Red Eyed Quarrel

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*Winter's POV*

It had gone from a civil meeting to two animals fighting each other. 

Yang: "Oh what, c'mon, why not!?" The blonde said outraged.

Qrow: "It's dangerous" Qrow said as he took a step towards his now red eyed niece.

Qrow was obviously not afraid of his nieces semblance, although from what I'd heard he should be. 

I insisted myself on intervening but the fizzling of the blondes hair striked a pang of fear across me, I had seen what powerful and uncontrollable semblances could do to those who crossed them. Intentions good or evil.

I shook off my thoughts and once again placed my eyes back onto the conversation. The first thing I noticed was the girls fists had tightened, as her eyes had somehow grown a deeper shade of red.

Qrow kept on a confident and calm demeanor, either he was still pretty drunk or he had faced the blonde before. I had a gut feeling it was a messy mix of both.

Winter: "Alright it's getting late so let me propose a solution" I said loudly as I stepped towards the two.

They both went silent, now looking at me. Two pairs of red eyes looming over me. One pair looking with anger and one with curiosity.

Winter: "Yang will be helping us" I said firmly, I could already see Qrow flinch at my statement getting ready to protest, "but" I said sharply as I eyed Qrow "Only with one or more of us covering you at all times" I added turning towards Yang.

I expected a protest form one or two of the hot heads but it never came, instead they both looked at eachother nodding in agreement before turning back to me.

Yang: "Well" Yang said suddenly, "I better get back to my dorm before the others start wondering where I am, especially Blake" she added on with a smile and a playful eye roll. "Welp, have fun you two and remember to keep me in the loop" she said pointing a finger at the both of us before starting to walk back towards the dorm rooms.

Winter: "Blake is one of their teammates correct?" I asked Qrow curiously.

Qrow: "Yeah, Yang's girlfriend actually" he said with a smile, he was obviously happy for Yang, making me smile softly.

Before I could continue the conversation my scroll beeped.

I hurriedly pulled it out looking at my new message, by just my luck it was Ironwood asking me to return to the ships immediately and to give an explanation of my whereabouts when I arrived.

I started to think of ways to explain my long absence before a voice snapped me out of my thoughts. Qrow's voice. 

Qrow: "You know I don't like this" he said pulling out his flask to tumble it in his hands.

I looked at him in thought, I understood his point I didn't want my sister going near any of this stuff and he wanted the same for his niece. I decided to comfort the man for once instead of leaving him to do it himself.

Winter: "Your niece is right, we need her strength in order for the plan to work" I said matter of factly, Qrow looked down at the ground in thought,"she won't get hurt...I promise" I reassured, placing my free hand on his arm.

His eyes quickly shifted to look down at my hand. I let go.

Qrow blinked, his intense eyes once again shifting, this time falling onto my scroll. He immediately noticed that Ironwood was the one who had messaged me, he smiled, moving his head to signal I could go. 

I put my scroll away and nodded, turning around and walking away in silence towards Beacons exit.

Qrow: "Since when did you get so handsy?" Qrow whispered to himself. 

I hesitated in my next step. The man stayed quiet for a second out of shock that I could have heard him only to be cut in by his light chuckling. I could already picture him grinning with the chance that he was biting his lip, something he'd been doing a lot lately.

The image only added to the red tint on my face.

A/N IT HAS BEEN A MONTH SINCE I'VE UPDATED THIS HOLY CRAP I'M SO SORRY, YOU WON'T HAVE TO WAIT SO LONG FOR THE NEXT ONE I PROMISE!! (Hope you enjoyed and make sure to annoy the heck out of me if I go again without posting for so long xD)

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