Episode 000: The Boy Who Runs Full Power At Full Throttle

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Legends. Stories scattered throughout time. Mankind has grown quite fond of recounting the exploits—

"What exploits?"


Ahem. As I was saying BEFORE I got interrupted, mankind has grown quite fond of recounting the exploits of heroes and villains, forgetting so easily that we are remnants—

""We"? What's all this "we" stuff? I'm doing all the hard work!"


SHUT IT, BIRD—I mean—I—agh. Skip this. Man, born from dust—

"A man born from dust? How is that—"


Man, born from dust was strong, wise, and resourceful, but he was born into an unforgiving world. An inevitable darkness— creatures of destruction — the creatures of Grimm — set their sights on man and all of his creations. These forces clashed, and it seemed the darkness was intent on returning man's existence to the void. However, even the smallest spark of hope is enough to ignite change, and in time, man's passion—

"Why are we always talking about men?"


Sigh....okay, everyone's passion, resourcefulness, and ingenuity led them to the tools that would help even the odds. This power was appropriately called "Dust". Nature's wrath in hand, man lit their way through the darkness, and in the shadow's absence came strength, civilization, and most importantly, life. But even the most brilliant lights eventually flicker and die. And when they are gone....darkness will return. So you may prepare you guardians, build your monuments to a so-called "free world", but take heed....there is no victory within strength.

But perhaps victory is in the simpler things that you've long forgotten. Things may require a smaller, more honest soul.

"Like my partner?"


"Ah mouuuu! Let me narrate, tune!"



Okay, now where was I? Oh yes! Not long as soon as civilization settled, two worlds came together with Remnant: Earth, and Kikaitopia, home-world of the Kikainoids. Kikainoids are robots who can think for themselves and such. At first, humans and Faunus weren't so welcoming, but as time passed, they eventually accepted them.

"Wait, what?"

"We did?"



Ahh, payback feels good. Anyways, moving on, a few years ago, an evil dynasty called «Tojitendo» appeared!

Bokkowaus was REAL bad, you see, he wanted to rule over humans, Faunus, Kikainoids, and vampires—

"Wait, vampires?"


"Too late now, bird~~"

Nunununu, fine. Vampires do indeed exist, and yes, there was a Queen. But while some do tend to attack people, there are most of them who spend their lives living amongst humans, Faunus, and vampires. Because of this, Bokkowaus feared that if left alone, Remnant Earth wouldn't be easily conquered. So, he decided to send his armies to attack, but~!

They appeared~!

"Who did?"

"The Super Sentai! Teams of superheroes who protected the world many times while sometimes teaming up with certain masked heroes who rode on bikes and wore belts! Right, partner, tune?"

"That's right, Secchan. The Super Sentai were bent on protecting the people from harm, needless to say, that day impacted the world. Despite this, Tojitendo would never give up. Not without a fight. But like any other superhero story, there's always a legacy. Who are they, you ask?"

True to the words of the young man's voice, four figures are seen walking in the light of the rising sun as the morning sky brightens up to reveal their appearances.

Kikai Sentai: Zenkaiger!

"Now then, without that out of the way...."

""Oh no...""

"Do it, tune!"

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Zenryoku Zenkai!

Episode 000: The Boy Who Runs Full Power At Full Throttle!

As the opening begins, it shows Zen running in the snow with a smile before it shows him as Zenkaiger who did his pose while Ruby looks around in the background.

«Himitsu no jū de Seigi no otakebi~(BANG! BANG! BANG! BA-BANG!)

Next scene shows Zyuran doing his own thing before it shows him as Zenkai Zyuran while Zen runs away from Weiss as she comically rolls her arms while chasing him before it shows Gaon who was petting a cat before the screen flips over to reveal Zenkai Gaon and Zen roaring together while Blake blushes.

«Maji na spirits kirameki Buddy to~ Haaa~!»

Third scene shows Magine who is trying to predict with her crystal ball before it shows her as Zenkai Magine with Zen stirring a pot full of "magical liquid" which was actually some hot curry as he tastes it before he comically runs off trying to find water as the fourth scene shows Vroom reading a book before it shows him as Zenkai Vroom who held up a ton of books which comically fall down onto him as Zen and Yang look at him in confusion while she was trying to kiss him.

«Kodai mo mirai mo donna basho demo
(Bang! Bang! Bang! Ba-bang!) Kiseki no Kizuna yūsha no chikara!»

«Kaze no chiheisen kata narabete JUMP!(JUMP! Let's JUMP!)»
Scenes show Zen's current story within the chapter before the last part shows him as Zenkaizer fighting alongside Zenkai Zyuran.

Bokkowaus laughs evilly as an army of Tojitendo troops march behind Barashitara while in the shadows, a certain anti-hero looks at the far distance as his red eyes glow before the scene shows Zen and his friends becoming the Zenkaigers.
«Hade ni noboru taiyō mitai ni
Heiwa tera shitai!»

As the song kicks up, Zenkaizer is shown along with his fellow Super Sentai predecessors as he and his team use their powers to fight the Tojitendo and some Grimm.
«Itsu demo Zen Zen Zenryoku Zenkai!
Tsunagatte kanji Technology!»

«Wakuwaku hajimete ga tomaranai~»
Zen is on top of the Battleship CrocoDaiOh as he looks at the view of the world in awe along with his friends, family, and future girlfriends.

Zenkaizer is on top of Zyuran Tyranno with RWBY by his side while Jaune rides on Gaon Lion comically screaming while Pyrrha and Nora enjoy riding on Magine Dragon while Ren, CFVY, the Beacon Staff, and STRQ ride in Vroom Dump.

«Dakara Gan Gan Ganbare! Sō sa yūki nara No Limit~!»

«Akiramenai, haguruma de, kokoro ugokase~»

Separate scenes show Zen, RWBY, JNPR, their friends, the Zenkaigers, Glynda, Ozpin, the Happy Huntresses, Cinder, Emerald, Neo, and STRQ smiling.

«Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger~! Zenryoku Zenkai~!»

Everyone doing a dance before preparing to run as the last scenes shows the Zenkaigers posing with Zenkaioh ZyuranGaon and Zenkaioh MagineVroom.

Today was a good day on what was once an island called Patch, now, it is merged with Japan along with Sanus and Anima. Therefore, becoming Anima San Japan. Here, our story begins with—

"Zenryoku Zenkai~!"


A crash into a small haywagon as a small boy with silver white hair who had a red eye on his right and aqua green on his left runs out with a cheerful smile on his face.

"Can't catch me, Mr. T!"

Meet Taiyang Xiao Long, the father of two certain girls who will later become this boy's lovers. Truth be told, he liked the kid, but, most of the time, as "The Nonstopper" of the family, Tai REALLY needed to keep him from running off so freely, but his wives, his brother-in law, and the boy's family treat him well, and at this rate, he might as well be considered naive AND spoiled, but his current predicament right now?


Being currently stuck inside the hay. Now we introduce our newest hero...

限界全/Zen Genkai

"Hehehe!" Zen laughed as he ran for the Xiao Long-Rose-Branwen house while the soon-to-be Super Sentai hero greeted his neighbors good morning as they greeted him back with a smile. The boy had done so many kind things despite his age, they knew that deep down, Zen was being exactly like the legendary heroes who once defended the world long ago.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

«Lively Village From DQ V»

In the household, there two women and two girls, the girl with the black hair and silver eyes was currently playing a fighting game with her sister who had blonde-hair and lilac eyes while their mothers were preparing a nice meal for lunch just as when Zwei catches the scent of a certain boy who came to the house.

"Bark!" Zwei barked happily as he ran towards the Japanese boy before jumping onto him.

"Hey, Zwei! What'cha been doing, boy?"

"Don't you mean, what we have been doing, Zen?!"

Zen looked to see the same two girls who were playing earlier and are currently pouting at him.

"Ehehe," Zen began, "Sorry, Yang. Ruby-chan."

They pouted before they eventually smile and dog pile on him playfully as their mothers come out to see them.

"Welcome back, Zen."

"Hi, Mrs. Rose! Hi, Branwen-sensei!"

"You gotten so big~!" Summer said happily as she hugged him. If you're all wondering, why did he call Raven "sensei"? It's because she taught him kendo lessons, and needless to say, she was proud to have Zen as her student.

"I'm assuming you ran off from Mr. T again?" Raven spoke with a smile.

"Mm. Don't know if he's still in the hay though."

"I got him." A gruff voice said.

Qrow Branwen was his name, he, like his sister, can turn into a bird. He and Zen were best buddies when it came to pulling pranks on Tai and doing crazy stuff(except drinking beer of course).

"Found him in the hay. Gotta say, it wasn't your best day, huh?" Qrow chuckled from his rhyme while the children and Summer laughed while Raven just snickered except Tai who pouted.

"I wasn't ready! He just got lucky, that's all!"

"Uh-huh, sure."

"Now," Summer began, "I'm sure you boys had your fun, but it's time to come and eat. First, go wash up."

"You too, girls." Raven told her daughter and niece."

"Yes, Mom/Auntie." Ruby and Yang replied as they head back inside.

After cleaning themselves, everyone sat down and ate their meal in peace, the meal was something that was a mixture of yakiniku, General Tso's chicken, lo mein and curry. Zen ate his food in pure bliss, as he enjoyed their cooking.

"Umaaaai~! You're cooking is amazing!" Zen said in joy as Summer chuckled.

"By all means, have as much as you like. There's plenty for everyone, I'm sure Tai wouldn't mind, right dear?"

"Of course! Real men can't be called men if they don't eat big!"

Raven sighed at her shared husband's antics, but that was one of the reasons why she fell in love with him, his silliness and humor made her days bright. One time, when she left Yang with Tai along with Ruby while calling her brother a traitor for leaving the tribe due to her insecurities, Raven met a certain red samurai who defeated her easily. It was only at that time, Raven, for the first time, had realized her own weakness. She was cowardly, putting the lives of others at risk before hers, and very cold due to her "survival of the fittest" façade.

When she got news of Summer's survival, Raven felt relief....and sadness. Why was she sad? Because unlike her, Raven wasn't that good of a mother until Summer forgave her for her behavior. Tai was a bit reluctant at first, but when she told him that she watched over Yang, he gave her a hug and a kiss, a kiss to which she responded kindly with a kiss of her own. Qrow was reluctant too, but eventually, he accepted her apologies and the two became good siblings again. With that, Raven finally started on becoming a good mother to Yang, by giving her the one thing children need: A familial love.

Once Zen came into her daughter and niece's life, Raven teased them as one day they too will be in the exact same married position she and Summer are in with Tai. Surprisingly, Raven has knowledge of the Super Sentai, which she tells them stories about their adventures.

"So, Zen," Raven began, "Anything interesting you learned in school today?"

"Well....it was the usual, Huntsmen, Huntresses, Grimm, Faunus, Kikainoids, Vampires....Super Sentai?"

"Any opinions, Full Speedster?" Qrow asked.

"Hmm..." Zen began to wonder before he grinned. "They're cool! Huntsmen and Huntresses have Semblances and Aura, Faunus have awesome senses that surpass humans, Kikainoids are like people, Vampires can shape shift, and the Super Sentai are my all-time favorite heroes!"

"And lemme guess, you wanna be like them, right?"


The adults chuckled while Ruby and Yang gazed at the boy with adoring eyes. It was clear the two had a crush on him. Right now, they wished they could just—

"I'm here, tune!"

This was Zen's companion, Secchan. He was built by his parents who were friends
with STRQ who also disappeared ten years ago when Zen was only a baby.

"Secchan!" Zen, Ruby and Yang hugged the robot bird in joy. Truly, children are such a blessing in this world, no?

"Long time no see!"

"Good to see you too, Yang-chan tune!"

"Muuu! Me too!" Ruby pouted cutely before Secchan gave her a cookie to eat, much to Ruby's happiness.

"What brings you here, Secchan?" The Rose matriarch asked.

"The Geartlingers and Geardalinger are complete, tune!"

Now THIS got everyone's attention.


"That old lady finally did it?!"

"So, who's receiving them?"

Secchan stiffened suddenly.


As he tries to come up with an answer while comically sweating nervously, STRQ and the two little girls start to walk towards him with the infamous comical "Jii stare". He could have sworn that he saw the kanji for menacing appear beside them.


"Nununu...!" Secchan began before speaking at a high speed voice, "I'MSORRYIT'SACTUALLYFORZEN,TUNE!"


"M-Me?! Secchan, are you sure?!" Zen asked as his eyes were comically swirling due to confusion.

"I-I-It's true, tune! Your parents, Yuri-san, and Mako-san approved for you to use them, tune!"

"No way...."

This was mind-blowing. Zen was actually getting his wish come true! For his whole life, he had been training to be just like the heroes who he viewed as his idols, and now, he was going to become a part of that legacy. Needless to say, STRQ and Ruby were happy to hear that Zen was officially going to be a part of the next Super Sentai generation, Yang should be happy too, but....

'Zen...' Yang looked at the young boy with worry in her eyes.

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