Vol 1 Part 13: Family fight

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(no ones POV)

Tai and Yang were standing in front of (y/n), while the rest of the RWBY team and ARMR were watching them from the spectators area. 

???: Wait a second please! 

Through the entrance, team CFVY enters the arena and they walk where (y/n) was standing.

(y/n): Why did you guys came here? This is not going to be the most enjoyable match to watch.

Coco: Velvet wanted to watch his boyfriend in action.

Velvet: COCO!!!

(y/n): Her wha-

Yatsuhashi: Actually Dolcetto told us about this fight and Velvet was worried about you. So we came to observe the fight.

Dolcetto(distance): Sorry boss! I could not resist!

Coco: Anyway, I do not think they have formally introduced us. My name is Coco handsome.

Velvet: Coco please stop!

(y/n): And my name is (y/n) the not interested.

Coco: That was a little cold.

(y/n): *tch* You should talk with the ice queen over there.

Weiss(distance): Hey!!!

Yang: I think you are forgetting the reason of why are we in the arena, instead of our dorms.

(y/n): You're so impatient to give me a beating like when I was a little kid.

Yang: Thats not what I me-

(y/n): Just kidding. But who is going to fight me?

Tai: Son please, don't do this. Can we talk about this instead?

(y/n): Now you want to talk! Where was this so caring father when I need him? Why not let our fist do the talking?

Tai: (y/n) please I'm sorry. I don't want to fight my son.


Yang's sudden outburst of anger against Tai made everyone surprised. (y/n) raised an eyebrow while Tai's face was full of pain.

Tai: W-What?



Yang: And what are you going to do then? How are you going to make it up to him for all those years of pain?

Tai: I-I...

Yang: That's what i thought... I'm going to fight you (y/n).

(an: Sorry, not sorry)

(???: Boooo, you suck!)

(back to the story)

(y/n): Are you sure about that? I ain't gonna hold anything back.

Yang: *with a determination look* I'm sure!

(y/n): Hahahaha. That is a good spirit, but let's see how far those that determination take you in this fight.

Ozpin: The rest could please go to the spectators area.

Tai left the arena with an expression of pain and regret. Team CFVY was leaving too, with the exception of Velvet who walk to the side of (y/n).

Velvet: G-Good luck.

She gave (y/n) a kiss on the cheek and leave as fast as she could. This make both of them blush really hard, while Coco and the rest of team ARMR were smirking for this.

Coco: Do not let them never forget about this.

Dolcetto/Martel/Roa: Never!

Ruby: H-Hey, stop it!

Everyone look at Ruby who was trying to think of an excuse to avoid any kind of question.

Ruby: I mean... Who do you think is going to win?

Ruby(mind): Please leave me off the hook.

Roa: Greed is going to win this fight. Yang is already in a huge disadvantage.

Ruby(mind): Oh thank oum... wait, disadvantage?

Ruby: What do you mean?

Roa: Your sister fight with her fists and a pair of gauntlets right? Well Greed has his ultimate shield to protect him from any damage. Believe me, that is not something you want to hit with your hands.

Blake: That is a really strong semblance. The ability to take any kind of damage without a scratch. 

Dolcetto: That is not his semblance kitty.

Weiss: Why do you always call her kitty?

Blake: He... Um...

Dolcetto: Is because her bow. It looks like a pair of cat ears.

Weiss: That explains why you call her like that.

Blake let out a sigh of relief and Dolcetto wink at her. Now everyone were looking at the twins who were ready to fight against each other. 

Goodwitch: The rules of the match are tha same. Once one of you reach the red zone, the fight is over. Are you ready? Start!

Yang was the first to move  and launch a fist at (y/n). He dodge her attack by moving his head to one side and then he cover his hands with "ultimate shield" ready to attack back. (y/n) throw slashes at Yang and she was doing her best to dodge them. But some of them land on her. She then jump back and shoot with her gauntlets at (y/n), but he smack the projectile deflecting it away. Yang launched herself with help of her gauntlets to increase her speed and throw an uppercut in the jaw to (y/n). She connect the hit, but after some seconds, Yang scream in pain and step back looking at her hand. It was covered with her own blood and she look at (y/n). His jaw and neck was covered with his "ultimate shield"

Ruby: YANG!

Weiss: Auch!

Tai: Yang are you okay!?

Roa: Told you.

(y/n): What happened? Did you hurt yourself?

Yang: That was worse than hitting a brick.

(y/n): As a gesture of goodwill, I will let you give me one more blow.

Yang look at her hand and close her eyes for a second, then she charge again at (y/n) and throw a fist at his face. Everything was in slow motion. The side of (y/n) where Yang was going to hit him was being covered with the "ultimate shield". Yang smirk and raised on of her legs, then she shoot her shotgun shells and hitting the covered side of (y/n). Thanks to the fire power and Yang raised leg, she manage to spin fast in a circle and hit the side of (y/n) where was not protected. This made (y/n) take some steps back and put a hand on his cheek. Some red sparkles appear on his cheek and heal the bruise.

Ruby/Velvet: (Y/N)!!!

Tai: That's my girl!

Martel: That is not enough.

Blake: But she land a hit.

Roa: Right now she must be thinking on keep using feint attacks to hit greed with his guard down. The first time I fight him i thought the same, but there is a reason why we call him the "armored dragon of greed".

Ruby: Is he going to transform into a dragon!?

Dolcetto: Em... No.

Ruby: Awww.

(y/n): Not bad Yang, not bad at all. I guess I have to play my trump card.

Yang: Huh?

(y/n) Took off his jacket and threw it away.

(y/n): But first I'm going to eat some chocolate.

(y/n) pulled a chocolate bar from his pocket and opened it to take a bite. But before he could bite the chocolate, Yang hits it away from his hands.


He tear apart his tank top, revealing a leopard tank top under it.

???: Wait, hold on. That is not what happened!

An: Come on! I have to make bad jokes!

???: Stop with the punch out jokes.

An: Fine.

(what really happened)

(y/n): Where I was... Oh right my trump card.

The whole body of (y/n) was being covered with the "ultimate shield". Once his armor was completed, he look like a complete monster.

Weiss: What is that thing!?

Martel: That is Greed.

Weiss: Now he looks more like a monster instead of a criminal!

Ruby: Don't call him a monster. Besides, I think he looks awesome!

Blake: But what is Yang going to do now? She can't hurt him now.

Tai: Ozpin stop this fight!

Ozpin: I can't. No one of them have reach the red zone.

Dolcetto: Her best option es give up. She can't win.

(your POV)

Me: So what are you going to do now Yang?

Yang said nothing as she remained silent. Her s hair began to glow and her eyes turned red, showing that she activated her semblance.

Yang: Keep fighting!

She launch herself again and hit my gut with all her strength, but I didn't even feel it. I saw on her face the pain she was trying to ignore. I throw a punch at her face and then at her gut. I try to hit her again but she dodge and throw a roundhouse kick at my face pushing me back. I charge at her and she does the same. We enter into a exchange of fists, but I was overwhelming her thanks to my semblance boost. I focus my aura on my right fist and throw a fatal blow at her stomach, the hit send Yang flying to the other side of the arena. I look at the aura bar and when I was on the greed zone with a 95%, she was on the orange zone with 16%. One more sneeze and she is out. I turn towards Yang and she was slowly limping to where I was standing, her hands were covered with her own blood and the mark of my hit was on her stomatch. When she was in front of me, Yang throw really weak punches at my chest. Some tears began to fall from her eyes like a river.

Me: Just give up.

Yang: I can't... I can't lose... my big brother... again.

I was about to finish her off with one more hit. But something unexpected happened, a very familiar voice in my head spoke to me.

???: Forgive her. You always were a kind person, my little angel.

Me(mind): M-Mom!? No way! I must be getting crazy, there is no way she-

I was wake up from my thoughts with another weak fist on the gut by Yang, she was barely standing now.

Me(mind): Guess you really regret it huh?

Yang was about to fall, but I hold her, preventing her from touching the ground and catching her in a hug. While I was holding her, my armor began to fade and I regained my normal appearance.

Me: Yang... You have lose this fight, but I have something to tell you. I forgive you.

Yang's expression of pain disappeared and was replaced by one of joy. Then she started to hug me back while I cried in my chest.

Yang: D-Does that mean?

Me: Yep. Let's take you to the infirmary sis.

Ruby: YAY!

Ruby comes out of nowhere and jumps to join the family hug. Tai was coming to and he was about to say something but I cut him out.

Me: You are still dead to me.

Tai: W-Well... At least i'm happy that Yang and Ruby have their brother back.

Me: Whatever. I'm going to take Yang to the infirmary and go to sleep.

(time skip your dorm 2 am)

Everyone was sleep besides... well, me. How did I heard Mom's voice inside me. I was snapped out of my thoughts with a text in my scroll, I open it and it was a message from Velvet.

Velvet(text): Hey (y/n). I was wondering if you... wanttohangoutsomeday!

Me(text): Like a date?

Velvet(text): W-What!? I mean... if you want to make it a date.

Me(text): Ok, send me when you are free.

Velvet(text): Ok, Good night (y/n).

Me(text): Good night Velvet.

A date with Velvet. When was the last time I ever have a decent date instead of a night of fun. Welp, better sleep now or I'll end up waking up my team with pans again.


Sorry for taking my time for this, but in some days I have to go back to my studies. But worry not, I will continue to write this.

And like always... I LOVE YOU *COUGH*

Sorry... I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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