Vol 2 Part 10: The horrible truth behind the diary

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(Your POV)

Me: Finally, home sweet home.

After our not-so-glorious escape from the claws of Ironwood and his soldiers, we managed to reach our hideout without being followed. Now I'm in the bed of my room trying to rest. But I can't stop thinking about that mysterious woman, what was she doing with those computers? Trying to steal information? If I had a few more seconds in that moment, I would have discovered what she was doing. 

Me: *sigh* Being the good guy sucks.

I turned to the left side to try to get comfortable in my bed. But as I turned around, I saw Raven's diary on the table next to my bed. This reminded me of that night when I was meditating in the bullhead, along with the conversation I had with Mom.

Me: Stupid Qrow.


Mom and I are in a mental version of my old home, around the yard were the remains of the practice dummy that I used a few seconds ago. But even if I'm focused on my training, I want to know the truth behind the diary, Maybe Summer knows something about it? But the moment I asked her, an expression of fear appeared on his face, along with a mixture of fear. 

Me: It is true?

Summer: *Sigh* Yes, it is.

When I heard Summer's words, I could feel all the fury and anger inside me trying to break free and destroy everything in my path. Inside of me I knew it was true, but I just didn't want to admit it or find out.

(Mecha: Yes, the revelation of the secret is already here!)

I started punching the ground repeatedly and with each hit making a bigger and bigger crater on it. Summer tried to calm me down but I was so sunk in anger that her words didn't reach me and I continued hitting the ground. 

Me: Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! Damn it! DAMN IT!

Summer: (y/n), please calm down!

Me: Calm down?! CALM DOWN?!

Summer: (y/n) I know you're angry but-

Me: Angry?! I'm not angry, I just discovered that I'm the son of a bastard and that my birth was a mistake that shouldn't have ever happened, I'm furious!

Summer: (y/n)...

Me: Now everything makes sense, why Tai hated me when I was a child and why Qrow never showed interest in me! 

I could feel something wet running down my face and suddenly my body felt heavier.

Me: *Sniff* I'm just the reminder of the mistake they made and that's why they didn't want me to be part of the family. *Sniff* I'm just the son of Qrow and Raven, a mistake that was born of a night full of alcohol and needs that they wanted to satisfy. Every time Tai looked at me, he only saw his wife's infidelity and as his best friend stabbing him in the back, in a way I understand why he treated me like a piece of garbage...

Summer: (y/n), you are not garbage, you are my son and I love you with all my heart. 

Me: Heh... You know what is the funniest thing?... Becoming a homunculus only made me an almost immortal kind of freak. No matter who or what you are, once you find the truth, you try to turn your back on it regardless of the consequences.

(Flashback End)

Me: Only a freak, huh?

It's hard not to see myself with disgust every morning when I look at my reflection in the mirror. After getting rid of Envy and Stukov, I'm definitely going to settle the score with Qrow. I don't care if he is part of the Ruby and Yang family, Qrow is a dead man. Speaking of Yang and Ruby, my scroll received a notification of a message from Ruby.

Me: Now? She doesn't know anything about not sending messages during three in the morning?

Ruby(message): Tomorrow we are going on a mission to stop the white fang in the southeast! We could use your help :D

Me: Well... at least this time they told me what they are planning to do.

I start writing my answer on the screen of my Scroll. Although, I don't know how to get inside of Beacon again when there is so many of Iron-Jerk soldiers everywhere.

Me(message): I see what I can do.

Ruby(message): Okay, I love you!

I left my scroll under the pillow and started making a plan to get inside of Beacon without being discovered. 

Me: Hmmm... how about if-

(Time skip)(in the sky)

Dolcetto: I don't know, Are you sure this is a good idea boss?

Speaking of a crazy plan, this is the most stupid and brilliant that I could have thought. Why infiltrating to Beacon when you can intersect the ship you are looking for? The plan is simple and stupid, to prevent Ironwood radars from tracking our bullhead, I will jump from a certain height to the ship where my sisters are in.

Me: What could possibly go wrong?

Roa: Well, depending on the speed at which you are going fall, along with the force of the wind and that you don't make a hole in their bullhead with your armor, you may end up crashing like a meteor against the earth or destroying one of their propellers.

Me: Hey, Raiden made this look very easy. How hard can it be?

Martel: Raiden failed miserably in his attempt to get back into the chopper!

Me: Thanks for the votes of confidence! Anyway, open the door, I'm gonna jump!

Roa: *sigh* Here we go.

Roa pushed the button to open the door of the Bullhead and I jumped out, falling at a great speed from the sky like a real meteor. 


My fall continued and after passing a group of clouds, I saw the bullhead where my sisters and the rest of their team is.


Every second I got closer and closer to the ship, the impact was imminent and I covered my body with my armor to make the impact as painless as possible.


(inside the bullhead)(no ones POV)

Yang: And then I said-

Blake: Now thats a katana.

Weiss: Yang, get better jokes.


The sound of something metallic hitting more metal was heard from outside the ship.

Ruby: What was that?

Oobleck: Pilot, what happened?

Pilot: I have a name and it's Bob, but regarding the sound, the sensors don't detect any grimm nearby, it could have been a bird probably.

(Back to you)


You were on the roof of the bullhead, using your claws like a cat to keep yourself from falling off. 



Mecha: I know it's a short chapter, but I'm busy with a new book I did and it's good to expand the material from time to time. 

Cinder: And you forget to mention that you are a very twisted person.

Mecha: I know, that's why my followers love me *wink*.

Cinder: Baka. 

Mecha: Anyway, I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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