hall to get team RWBY.

Meanwhile at the air shuttle at Beacon.

Team CFVY had just gotten off of an airship and the team started walking toward the school.

"So what is it that Ozpin is having us do again?" Fox asked while walking behind Coco.

"He wants us to join up with two teams here at Beacon and eliminate a couple large groups of Grimm around Vale, and Fox at least try to listen next time we get briefed so we don't have to repeat it for you got it." Coco said, being a little agitated after having to repeat the mission to him.

"Sorry, I'll listen next time." Fox said nervously and then muttered something under his breath about how bossy she was being.

"Did he tell us what teams we were working with?" Yatsuhashi said with a blank face.

"Um...Yeah he said that we will be working with team RWBY and team JNPR for the mission." Coco answered, slightly surprised that the silent member of their team talked.

"Don't you mean team PNR?" Velvet asked sadly, because she had heard of Jaune disappearing about two years ago.

"No, Velvet apparently they found their leader earlier this week and he will be accompanying us on the mission." Coco said with a slight smile, knowing that the news would cheer her up.

Velvet then had a small smile on her face while she thought about talking to the one who protected her from Cardin and his team during her second year at Beacon.

Back at Beacon

Jaune had just knocked at the door and waited awhile until he heard no response.

'Are they still asleep?' Jaune thought to himself as he knocked louder, and then started to hear movement in the room.

The door then opened slowly as a sleepy looking Yang opened the door dressed in her pajamas while yawning.

"What is it Vomit boy?" She asked sleepily and stretched an arm above her head.

"We need to get ready for the mission, why are you guys still asleep?" Jaune asked quickly as he saw her eyes widen as she slammed the door and went to wake the rest of her team.

'Great, now we're probably going to be late to meet with team CFVY.' Jaune thought to himself as he walked back to his team's dorm. He then opened the door and saw that his team was already packed for the mission.

"So is team RWBY ready to go?" Pyrrah asked as she lifted a dark red backpack off her bed, and prepared to leave.

"No they're not, they just woke up." Jaune sighed, as he went to grab his supplies.

"How long until you think they'll be packed?" Ren asked curiously, while he slid his guns into the sleeves of his cloths.

"Probably about twenty minutes or so." Jaune estimated, as a loud knock was heard on their door.

Jaune walked over to answer the door only for it to burst open with team RWBY on the other side with several hastily packed bags of equipment for the mission.

"Ok we're ready to go." Ruby sighed as her and her team stood at the door, catching their breaths after packing.

A few minutes later in Ozpin's office

The three teams had gathered in the large office and were ready to embark on their mission.

"Now that you are all here I can go over the specific details of your mission, thank to Mr.Arc we now know that the Grimm in Remnant will be stronger and bolder with each passing week, so I will be sending you to take out large Grimm nests that have been located by some of our hunters which they deemed to be threat if their population grows larger. You will be going North to destroy three Grimm nests, the numbers in each nest are unknown so be careful, now I will send the coordinates of each nest to your scrolls when you leave. Farewell and good luck." Ozpin ended in a cold and serious tone as the teams gathered up and left the room.

Outside Beacon

"So which nest are we going to hit first?" Pyrrah asked as they all opened their scrolls.

When they opened the file Ozpin sent them they saw three red dots on a map displaying where the nests were.

"Let's see what we may have to go up against with the closest one then work our way up." Coco said as they clicked on the dot that was closest to Vale.

When they pressed it a picture came up of a large cave along with a small file.

"Ok so they've spotted several young Death Stalkers exiting the cave when they scouted it, meaning that we will be dealing with them along with a few fully grown ones." Coco said as she read the file.

"We definitely need to get rid off that one since it posses such a big threat." Jaune added as most of the others nodded in agreement.

"Then it's settled we will eliminate the Death Stalkers first and then move on to the next one, let's move out." Coco said in a slightly commanding tone as everyone put their scrolls away and started to leave Vale.

In a forrest North of Vale

The teams had just left Vale and were walking in the direction of the cave with Coco, Nora, Yatsuhashi, and Yang in the front of the group, Weiss, Ruby, Ren, and Fox in the back and Jaune, Blake, Pyrrah, and Velvet in the center.

They continued walking until the sun started to go down and they set up camp.

"Okay every one we will have multiple people on watch during each shift, and at least one Faunus will be in each one so Blake, Fox, and Velvet you three will need to take multiple shifts got it." Coco explained with everyone gathered around the fire pit they had set up.

"So who should take the first watch?" Jaune asked looking around the fire for anyone who would volunteer.

"I'll go first." Blake said mildly as the group looked toward her.

"Ok thank you, and since you went first how about you pick who will stay up with you." Coco said nicely to the cat Faunus.

"Hmmm I guess I'll go with Pyrrah and Ren." Blake said earning a grunt from Nora, who had talked about sharing a tent with Ren on the way through the forest.

"That's fine, now everyone set up your tents and I guess Fox, Jaune, and Ruby will take the next shift in two hours." Coco said as she started to set up her tent along with everyone else.

Everyone had their tents set up in a matter of minutes, except team RWBY who were still going through their stuff.

"Who was supposed to pack the tents?" Yang asked the rest of her team while looking through the rest of her bag.

"Weiss I thought I told you to do it." Ruby said in a slightly upset tone.

"Well this wouldn't of happened if we woke up on time." Weiss argued after she realized that she forgot to pack them.

"Hey are you guys still setting up?" Jaune asked curiously as he approached the three members of the team.

"No, we left our tents at Beacon." Ruby sighed as she looked down at the forest floor.

"Well I guess two of you could sleep in the tent Nora brought since she keeps insisting on sharing one with Ren." Jaune told them as he continued to think where the other two would sleep.

"Maybe the other two can just share tents with you and Pyrrah." Ruby suggested with a slight blush on her face that went unnoticed.

"I guess that would be fine but who's going with who?" Jaune asks the three.

"Well Ruby and I should take Nora's extra tent while Weiss takes Pyrrah's and Blake can share with you since those two are on first shift." Yang said while Ruby made a quiet grumbling noise that also went unnoticed by the others.

"Fine I'll go tell the rest of my team then." Jaune said as he went to tell the rest of his team the sleeping arrangements.

The first shift had gone by quickly with no problems and the three had then woken up Jaune, Fox, and Ruby for their shift after Jaune and Ruby explained the sleeping arrangements with their teammates who were done with their shift.

"So any idea on how we are going to get rid of the Grimm in the cave?" Ruby asked the other two as they were watching the perimeter.

"Well I would say that we would need to lure out some of the juvenile Death Stalkers and have our teammates with heavy weapons take them out." Jaune suggested while Fox remained silent.

"I guess that seems like a good idea but we should..." Ruby was saying only to be interrupted by Fox.

"Shhh Be quiet." He interrupted as he motioned over to a small pack of Boarbastuck that were getting close to the camp.

"What do you think we should do?" Ruby asked after taking out Cresent Rose in scythe form.

"We should try to take them out silently so we don't alert any other Grimm in the area." Fix whispered as he readied his gauntlets and Jaune drew his sword.

"Got it Fox you can take the ones closer to the camp while we flank them from the sides." Jaune said as they moved to attack the Grimm.

Fox had landed in front of them and got into his fighting stances while the Boarbastuck were taken by surprise and prepared to charge. Two of the pig like Grimm ran at Fox at full speed only for him to grab one by it's tusks and throw it at the other sending them back to the pack of Grimm. Then Jaune and Ruby appeared from the sides and started to cut through some of the Grimm while Fox made his way over to them by crushing the Boarbastuck with several heavy hits from his gauntlets. After a few more minutes of killing the remaining Grimm the three headed back to the camp to continue their watch.

The rest of the night was uneventful and eventually the sun rose and the teams were packing up to move on.

"We will be nearing the Grimm nest by noon so everyone needs to be prepared, also we will be devising the plan to eliminate said nest when we get close to the cave so anyone with a plan of attack will give their suggestions when we get there." Coco told everyone as they finished packing and moved on.

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