Vol 1 Part 5: Ruins

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(Your POV)

Me and Dolcetto continue on our way further into the forest. During the trip we found some, but nothing we could not deal with. 

Me: Oi, Did Martel and Roa find each other?

Dolcetto: Yeah, Roa make a huge pillar of stone. It was kind of hard not to see it. 

Me: Good, this make things easier. How much until we arrive?

Dolcetto: *sniff the air* Three minutes of walking in a straight line.

Me: let's go!

(Time Skip at the ruins)

We arrive at this weird temple... if was for me i would have already destroy this place long time ago. There are some weird chess pieces on this pillars and it looks like we weren't the first to come here, since some of them are missing. 

Dolcetto: Chess pieces?

Me: *sigh* Nice pick for "relics" Oz.

???: aaawwww Roa, i told you to come faster.

???: This isn't a race, you know that right?

I turn around to meet my other two partners in crime. Martel seems kind of angry.



Me: Did i miss something?

Roa: *Sigh* They made a bet. Whoever make it first to the ruins wins 200 liens.

Me: Oh.

???: It seems that we are not the first ones to arrive here.

That damn voice, i turned around to find my stupid blonde sister. Beside her was the same girl with the amber eyes and that bow. Everyone was glaring at Yang, except for Dolcetto, who was glaring at the other girl. Oh oum, Yang is looking at me.

Yang: Hey hot stuff, im Yang♪

Right now is so hard to me not to throw out everything in my stomac.

Yang: What? Did the cat eat your tongue?

Me: Not interested blonde.

Yang: Aaaaaww.

Bow Girl: Hi, my name is Blake Belladonna.

Yang: And i'm Yang Xiao Long.

Roa: My name is Roa the bull.

Martel: Martel the Viper.

Me: Greed.

Dolcetto: Cat *hit in the head for you* I mean Dolcetto the dog.

Blake: First, "greed" it ain't a name. Second, what are your last names?

Roa: There is no need for you to know our full names.

Yang: Jeez, chill out guys, is not like someone is going to backstab you here or something.

Martel: You never know.

Dolcetto: *whispering* Cat.

Blake: What?

Dolcetto: Nothing!

Me: *sigh* Let's just pick our chess pieces and keep going.

I look at the chess pieces and saw someone that peek my interest. It was a dragon black piece, how ironic. I look at Roa and see him picking one similar, but that one was white.


We were about to left the place until a loud girly scream was heard from the forest. Was that Jaune?

Yang: Some girl's in trouble!

Martel: It wasn't to far from here.

Yang: Blake, did you hear that? what should we do?

Me(Mind): What tha hell is Blake staring at?

Another scream was heard, but this time it came from the sky. I look up to see Ruby falling down at some great speed towards us.


I quickly rush in a attempt to catch her before she hits the ground, but out of nowhere Jaune came flying like a arrow and hitting Ruby. The two of them hit a tree and i can see ruby sitting on one of the branches.

Roa: That was... anticlimactic.

Blake: Did your sister just fall from the sky?

Yang: I-

Now the sounds of Grimm growling and trees falling were heard from the forest. From the bushes it came the same weird girl from this morning riding a Ursa until the grimm fell to the ground. What was her namy again? Nora?

Nora: Aww. It's broken.

From behind the Ursa it came the same ninja who can't take hints. I think Ren was his name.

Ren: Please... don't ever do that again.

Out of nowhere, Nora disappear from everyone's sights and appears behind me, looking at the tower piece. HOW FAST IS SHE?

Nora: ♪ I'm Queen of the castle ♪ ♪ I'm Queen of the castle ♪

Ren: NORA!!!

Nora: Hehehe, coming Ren!

Me: *chuckle* Cute.

Blake: Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?

Dolcetto: That was pretty awesome if you ask me.

Yang: I-

More growling came from the forest and... I can't belive Pyrrha Nikos just came runing with a deathstalker on her tail.

Pyrrha: Jaune!

Jaune: Pyrrha!

Ruby: Whoa!

Jaune: Ruby!

Ruby jumps off the branch and when she reaches the ground, she looks at me and gives me a smile. I was about to say something, but Yang came to check on Ruby.

Yang: Ruby?

Ruby: Yang!

They were about to hug but Nora came in between them.

Nora: Nora!!!

Blake: Did she just run all the way here with a deathstalker on her tail?

Yang gets angry from all the weird things that happened in the matter of 5 minutes.

Yang: Could everyone just chill out for two seconds before something crazy happens again?

Roa: *pointing into the sky* Say that to her.

Everyone looks at the sky to see Weiss clinging to the grip of a nevermore, trying not to die.

Weiss: *screaming* How could you leave me?

Ruby: I say "jump".

Blake: She is gonna fall.

Ruby: She'll be fine.

Ren: She is falling.

Martel: She is gonna die.

Jaune jumps from the branches and catch Weiss. Just to fell with her after one second, hitting the ground with his face and Weiss landing on him. After that, Pyrrha was knocked down by the grimm scorpion landing front of us.

Yang: Great! The gang's all here! Now we can die together!

Me: Speak for yourself.

Ruby: Not if i can help it!


Ruby ignores our warnings and ran towards the deathstalker ready to fight it. Unfortunately after attacking and failing, thanks to nevermore feathers she is trapped with her coat impaled on the floor while trying to break free but without success. When yang and I tried to help ruby the nevermore threw us his feathers like spears, stopping us from going further.

Yang: Ruby, get out of there!

Ruby: I'm trying!

The deathstalker raised its sting ready to strike the death blow. I cover my arms in my armor and activate my semblance.

Me: Boost!

I ran at a great speed in front of ruby, stopping the sting with my arms.

(Ruby POV)

I close my eyes, preparing myself for the pain that is about to arrive.


I look up to see (y/n) bloking the sting with his arms. 

(y/n): (yelling) Don't you dare to touch my sister you piece of shit!

He pushes the sting, causing the deathstalker to back up a little. Then, his hand start to glowing in a (f/c) color and punch in the face the deathstalker. The hit send the scorpion grimm flying at some trees causing them to fell over. After that, big brother took the feather that was impaled on the floor and removed it as if it weighs nothing. I jump and hug him as tight as i could, he chuckles a little at my reaction. 

Ruby: Oh my gosh, Thank you (y/n)!

(y/n): *he pets my head* No problem Rubes.

???: (y/-(y/n)?

I turn to see Yang to see her almost crying looking at (y/n). Two seconds later i realized the mistake i just made. 

(y/n): Well... shit!

Before yang could say anything else, the ground began to tremble. From the forest came a minotaur grimm, looking particularly at my brother before letting out a loud roar.

(y/n): *chuckle* You go and pick one of the chess pieces. I deal with this sucker!

And just like that he charge at the beast.


So bad news and good news.

The bad news is that it will be difficult for me to update because my wifi dies very often.  (sorry)

The good news (And before saying it in the comments I said that I did not want to do more than a one love interest. But if we look at (y/n) we need to remember somthing important... YOU ARE FUCKING GREED SO IF YOU WANT SOMETHING YOU GET IT!) is that you can pick another two characters for love interest. The only two ones you can't pick are Emereald and Goodwitch, after them you can pick ANYONE. 

Tell me who you want :D

And like always... I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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