Valentine's Day

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A/n: I know Valentine's Day passed already, but I just wanted to add this to our favorite characters, and this will be a romantic moment for our character. So I hope you guys enjoy this, and let me know you if you want me to do the entire series of this story. So with that being said, let's get into this.

Oh, and one more thing.

You are also a chibi like this and BD-1. But you got your own hair and eye colors. That's all I wanted to say, let's get into this.


Today is the day that two couples will spend time together in this time of month. I can't wait to be with Ruby in this month, it is going to be amazing today. I was daydreaming while I was walking down the hallway of Beacon Academy and smiling from what I'm about to do later on to go hang out with Ruby soon. Aw, man, I can't wait to go hang out with Ruby, it's going to be so much fun with the two of us.

Ruby: Hey, Y/n.

I jumped a little bit that I got back to my senses and I saw Ruby walking to me.

Ruby: Whatcha doing?

You: Oh. I was just taking a walk.

Ruby: In the hallway?

You: Uh, yeah, something like that.

Ruby: Oh, okay.

There was a moment of silence a little bit, until I spoke.

You: So, I heard today is Valentine's day.

Ruby: It is?

You: Yeah, it's the day when someone you love, you get to spend time with them.

Ruby: Oh, right. I forgot about that.

And another moment of silence.

You: So, uh... are interested in going out with me?

Ruby: Of course I'm interested, you're the only person I have for this.

Ruby then wrapped her arms around my right arm to hold on to me.

Ruby: Let's go see what we can do, today.

You: Okay, let's go.

Me and Ruby then walked out of Beacon to go find something to do outside for our lovely time together. I can't wait to do something good with her.


It has been almost a few hours and we still didn't find anything to do. It was already started to get dark soon. Me and Ruby still walked around and just ended outside of the Academy in an open area where the grass is. We then stopped and just looked at the sun go down.

You: Well, we didn't find anything to do.

Ruby: I mean, we did get a few exercise just walking around.

You: Yeah, but, I wanted to like... you know, find somewhere to have fun with you, Ruby. Instead of just, walking around.

Ruby: It's okay if you didn't find anything.

You: But-

Ruby: I get that it's Valentine's Day, but you didn't have to get me anything or take me anywhere. All I have is you, Y/n. (puts her hand on your right hand) You didn't do all of this for nothing. No matter what, I will always be here right by your side.

Ruby is right. I guess we were meant to be here together. The words that she said to me, she will always be at my side. This brought a smile to my face, knowing that will be with Ruby for my entire life.

You: Thank you, Ruby.

Ruby gave me a smile on her face too. We then saw the sun going down to show the cracked moon coming up in the night sky. Then, me and Ruby saw a few fireflies appearing out to fly around in the night. Me and Ruby then looked at each other for a few seconds.

Me and Ruby started to skip around smiling in this perfect night with a few fireflies on my side following me, and Ruby had a few fireflies on her side following her as well. Then we stopped and a firefly was coming to me and I put my right finger out for the firefly to land on it. Ruby saw this and watched me holding the firefly, showing how beautiful these fireflies are. The firefly then flew out of my finger and flew away with the rest of the other fireflies.

Me and Ruby held both each other's hands and we were spinning around slowly so that we both won't get dizzy quickly. We were spinning around with a bunch of fireflies spinning over us as well, while me and Ruby were smiling happily at each other to have this lovely time for me and Ruby.

Me and Ruby then lay down on the green grass in opposite sides to enjoy this beautiful night.

Ruby: Y/n, tonight was so amazing.

You: Yeah, it was.

Ruby: You know, you're a lot like those fireflies.

You: I am? What do you mean?

Ruby: (holds out her left hand) You light up my life.

I smiled at this moment for how nice Ruby said to me. I took her left hand with my left hand as well.

You: Thanks, Ruby. You light up my life too when you're around me.

Me and Ruby then looked at each other for a few seconds. Then, we started to get closer to each other. Me and Ruby then gave a lovely kiss on the lips in this position that we are at right now. This was a lovely night that me and Ruby had. I can't wait for what comes next in the future. Happy Valentine's Day, Ruby.

A/n: Sorry if this was short. I didn't know what else to do on the whole loving thing, because I never spend Valentine's Day with someone before, but I hope you guys liked it. Let me know in the comment section if you guys want me to continue this series just like the one we all watched.

Thank you guys for reading this, and I will see you all later.

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