Vol 1 Part 1: Welcome to Beacon

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(Third Person POV)

You and your group are flying on the bullhead destined to Beacon Academy, Dolcetto and Martel they were talking together about of the offer you accepted. while you were taking a nap Roa was silently listening to their conversation.

Dolcetto: I still do not understand why the boss accepted that offer so easily.

Martel: Do you think he only agree because he want to see his sister again?

Dolcetto: Well to be fair for the way he talk about her, it could be a posibility.

Martel: Yeah, sometimes is hard to know what greed is thinking.

Dolcetto: Especially when he made me promise not to read his mind.

Roa: You two do not see that's part of the reason.

They both turned to see Roa beside them standing and you awake in the front seats, with your usual cocky smile.

(y/n): You two need to see things from my point of view more often.

Martel: What do you mean?

(y/n): Ozpin act a little weird when i ask him about the fallen maiden.

Dolcetto: Now that you mention it, I read that blonde's mind. What was her name again?

Roa: Glynda Goodwitch.

Dolcetto: Thanks Roa, anyway i could not get much information, but apparently there are more people besides the white fang than knows about this topic.

(y/n): Exactly, they're hiding something from us and I'm going to find out and what better way to discover the secret than from inside.

Martel: Now that makes a little more sense.

Roa: But how are we going to figure it out?

(y/n): Well we have the best the best tracker in the world and he can also read minds.

Dolcetto: So the plan is just walk around from one place to another until we find something?

(y/n): Pretty much.

Martel: Hey guys we are about to land.

(Beacon Academy, your POV)

(me)(mind): Holy philosophical stone, this places is huge!!!

I know that beacon academy was a big places, but this look more like a castle than a school. The only one who is not shocked about it is Roa, he looks calm like always.

Me: Hey Roa, i remember you saying that you were here before.

Roa: Yeah, when i was working with atlas i came here once or twice.

Dolcetto: I still don't understand how did you work under general ironbone orders.

Roa: It was before the "chimera project".

Martel: Don't make me remember about that, anyway we should go to the auditorium.

We started walking towards the auditorium until there was the sound of an explosion no so far in the distance. First day an someone is already breaking this place. What kind of people you let in your school Oz?

Dolcetto: Well, someone is having fun.

Me: Yep and im going to see what happend.

Martel: Really Greed? we need to go to the auditorium. Why will you go towards where the explosion was?

Me: Well, best things happen where there was destruction before.

Roa: That is a really bad logic there.

Me: Well everything is possible. Anyway i'm going there, see you guys in the auditorium.

Martel: *sighs* Just do not get in problems with other people before the first day greed.

Me: No promises.

I start walking towards where the explosion was an i couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. There was my little sister Ruby ,while a white-haired girl kept yelling at her, probably is a Schnee for the white hair and the blue eyes. let's give Ruby a little help with this ice queen.

Schnee: Aren't you a little too young to be attending to beacon?

Me: Well ice queen, maybe is because she have more skills than what you think.

Both of them turn around to look at me and i could swear that the schnee was already throwing daggers at me.

Schnee: *angry* How did you just call me?

Me: Oh sorry, should i call you Elsa or princess?

???: I'ts heiress, actually.

We all turned to see a black haired girl with eyes of an amber color. She was holding a bottle of dust in her hand.

Black hair: Weiss Schnee, heiress to the Schnee dust company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world.

Weiss: Finally, some recognition!

Black hair: The same company infamous for its controversial forces and questionable business partners.

Me: Almost everyone in the under world knows the name of Jacques Schnee.

Weiss: What- How dare- The nerve of- UGH

Weiss glare at the Black hair girl and take the dust bottle from her hand, then she turn around and angrily storm away, but not before throwing me a death glare. Man she really needs to cold down... i just sound like fucking yang.

Ruby: I promise i'll make this up to you.

weiss didn't even turn around, Ruby then try to thank the girl with the black hair, but she already left. I see my sister fall in the floor saying "welcome to beacon" in a sad tone, this is a bad first day for her, let's make it better.

Me: Hey don't be sad flower princess, i bet that schnee girl is mean with everyone.

(Ruby POV)

There is only one person who ever call me flower princess.

(Flash back 5 years old):

I was crying on the park floor, because there were two kids making fun of me because I was wearing a crown of flowers.

Kid1: Flowers crowns are stupid.

Ruby: *Sobs* No they a-are no-ot.

Kid2: You are just a stupid babie.


I turn around towards the direction of the voice, to see my brother running where i was. The two children run out of fear while shouting coarse words.

(y/n): Ruby are you ok?

Me: *Sob* Y-yeah.

(y/n): Now why are you sad?, those idiots are gone now.

Me: They say that my crown of flowers was stupid and for babies *sob*.

(y/n): You don't look stupid with it, you look more like a princess.

Me: Huh?

(y/n): That's it!!! Ruby the flower princess!!!

Me: *giggling* Big bro you are funny.

(End of the flashback):

My eyes were getting wet from the tears I was trying to contain, but i failed and tackled my brother into a hug.

Me: Big bro!!!!

(y/n): Hahaha, miss you two Rubes.


(y/n): I tell you later, but for now please keep the secret of where i am. I really do not want to see the others.

Me: *Snif* Ok, I'm just glad that you are okay.

???: Emmmm.

We both turn to find a blonde guy with a white armor behind us.

???: Hi, Im Jaune.


More than 1000 of words, i hope you guys like it

And about the love insert i read some of the comments and decided to put velvet. I apologies if someone want another character as love insert, but maybe with the time i open a another book, who knows.


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