Vol 2 Part 12: Crash

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(no ones POV)

The city under the mountain, the place of a massacre and currently the base of some members of the white fang. Since the accidental arrival of Ruby in the city, multiple patrols were sent in search of more possible intruders.

WF1: Man, this job sucks!

WF2: At least it's better than moving the cargo to that damn train and take care of that brat with red hood.

WF1: Amén for that bro.

???: How interesting.

WF2: Who's there?!

The two members of the white tusk looked into a dark corridor, where only a pair of bright red eyes could be seen in the shadows. The members of the white fang took out their weapons and began to shoot the figure within the shadows thinking it was a grimm. But their bullets bounced against it's skin. You came out of the shadows in your completely armored form and with steam coming out of your mouth. 

(y/n): *Demonic voice* Can you be so kind to tell me more about that?

The members of the white fang continued to fire at you but without any effect. You charged against them and the only thing it could be heard it was the sound of their screams and the echo that resounded against the walls of the ancient city.

Elsewhere in the city, Roman had caught Ruby with a deployable hook that fired from his cane. But his diversion ended quickly when an explosion boomed near his location.

Roman: Perry, if you and the boys could take care of that? Kind of in the middle of something. 


Perry and the other members of the white fang were about to go and find out the cause of the explosions but stopped when they heard a louder sound that made the whole place tremble.

Roman: What is going on here?!

In the distance, Roman could see many members of the white fang running from something. 

(y/n): *Demonic angry voice* ROMAN!!!

The moment Roman heard that voice, he knew that... he fucked up.

Roman: Oh fudge crap sicle!

Ruby: (y/n)?

Ruby saw you in the distance running towards her and towards Roman, knocking down every member of the white fang that got in your way. Ruby took advantage that Roman was distracted to jump on his shoulders and cover his eyes with his own hat. Then, Ruby started running towards you as fast as she could.

Roman: Somebody kill her!

Roman, along with other members of the white fang, were shooting at Ruby. But their shots were blocked when a stone wall appeared behind Ruby blocking the bullets. The rest of the team RWBY and team ARMR came to the scene to protect Ruby. Other members of the white fang that were in front of Ruby were about to shoot her, but you knocked them all four down in the blink of an eye. You stopped in front of Ruby and removed your "ultimate shield" from your face while taking deep breaths. Ruby wasted no time in jumping into your arms and hug you. Yang joined the hug and now the three were together with the rest of the teams.

(y/n): You know? *Pant* I literally had to break my way through the buildings to get here.

Weiss: We know, we followed the trail of claws and destruction that you left behind.

Ruby: Guys, listen! Torchwick's got all sorts of weapons and robots down there.

Roa: Robots?

Blake: What?

Ruby: Androids, mechs- they're all loaded up on the train cars.

(y/n): Roman plans to use the train tracks to get to Vale with all those weapons and attract a large number of grimms during the trip. 

Martel: That's a really bad thing.

Oobleck: Ah, that's ridiculous! These tunnels are sealed.

(y/n): He is doing the same thing we did in the mines of Vacuo. To summarize the story, Roman plans to crash the train at the end of the tunnel that connects with the sub-floor of the city of Vale.

Yang: How do you know that?

(y/n): I asked someone. 

Dolcetto: Yeah, "kindly" I assume.

WFM(over intercom): Get to your places, we are leaving now!

The train slowly began to accelerate while making noise with its horn.

Yang: Well, it sounds like they're going somewhere to me.

Ruby: We need backup! Let me call Jaune.

Ruby tried to call Jaune with her scroll. But unfortunately, the signal was too low. 

Ruby: I can't get through!

Weiss: So, what do we do?

Oobleck: I believe we only have one option.

Ruby: We're stopping that train.

Everyone managed to get on the train in some magical and mystical way and knock out the guard who was in the last bagon, but not before he could use his radio. The two teams and Oobleck were standing on the last wagon.

Oobleck: Hurry, children! We must get to the front and stop this train!

Dolcetto: You don't have to say it twice, Doc!

Weiss: Ugh... Professor?

Everyone: Doctor.

Weiss: What's that?

Weiss pointed to a strange cylinder with multiple wiring and a panel.

Oobleck: That, my dear... appears to be a bomb. 

Everyone took a step back.

Roa: Greed, please tell me you can dismantle that with alchemy.

(y/n): Emm... How fast do you want it to explode?

Roa: N-Nevermind...

Ruby: We've got baddies! 

Ruby pointed to a squad of white fang that were slowly walking on the train cars towards the two teams. 

Oobleck: Well, I didn't expect them to go... 

The pump panel started to turn on and off with a red light, indicating that it was not long before it detonated. 

Oobleck: ...easy on us...

Martel: Let's get the fuck out of here!

Dolcetto: language!

Martel: Fuck you!

Most of the team members ran to the next car, with the exception of Blake and Oobleck. 

Oobleck: Blake! Detach the caboose! It will kill us all!

Blake: On it!

Blake was about to detach the wagon from the train, but she stopped when it detaches itself.

Blake: Huh?!

(y/n): Something wrong?

Blake: It decoupled itself! 

Oobleck: What?!

Yang: I guess he really doesn't want us on this train. 

The train car that had separated, suddenly exploded, creating a large hole in the roof of the tunnel.

Oobleck: That's not good...

Ruby: Uh, neither is this!

Ruby and Weiss opened another hatch, only to see that there was another bomb in the train car in which they were.

Blake: Another bomb?!

(y/n): They all have bombs! 

Dolcetto: Guys, we have a company that comes from behind! 

Several grimm entered the tunnel through the hole that caused the first explosion. The bomb in the wagon they were in began its countdown and everyone moved to the next wagon. That wagon exploded, making other holes in the tunnel and having the same effect, attracting more grimm. Many members of the white fang appeared in the next wagon, slowly approaching both teams.

WF: Get the humans!

They all took out their weapons and began to break through the members of the white fang, easily dispatching them. Unfortunately, the grimm didn't stay too far from the train.

Oobleck: Oh... dear... 

Roa: We HAVE to stop this train!

Oobleck: Then we have to hurry! You three! Go below and try to stop those bombs! 

(y/n): *To your team* Guys, let's give them some support with those bombs!

Ruby: What about us?

Oobleck: We're agoing to stop this train.

(y/n): She already say that!

Your team, along with Yang, Blake and Weiss, entered one of the wagons. But you didn't expect such a big welcome party waiting for all of you. Stukov, along with the leaderof the white fang, Adam, along with an actor with the ability to change his form, Pandora's actor, were waiting on the other side of the wagon. The three of them with different reactions. Adam was staring at Blake, who was doing her best not to make eye contact. Stukov, who showed obvious anger towards you. And last but not least, Pandora's actor, who just let out a simple chuckle when he saw you.

Adam: Blake, my love.

Yang/Weiss: My love?!

Blake: Don't call me that.

Adam: Tell me, at what moment do you plan to betray your "friends" and run away?

Blake: I'm not going to run away, not anymore.

Adam: Oh, but you will.

(y/n): You don't know that.

Adam: I know her better than anyone here. Just wait, when things get hard, she will run away, leaving behind all those she dared to call her friends. That is the kind of person Blake is.

(y/n): That is a lie! I know Blake and yes, I must admit, she has trouble opening up with other people. But if there's one thing I know, it's that she's not the kind of cowardly person who would rather save her skin than save her friends' lives!

Blake's cheeks turned a light pink as she stared at you.

Adam: You will be disappointed.

Stukov: *Looking at Roa* Well well well, look who is here. The izmennik(traitor) of Brook!

Roa: I'm not going by the name of that coward anymore, just call me Roa.

Stukov: Just like a Animal, stupid and zhalkiy (pathetic).

Adam: I suggest you measure your words, Stukov.

(remember that envy is Pandora's actor)

Envy: *cheerful* Hahaha! I love all romantic dramas like these! But sadly, *serious* time is short and we don't have much. So, let's just move to the moment where the heroes die and the curtains come down.

Stukov: v zaklyucheniye! (finally)

Everyone took out their weapons. Pandora's actor turned his arms into two blades. You covered most of your body with your ultimate shield, with the exception of your face. 

(y/n): Girls, listen. We can make an opening for you so you can get to the end of the train.

Yang: What? No way! 

Blake: These guys are too much for you!

Dolcetto: You are underestimating us.

Roa: If the train reaches the city, everything is over. Don't waste this opportunity! 

Weiss: But-

Martel: We four have accounts to settle with them, let the monsters play with each other.

Yang: *sigh* But you better not lose!

Blake: (y/n), please be careful.

(y/n): I will, kitty~

Stukov: Are you done or what?!

(y/n): Oh, I'm sorry. Were you waiting for us to finish? *chuckle* What kind of second-rate villains are you?

Stukov: You little-

Stukov stretched his grimm arm to attack you. But before I could hit you, Roa got in the middle of the attack and held Stukov's arm, keeping him immobile. Pandora's actor didn't waste time trying to attack Yang and Blake. But he found himself locked in a barrier by Martel's semblance.

Envy: No fun allowed, huh?

Blake, Yang and Weiss started running towards the other door of the train car but Adam got in their way. Adam was about to use his semblance to attack them, but he was forced to block an attack coming from you with his katana. You tried to stab Adam with your claws but he managed to block your attack with his sword.

However, the force of your attack dragged Adam far enough to push him away from the door he was blocking.  The girls took the opportunity to go through the door and continue with the mission to stop the train. Blake glanced at you one last time before moving on to the next train car. 

Dolcetto tried to cut Adam with his katana. But Adam jumped back, evading the attack. Then, Adam used his semblance to make a energy slash and break Martel's barrier, releasing Pandora's actor. Stukov managed to get loose from Roa's grip and then use his arm once more as a whip to try to attack your entire team. Luckily, you all managed to evade Stukov's attack. The battle was about to continue, but Pandora's actor stopped Stukov and Adam putting their arms in front of them.

Stukov: What are you doing?

Envy: Now that the little flies left, we can finally talk freely.

Dolcetto: Talk freely?

(y/n): Don't tell me that NOW you're going to tell us the reason why you framed me and made me look like a murderer.




Adam: Weren't you a criminal from the beginning?

Martel: He got you there.

(y/n): T-That's not the point!

Envy: Ahh!~ One of my best performances. The moment I took the shape of that person you called Mom to make you look like a murderer, it was priceless! But our reason for speaking with you is different. Adam, could you do me the honor...

Adam slowly proceeded to remove his mask, revealing his eyes. Everyone froze to see what was behind the mask. In one of his eyes, Adam had the same dragon symbol as the one in your hand.

(y/n): D-Don't tell me...

Roa: It can't be!

Adam: You were not the only one the man with the white coat visited. He said that the fate of my philosopher's stone would be related to the one who called himself greed. But that's not why we're here. You know who Salem is?

(y/n): Salem?

Adam: Salem is the person who is pulling the strings of this game. She is the creator of the grimm and the person responsible of Stukov's new arm.

Envy: Salem took great interest in you, greed. As you may already know, although I know what alchemy is, I am unable to perform it. Unfortunately, Adam is not an exception either. Salem wants two things from you. She wants you as one of her generals and she also wants you to give her the secret of true immortality.

(y/n): Immortality?

Adam: As powerful as she is, Salem has her doubts about her own plan to destroy humanity. 

Dolcetto: That's why you help her, Adam?

Adam: For me, Salem is a means to an end. I don't really care about her life.

Stukov: *Hmph* You would be surprised to know that there are more people who think the same.

Envy: Greed, if you join us, the world will be in our hands. Not only will you make Salem an immortal being, but you will also create an invincible army! Not even the power of the Maidens or Ozpin will be able to oppose us!

Adam: What do you say? It's a great offer

(y/n): Heh... HaHa... Hahahahaha!!!

Stukov: What is so funny?!

(y/n): It makes me laugh that you think I'm going to obey someone. I am greed! I will become the king of this world with my own means! And thanks to you, I know that Salem is bulnerable! In the best case, she should work for me and obey me!

Stukov: You're a damn square-minded person! You ublyudok! (Bastard)


The countdown of the bomb that was on the train was about to reach zero. Quickly, your team and you ran to the door to advance to the next car, with your enemies not far away from you. Martel used her semblance to create a barrier in front of the three, only to push them with it towards the other side of the wagon. Once in the next train car, Dolcetto separated the wagons with his sword and Roa used his semblance to create a stone pillar that launched the wagon with the bomb as far as possible. Stukov, Adam and Pandora's actor escaped the wagon through its roof before it exploded. Unfortunately, the three of them ended up in the train tracks as they watched the train getting away from them.

Adam: Did they really think that a bomb would stop us?

Stukov: They underestimate us.

Envy: Guys?

Stukov/Adam: What?!

Envy: We have company....

Adam and Stukov turned to where Pandora's actor was pointing, seeing that the army of grimms that were following the train was heading towards them.

Adam: Just what we needed...

Stukov: The hard way it is then...

The three prepare to fight and fight their way through the army of grimm.


You and your team were moving through the train cars. You told everyone else to go over the rooftops to see if Dr. Oobleck needed help, while you would go inside the wagons to help the rest of the members of team RWBY. When you advance to the next car, you found Yang unconscious on the ground and Neo standing in front of her. When Neo saw you, she waved her hand cheerfully as she had an innocent smile on her face. 

(y/n): Neo, what did you do?... She is not dead, right?

Neo took out a notebook with a pencil and began to write her answer.

Neo: She tried to hit me and I knocked her out.

(y/n): Well... at least I'm glad that the two of you are okay.

Neo: I'm also happy to see you. You have no idea how much I miss you, my dragon~

Neo put her arms around your neck and started kissing you passionately. You kissed her back while you put your arm around her waist to keep her close. The kiss lasted a few minutes, until the both of you moved away to catch your breath. But suddenly, Neo's eyes turned a white color, meaning that she was getting scared by something. Listening a couple of steps behind you, you released Neo and covered your arm with your armor, catching a sword that was about to attack her. You looked at the person who the sword belonged and saw... Raven.

You started attacking her with your claws a couple of times and saw how Raven blocked your attacks quickly and effectively. Both you and Neo take a leap backwards to gain distance, knowing that Raven will not attack Yang. 

(y/n): This time is the real you... Raven.

Raven: (y/n)...

(y/n): What do I owe this unexpected visit?

Raven: I had come here to end the life of your friend who is by your side. But it seems that the situation is under your control now.

(y/n): She is my girlfriend, bitch.

Raven: Watch your tongue young-

(y/n): Oh, bite me! I already know what the hell you did, I read your fucking diary! 

Raven: Y-You what?!

(y/n): I didn't know you were so desperate... or that you had such bad tastes. Tai didn't make you happy in bed?

Raven: That was a mistake I don't want to remember, just like you! You were a mistake that should not exist!

(y/n): Don't make me cut that damn tongue of yours! I will become the king of this world! Neither my past nor Salem will stop my greed! 

Raven: Salem?! How do you know about Salem?!

(y/n): You know about her?

Raven: (y/n), listen. I know I'm not a good maternal model, not even a decent one. But whatever you do, stay away from Ozpin and anything related to Salem.

(y/n): Hmm? I wonder how many people know about this?

Raven: No! You must listen and-

Yang: Ughh...

Yang started to regain consciousness and both Neo and Raven left the car thanks to their semblaces. You helped Yang get up and put one of her arms around your neck to help her walk.

Yang: *groan* What happened?

(y/n): They kicked your ass. For now we need to move, the others may need help.

Yang: R-Right.

Along with Yang, you reached the end of the train, where the others were gathered. You looked at the end of the tunnel to see that the train was fast approaching a wall and it didn't seem to stop. 

(y/n): No brakes? Fucking great!

Yang: What do we do?!

Weiss covered the entire group in an ice dome to protect them from the impact. You activated your ultimate shield just in case.


The train had crashed through the ground and was in the middle of the city of Vale. Ruby's team was buried under some debris, but they were quickly removed by you, breaking them with punches. There were many civilians watching the scene and you quickly walked away from your sister's team to warn them of the imminent danger.

(y/n): Get out of here! An army of grimms is heading here through the subsoil!

Some policemen appeared on the scene and pointed their weapons at you.

Police: Dragon of greed! You are under arrest for multiple crimes of-

(y/n): Get the fuck out of here before-


(y/n): ...It's too late...

A King Taijitu emerged from the ground along with other species of grimm that began to pursue civilians. A Ursa was about to kill the cops who tried to shoot you, but you cut off the grimm's head with your claw. Two other Ursas came running towards you. But you spinned on the spot and kicked the face of one of them, sending it flying towards the other. 

(y/n): Evacuate civilians and form a defense perimeter! Go go go go!

Police: R-Right.

The policemen quickly ran out to help the civilians. You took off your coat, revealing your sleeveless Gi. Then, you covered yourself completely with your "ultimate shield" as you watched how the grimm were running towards you.

(y/n): *sigh* Today is going to be a long day. Welp, bring it on! 


I know I said that this chapter was going to be really long. But the first 1500 words I wrote were deleted, so I had to start from the beginning... again

Before you leave, I would like to show you an OC that I made. It's an OC that I thought about for another RWBY book that I'll write in the future.

Name: Zack Luxreo.

Sex: Male.

Age: 17

Looks/Armor: He has black hair and blue eyes.

Weapons: Frost fangs.

He has four identical swords. Two of them attached at his waist and the other two attached at his back. The swords are composed of reinforced ice dust.

Semblance: Telekinesis.

Zack can use his semblance to defend himself or move all his swords in the air to attack his opponents. Every time he activates his semblance, his eyes shine a golden color and everything that moves with his mind is covered with a golden aura.

That's it for now. Please comment your opinions and remember... I LOVE YOU ALL!!!

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