Holding A Crows Tongue

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*Winter's POV*

I just wanted to strangle him pulling a stunt like that wasn't smart and highly unprofessional! If I didn't have a prestige reputation to uphold I would have smacked the smirk off his face, unfortunately, I did have a reputation to uphold and he wasn't going to ruin it for me. Of all people Qrow was definitely not going to ruin this for me.

Qrow:"You gonna hit me or something or just keep staring?" he asked with a smile that was playful, or just drunk? who knew, honestly.

I was so tempted to slap him but I couldn't risk being caught slapping another agent by an advisor, or soldier or even the general himself. So as usual, I gave my opponent a disapproving look, and walked away.

Qrow:"Walking away as usual, I expected something different, considering none of your commanding officers are here" he said with a drunken slur almost rolling off his lips. 

My back was to him but I knew there was his little smirk playing on his lips, it infuriated me, I did not deserved to be mocked! 

Winter: "Qrow......" I started off silently, a sad tone I did not intend appeared to hang in the air.

Qrow:"Yeah ice queen?" his tone still sarcastic but mixed with, sympathy? 


I had to leave, i was most likely wanted somewhere else.

Winter:"If you can't hold your tongue about Atlas and its affairs then I will not hesitate to jump in and show you how" harshness didn't arrive with my sentence like planned. I don't know why but I was okay with this. I'm probably just tired, it has been a long day.

Qrow: "Heh, I'll try" he acknowledged tiredly, and drunkenly.

 I kept my back to him as he left the room. As I heard the metal door of the side room slide closed, I sighed. Talking to Qrow was always tiring, but today seemed to be worse than usual. Him blabbing about Atlas confidential plans in public was unnecessary, the idiot! As I was about to leave the room I heard a beep from my pocket.

*Qrow's POV*

Qrow: "Look I just need you to keep an eye on her, she has important information" I said quietly, no one had to know I was following the princess around.

???:"Information? Righttttttttttt, this isn't because you're never drunk enough to ask her out right?" The voice snickered.

Qrow:"No it's not, look she's been off lately and I know it has to do with Atlas. Just tell me if you find anything" I looked around, making sure no one had heard.

???:"Sure,what am I here for if I can't track a down a girl for you, am I right?" a chuckle erupted from the other line. 

I ended our phone call, a disapproving look on my face.


P.S Tell me if you like this pairing and if you want me to continue this or any other RWBY pairings you want a fanfic of

P.P.S (why do I love this pairing so much?)

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