Chapter 4: Out On The Town

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Hey Everyoooooone! It's SonicBlade here.  And today we're finally back and beginning a new episode of RWBYK: The True King 2.5! Also, I wanna give a quick thanks for all the votes on the last chapter. Thanks a lot once again! With that out of the way, let's get started!

(Opening Theme - BTOOOM!)


The group exited the forest line and into Twilight Town all the while chatting with one and other absentmindedly. Ky, Aptus, and Yuffie led them all to Moogle's shop as the group admired the town's architecture.

'"Whoa! I know this my second time seeing the town, but it's just so awesome!" Ruby said in glee, her head turning in every direction.

"For once, I agree with you" Weiss replied glancing around the beautiful town.

As the group continued to stroll through the town Blake couldn't help but notice how the adults both human and faunus greeted them with such a friendly manner. Each time they walked past people they were greeted with smiles and laughs something that was not normally seen especially towards faunus. It confused her but in a sense it also comforted her knowing that she as well as other faunus were welcomed here without having to face any problems.

"So, what do you guys do around here for fun?" Yang asked, folding her arms below her large bust.

The duo shared a look as smirks appeared on their faces, "We do a lot of things for fun." Aptus replied as Ky shook his head remembering the things the duo did.

"Oooo, like what?" Nora asked as she appeared in between the duo with a crazed smile. "Tell me! Tell me!"

"Well we usually spend time with our friends just messing around" Ky replied with a shrug, "not to mention going to the clocktower."

"The clocktower...?" Jaune echoes as he gazed up to the right, where the said buidling could be seen above the train station.

"Why would you go there?" Pyrrha wondered outloud.

"Why not go there." Aptus replied making the group give him confused looks. "The tower gives us the best view of the town" Ky stated as he glanced over to the tower.

"Oooo, really?" Ruby asked in awe. "Can we go there?"

"Maybe later, Rosebud. Right now we have to go to Moogle's shop." Ky answered as they headed towards the shop.

Hearing giggles, the blue-haired teen turned to look straight head at a group of girls that were walking in the other direction. They winked at the bluenette as they past by, something that the two teams did not miss. "Wow. Cid wasn't lying when you said guys had fangirls..." Yang stated, astonished and a bit angry as the girls also winked at Aptus. Her eyes narrowed slightly at the giggling girls, filled with a hint of jealousy.

"Like Ap said, it's not something we like to talk about." Ky replied while glancing at Ruby who was strangely quiet. Said girl immediately held onto Ky's hand interlocking their fingers together, her silver eyes narrowed, lips pursed cutely as she held an expression clearly said: 'Back off. He's mine.'

The two girls who giggled, noticed how close Ruby was to Ky and showed some signs of jealousy towards her. They assumed the crimsonette was his girlfriend, which was actually true since none of them knew it until now.

Nora saw the girls' faces and laughed at their misfortune. "Looks like your message across, Ruby. Those fan girls clearly realized they lost out." The hammer wielder grinned at Ky, the latter chuckling amusedly before looking at his slightly clingy girfriend.

"Aw don't worry about them, Rosebud," He said as he brought her closer. "You're the only girl I'll look at."

Hearing caused the crimsonette to blushed brightly as she folded in on herself.

"Oooo! Who knew you were such a Casanova~" Yuffie chirped in."That was really smooth" Jaune sadly agreed wondering why he couldn't be that smooth.

Pyrrha patted him on the back. "It's alright, Jaune. Sometimes, you just have to be yourself around the one you like." She reassured him.

"I guess you're right.." Jaune reluctantly agreed.

"Speaking of which..." Yuffie glanced over Aptus slyly. "Is there any girl you wanna look at too, Ap?"

Said fox faunus sputtered at that as Yang looked at him curiously, wondering if he had his eyes on someone.

"Uh, w-well...u-um..." He stammered over his words. The gaze he was receiving from the blond brawler made it hard for him to speak further.

"Yeah, Ap. Why don't you enlighten us? If there's really someone you got your sights on, she'll be happy to hear it from ya~" Ky teased and sang the last part out of mischief, which caused his friend to glare at him.

"Not if she's around to hear you!" Aptus shouted. Ky snickered at this, while Yang giggled at the faunus' annoyed frustration. Aptus blushed hard from embarrassment as he took a glance at her. Seeing this, Ky and Blake shared a knowing smirk.

"So, what if Yang was that girl?" The cat faunus suggested in a teasing manner, nudging the blonde's arm.

"Blake!" Yang protested, her cheels burning bright red as the group laughed at the scene while Weiss rolled her eyes in amusement at her friends. Aptus looked at Yang's reaction with confusion, the latter looking away to avoide his stare and as her cheeks burned even more.

After a few minutes of walking, Yuffie suddenly stopped before spinning around throwing her arms. "Alrightly, we're here!" Yuffie announced, gesturing to the building  behind her.

"Wow! It looks cool!" Ruby exclaimed while looking the tag building as the others agreed.

"So, I'm guessing this is the shop?" Ren asked.

"Yeah, it is." Aptus nodded. "Moogle's traveled around a lot, but he always wanted a place where he could run his own business. So, he opened up spot in town. Here, He synthesize items to make new weapons, armor, clothes and items."

"That's pretty impressive" Yang complements as her eyes wonder around the exterior of the small shop.

"So, it this the only shop in Remnant?" Blake wondered, placing a hand on her hip.

"Yeah it is but Moogle tends to travel around and sale his items" Aptus replied while shrugging.

Yuffie walks up to the building and taps on the counter. "Hey! We're here! Anyone all set up yet!?" She shouted inside.

As soon as she said that, there was a loud thud underneath the edge of the counter from inside the shop. "Ow!" A female voice cried out loud.

Yuffie and the others all flinced in surprise from the soundas the person stood up, rubbing her head to ease the pain. It was a teenage girl around Ky's age with short pink hair, and small freckles on her cheeks. Her hair had a white hairpin on the right  side. She wore a red waitress outfit that consisted of a dark red top with puffed sleeves, a matching flared skirt, a red ribbon atop her chest, a short white apron around her skirt, a red strap around her leg underneath her skirt and light brown boots. Her eyes were closed tight from the pain she received on her head. When she blinked her eyes open, they were the same pink color as her hair but darker.

"Hey, what's the big idea!?" The girl glared at Yuffie. The group jumped back from the anger and irritation in her voice. "Yuffie, I told you to stop doing that!"

"Oh, my bad Eliza!" Yuffie apologized sheepishly, scratching her cheek. "I didn't know you were there. I thought no one was here."

The pinkette huffed lightly before she dimissed it with a wave of her hand. "It's fine. Good to see you again, Yuffie." she smiled.

"You too!" The ninja girl grinned back, then gestured to behind her.

"So, what brings you here besides startling me...again?" Eliza asked jokingly; getting a laugh from the ninja.

"Well, I brought some new faces today. Two you may recognize really well." Yuffie replied. She the motioned the group with her hand to come over.

Once they did, the pink-haired girl spotted two certain boys that fully recognized, her eyes widening in surprise. "Ky? Aptus!?" she exclaimed.

"Yo. Eli!" Ky grinned with a closed-eye grin and a wave.

"Sup!" Aptus nodded with a mock salute.

Eliza gaped for a minute as she smiled brightly. "Oh my Oum! It's great to see you guys! I missed you so much!" She said as she  held out her arms to the duo for a group hug, which they happily accepted. The others became confused or surprised to see another TT citizen that knew the duo. Ruby was more surprised than confused.

"Same here, Eli" Ky chuckled, giving the pink-haired girl a pat on the back.

"Not that I'm complaining or anything, but what are you doing here in Moogle's shop?" Aptus asked as he and Ky let go of the hug.

"Oh, that's alright. You guys don't know." Yuffie spoke up, getting the duo's attention. "Eli here works as Moogle's assistant."

Ky and Aptus dropped their jaws in shock. "...What!?" They gasped in unison.

"That's right!" Eliza puffed her chest out with a grin full of pride.

The blunette blinked at this before looking over at Yuffie. "So, like...does this mean we might get swindled out of cash too?"

"Oh, wow! Thanks for the vote of confidence, jerk!" Eliza barked back. "I'll have you know that I'm Moogle's back assistant in town."

"She's very much right, kupo!"

Everyone except Eliza and Yuffie got startled by the voice of a male behind them. They all turned around to see a smiling, blue-eyed blonde that was familar to the TT citizens.

"Moog. That's second time you nearly gave me a heart attack. Can you not give my friends any?" Ky accused playfully.

The blond boy laughed as he walked over to  Ky, Aptus and Yuffie. "Sorry, Ky. Didn't mean to scare ya. With that aside, it's great to see you two back in town, kupo!" He chirped, giving Ky and Aptus both a fist pump.

"Could you say the same about you" The fox faunus agreed.

"Ditto!" Yuffie added as she saluted at Moogle, who waved back in return.

"So, Eli's really is your assistant?" Ky asked, gesturing to the pinkette.

"Yup! I hired her not too long ago, kupo." Moogle nodded, walking over to the counter of his shop and turning to face his friends, as well as the other faces he never knew. "Ah, so many new faces, kupo!"

"'Ku..po?" Nora questioned with a head tilt.

"Yeah, apparently it's his catchphrase." Aptus chimed in.

"Oh. So who's the blond guy with the pom-pom?" Nora asked, tilting her head at the new person.

"Greeting, I'm Moogle." he chirped as the group turned to him. "Nice to meet you all, kupo! So, these must be your friends from Beacon, kupo."

"Uh-huh!" Ky nodded with a grin. He then started introducing Moogle and Eliza to them all. "Guys, these are my and Ap's friends. Moogle and Eliza. Moogle sells lots of great stuff in his shop. If you want something you're looking for, just ask him. Eliza here is an old friend of ours. She's great to hang out with, buuuuuuttttt..." He smirked devious;y at said girl. "She's got a quite the temper that could make even the scariest Grimm run in fear, epsecially with a mace."

"Hi there, kupo!" Moogle greeted as Eliza gave the Beacon squad a friendly wave...until she caught on to what Ky said about her.

"Hey, don't give them a bad impression of me doofus!" She defended while glaring at Ky, who laughed in response. This made her growl in annoyance and threw a fist towards his face, but he quickly ducked to dodge it the second before he got punched.

"She sounds just like you." Yang joked at Weiss, the latter rolling her eyes.

"I don't wanna know if she's as strong as you or Nora." Ruby whispered with a hint of fear, clearly a little frightened from the slight violence she saw. Her older sister snickered at both her comment and her reaction on Eliza's violent move.

Aptus, Yuffie and Moogle all laughed at the two before Ky continued with the introductions. "Moving on!" He gestured to each of the members, "Now, these guys are Team JNPR! This is team leader Jaune Arc, Nora Valkyrie, Pyrrha Nikos, and Lie Ren."

"Hey." Jaune greeted with a small wave.

"Hiya!" Nora chirped ethusiastically.

"Hello there." Pyrrha waved while smiling at Moogle and Eliza.

"Please to meet you both." Ren nodded with a slighty bow.

"Up next, we have my teammates of Team RWBYK." Ky said as he gestured to each of the girls. "First, this here is Yang Xiao Long, second is Blake Belladonna, third one is Weiss Schnee, and last but certainly not least, Yang's young sister and team leader Ruby Rose!" He added with a fond smile while mentioning Ruby's name.

"Hey there!" Yang greeted the two with a wave, grinning.

"Hello." Blake waved and smiled.

"It's a pleasure to meet you two." Weiss curtised slighty as a greeting.

"Hi!" Ruby greeted while waving with a smile.

"Nice to meet you all!" Eliza waved with a closed-eyed grin.

Moogle nodded in agreement. "Same here, kupo!" When he saw Ruby's face, his face lit up in recognition and excitement. "Oh! You're Ky's girlfriend, kupo!"

Ruby's face turned bright red from hearing that. "Y-Yeah. T-That's me..." She confirmed shyly with a chuckle.

"Wait what? Girlfriend!?" Eliza exclaimed, eyes widened in shock and surprise.

"Yeah! Ky said she's his girlfriend. I was surprised too when he told me, kupo." Moogle grinned.

Eliza gasped loudly. She grabbed her blue-haired friend by the jacket, bringing his face closer to hers. "You mean to tell me that while you were studying at Beacon, YOU ACTUALLY FOUND A GIRLFRIEND  YOURSELF!?" At the mention of the last part, she shook Ky more rapidly than Yuffie did earlier. The others from Beacon, especially Ruby, were surprised by this. Eliza's reaction was just like Yuffie's, only much more shocking than hers.

"Y-Yeah, I did! Now s-stop shaking me and me let me go, woman!" Ky demanded in groans, his eyes swirling around from the rapid speed.

Eliza stopped shaking and let go of him with an apology. "First Yuffie, and now this...?" He muttered in a complaint as his head started spinning, dizzy-eyed.

Ruby ran over to her boyfriend, putting her hands on his shoulders and held him in place to help stop the dizziness. "Are you okay, Ky?" She asked in concern.

"Yeah, I-I'm good." Ky reassured her before his vision began to clear.

"So, when did you two start to date?" Eliza wondered, eager to know about the couple's starting point.

"I wanna know the story as well, kupo." Moogle added in, his attention now on Ky and Ruby.

"Well, it's a long story, so I'll give ya the short verison." Ky explained. "On the night I was in Vale to apply for Beacon, I ended up having near encounter with some pretty boy called Roman Torchwick and his group of thugs as they were robbing dust store. That's when I saw Ruby as she was the first to face those guys."

"In their case, it was love at first fight." Yang chimed in jokingly, remembering the pun Ky had made. This earned her groans from the group and amused laughs from Ky and Eliza.

"Good one." She nodded at Yang, who grinned widely in return.

Ky continued with the story. "Anyways, along with a teacher from Beacon who's like a good wicked witch, Ruby and I fought the pretty boy. After that, we met the 'Wizard of Oz' Headmaster. He let us study at Beacon, became a team with Goldilocks, Snow White and Shadow-Cat. A few months later, we had a big dance and we are."

"Aww, that's so romantic!" Eliza gushed, which made the couple blush a bit.

"Wow! Now that sounds like quite the exciting experience. Looking at her up close, she really looks adorable, kupo!" Moogle commented.

"Heck yeah!" Ky grinned cheekily, wrapping an arm around Ruby's waist
and pulled her close for emphasis. "Cute, innocent, sweet as cookies and can wield one of the deadliest weapons to ever exist!? If that doesn't scream 'greatest girlfriend ever', then I don't know what will."

Hearing Ky's words, Ruby couldn't help but close in on herself as her cheeks litterally match the color of her cape.

"Aww, looks like someone's gemstone is blushing~" Eliza teased, causing Ruby to blush even more.

"G-Gemstone!?" she squeaked in a stuttereas Ky blushed from Eliza's offered pet name.

"Yeah, cause you look like a blooming gemstone that Ky happened to find and treasure deeply. Or...could it be you're twisiting your bejeweled petals cause of what he said about you?

"No, no!" Ruby denied while putting her hands on her now-tomato redface and throwing on her hood to hide away.

"Eli! Knock it off!" Ky scolded, his cheeks also red from the teasing. Even though not as much as Ruby, but embarrassed nonetheless.

"Okay, okay." The pinkette raised her hands in surrender playfully as everyone laughed as the couple who tried to avoid their laughter.

"I like her." Nora said, gesturing a thumb to Eliza.

"It'd be a shock if you didn't." Yuffie chuckled.

Ky then turned on the group. "Ah, don't hate because you all are as single as a bag of Lien!"

"Speaking of which, what about you, Ap?" Eliza asked out of the blue, causing said fox Faunus to raise an eyebrow in question.

"What are you talking about?"

Moogle saw Yang standing next to him. Based on their standing positions, he noticed the closeness between them. "Is she your girlfriend, kupo?"

From that question alone, both Aptus and Yang blushed hard simultanesously. "No, I'm/she's not ! We're just friends!" They denied angrily at the same time. Ruby, now out of her hood, giggled at this while everyone else looked amused.

"Really? 'Just friends'? She appears to be a brawler like you. Seems like your type of girl." Eliza pointed out, growing a teasing smirk as Yang's cheeks turned slightly red while Aptus merely facepalmed with a loud annoyed groan.

"Will you please stop comparing girls to me  already?" He muttered out.

The pinkette burst out laughing. "Sorry, sorry. Meeting Ky's girlfriend just made me wonder if you already found a girl too. You know, without my usual hookups by now."

"I can find a girl on my own, thanks." Aptus rolled his eyes.

"Usual hookups?" Ruby repeated in question, her head tilting.

"Yeah, which involves Ky and Ap's fan clubs." Eliza laughed as the TT duo stared at her with shock. "A while back before they left for Beacon, the girls wouldn't stop fawning over their looks at all. It was hilarious to see the two being close in on themselves from the attention they were getting. So, I tried to 'help' each of them find a girlfriend by setting them up on private dates with lots of girls who wanted to meet them. Funny thing is, after they rejected EVERY girl they met, their faces were redder than Moogle's red pom-pom!" At the last part, she laughed hard with Moogle, Yuffie and even Nora.

Minus Ruby and Yang, the others laughed along as the two boys facepalmed or groaned out of annoyance. Then they flinched slightly in fear at the displeased sisters raising an eyebrow at them.

"I thought you guys said you didn't like too  many girlsin town giving you attention." Yang recalled with a mixture of suspicion and disbelief heard in her tone.

"Yeah." Ruby and Jaune agreed, the former in the same suspicious manner and the latter in amusement. Feeling sheepish, Ky and Aptus could only rubbed their napes.

"W-We don't. Eli was just telling you this because she joked around with us when she set those dates." The fox Faunus reassured them nervously.

Ky nodded rapidly, before giving Eliza an irritated glare shouting. "Which she did on purpose!"

The pink-haired girl laughed in return. She shared a high-five with a grinning Nora, followed by Yuffie.

"Hey. It's not my fault you guys are really attractive, especially Ap with those fox ears. Remember, even I used to swoon over you two at first, especially Ky." Eliza told them nonchalantly.

"Eliza!" Ky and Aptus protested.

Nora, Yuffie and even Blake giggled at the scene. "Sounds like you two had quite the reputation with the girls here." The latter remarked.

"Not helping, Blake." Aptus deadpanned, his eyes narrowing towards the amused cat Faunus.

"Well, Ky is super good-looking." Ruby admitted without hesitation or shyness, which got everyone's attention, including KY, who looked at her in surprise. Since he was the one who usually made her blush, it was new that she was flipping their roles now.

Eliza smiled. "It that so?"

"Yeah!" Ruby nodded brightly. "He's really kind, loyal, funny, selfless, brave and so much more that no one else can compare. He's always there for me and makes me smile when I feel down. Without him, I wouldn't have been able to make it far in Beacon as a future Huntress. I've never thought I'd have an amazing boyfriend like him. But that's why I love him for it."

"Aaaaawww~" Eliza, Yuffie, Nora and Pyrrha all gushed as Ky rubbed his head with a bashful expression.

"Love you too, Rosebud." He grinned bashfully at Ruby, who smiled blushing back what he said.

Eliza chuckled and nudged Ky on the arm with her elbow. "You're lucky to have a girl like her. You better be good to her. She's a keeper."

"You don't have to worry about that." Ky stated with a proud look.

"Oh, I'm not. It's more like I don't know any other girl who could put up a doofus like you."

Ky twitched at that. "Say what!? Do you know how popular I am? I'm straight up lovable!" (He's also talking about you readers)

"He's right. We'll protect each other." Ruby declared with confidence and pride.

"Gee. Must be nice to have someone special." Yuffie remarked as she look at Aptus. "Don't you think?"

"Yeah, I guess." He shrugged, not noticing Yang glancingover at him with a small smile.

"So, what can we do for ya today kupo?" Moogle asked, curiously. "Surely, it wasn't just to talk about romance, kupo."

"Oh, right. Well, like I explained earlier, we have a friend who's weapon was broken back in Vale and we need your help fixing it." Aptus explained, getting back on track.

"Ah! I remember that, kupo!" Moogle chuckled. His eyes then scanned over the Beacon group. Which one is that needs fixing on their weapon, kupo?"

"It's me." Weiss spoke as she walked up to the counter, pulled out her broken Myrtenaster and showed it to Moogle and Eliza.

"Hmm, Let's see..." Eliza glanced down at the weapon with a thoughtful expression, "A Multi Action Dust Rapier. Made from high tech metal in Atlas, as a conventional hilt, but instead possessed a classic gun shape. It also doesn't have a knuckle guard or quillons, possibly because the hilt configuration. It also does not have a particularly heavy pommel."

"Umm, what's she doing?" Ruby whispered as she leaned over to Ky.

"Oh, she's just studying the rapier. She does it with any weapon she comes across and can fix it up or upgrade it if requested." Ky replied nonchalant. "Believe it or not, she's the best weapon expert in town. The metal and material we used for our weapons were found by Moogle in places you won't find anywhere else. Not even Atlas."

"Alrighty, I'lldo it!" Eliza puffed her chest proudly. "Also, don't worry about your rapier. A blacksmith of my level can do this in their sleep! It'll be done before you know it!"

"Wait really?" Ky asked in surprise.

"Don't underestimate my blacksmithing."

"Thank you." Weiss spoke calmly. "My rapier means alot to me."

"No problem. Honestly, I'm a bit suprised to see Ky friends with the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company."

Yuffie nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it surprised me too. But it turns out unlike those arrogant pricks up in Atlas, she's trying to make a difference in the world."

"Buuuut, it's hard for her to do that if she keeps being mean to others cause she's ice-cold, like her heart. Still, she can  be a cool friend once ya get to know her." Ky joked.

"Hey!" The heiress complained as everyone, minus an amused Yang, Aptus, Yuffie and Eliza, all groaned at the puns.

"Soooo, now that Weiss' rapier will be fixed...what do we do now?" Ruby asked, looking around her friends.

"Now, we could walk around town" Ky replied as the crimsonette's eyes sparkled.

"Really? Let's go!"  Ruby exclaimed befire raced over to another direction.

"Where are you going!?" Weiss called out to her partner. "You can't just run off through a place you've never been too, dolt!"

"She does have a point, Ruby. We can't have you lost somewhere in town" Yang lighty scolded her sister.

After running back to the group, Ruby sheepishly rubbed the back of her head. "Sorry, it's just that Ky's told me so much about this place and I want to see every inch of it!" She explained, before she perked up at something. "Oh! Can we go see the place where you guys have the 'Struggle' thingy!?"

"Struggle thingy!? What is that!?" Nora excitedly asked while jumping up and down.

"You mean the 'Struggle' Tournament?" Ky inquired.

 "Yeah, that!" Ruby chirped in.

"Oh yeah. I remember Ky mentioning that back on the train. That sounds like fun!" Yang said, crossing her arms under her bust.

"Well, it's not like your average tournament," Aptus said, joining in the conversation.

"What do you mean?" Pyrrha asked confused and curious as to why this tournament is different.

"I think it's better to show you than tell ya." Aptus shrugged.

Ruby then grabbed her boyfriend's hand and pulled at it. "Come on, I wanna see where you guys have the tournament!" 

"Alright, let's go!" Ky laughed at the crimsonette's antics, before motioning to the others that they were leaving.

"See ya around, Moogle!" Yuffie waved as she joined them. "I'll come by later to pick up some materials."

"Sounds good, Kupo!" Moogle chirped as the group left.

"Good luck with the fiery fox, Yang!" Eliza called out teasingly to the brawler, who stopped in her tracks with surprise, snapped her head to the pinkette's direction and became flustered. Aptus grew a massive blush on his cheeks from what was said.

"Knock it off, Liz!" He growled, pulling Yang along with him by the wrist to catch up with the others as Eliza and Moogle laughed.

Once the pair was out of earshot, Eliza looked over at her companion."So obivious, isn't it?" She asked with a grin.

"Very much so, kupo!" Moogle nodded.

"Think they'll end up together?"

"Only time will tell, kupo."


Back with the group after leaving Moogle's shop, Yang glanced at Aptus while they kept   walking. "H-Hey. Uhh, you let go of me now" She told him.

Confused, Aptus raised an eyebrow at her until he looked down at her where his hand was, seeing that he was still holding her wrist. "Oh! M-My bad." He apologized as he released her.

"It's cool. Don't worry about it." Yang waved it off before looking around. "Alrighty, where to Foxy?"

"T-This way.." Aptus stuttered out while walking forward. "We're heading to the sandlot."

"Ooo, let's go!" Nora exclaimed attempting to run away on to be stop by Ren who was holding the back collar of her shirt.

"Nora, you don't even know where it is. You could get lost." He told her.

"Hmph!" Nora huffed as she crossed her arms with a pout. "Fine."

With that the group began walking with Aptus, Ky and Yuffie leading them. "Interesting bunch of friends you guys have" The ninja girl whispered over to the duo.

"Yeah they are..." Ky replied while glancing over to the two teams that were laughing. The ninja girl looked at Ky's expression for a moment, before facing forward again

"So has anything changed while we were gone?" Aptus asked the ninja girl, curious if their friends got into trouble while they were gone.

"Well Hayner, Pence and Olette have been enrolled into the Academy."

"Has Hayner caused any trouble with the Academy?" Ky asked knowing how Hayner could get when he is angered.

 " and there. But other than that, he's been quite determined to catch up to you two. Actually, you guys inspired a lot of people to become strong."

"W-What?" Ky stuttered out surprised as Aptus shared a similar look. "Really?"

"Yep!" Yuffie confirmed with a shrug. "When the others heard you were going to Beacon, Ky, it set a fire under their butts and got them motivated."

Ky rubbed his head sheepishly. "Aww, well you know..."


Within mintues, the group had arrived at the destination that was the sandlot. It turns out that the sandlot was quite misnamed, as there isn't an ounce of sand anywhere in the place. It was just a small plaza surrounded on all sides by tall buildings, benches set up along the side. There are also a few stands that hold posterboards, and a chalk board with a recently erased tournament bracket.      

"This is not what I had in mind." Yang commented astonished by the the sandlot.

"Yeah, I kinda it be...bigger" Ruby agreed with her sister.

"Where's the sand?" Jaune asked confused as he glanced at the trio. 

"Sand?" Ky repeated as he looked back at the blonde with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, you said it was a sandlot" Jaune stated even more confused by the name. "I kinda thought you guys were talking about a place that had sand."

The bluenette merely blinked at this before realization hit him. "Oh! No, no. It doesn't really have sand. It's just an area of vacant ground used for the tournament." He explained, trying to clear up the misunderstanding.

"Wait. You guys weren't expecting an actual sandlot, right?" Aptus asked the group who looked at one another, before looking back the fox Faunus and merely nodded 'yes' in unison.

Ky then became distracted from the conversation when he heard the sound of something flying through the air, and coming straight for him.

"On your left! Raise your hand!" Adhering to his gut, he turned to his left and held up his hand just as something impacted in his palm. Pulling his arm down, he looked at the object in his hand to see a small baseball. 

"A baseball?" Blake asked confused while looking down at it. 

"Wow that was cool!" Ruby gushed while looking at the ball Ky caught.

"Where did it come from...?" Pyrrha wondered outloud.

Suddenly, a male voice shouted, "Where'd it go!" From down the stairway several feet away.

"You shouldn't have hit it too hard!" Shouted a girl's voice after.

"What? Hold up!" Another male voice followed.

Ky and the rest of the team all looked towards the direction the voices came from as the sound of footstep were drawing closer and closer. Tearing down the stairs, and coming around the corner, were three characters.

One was a boy with burnt orange eyes and short, light brown hair. He wore baggy, camouflage-print capris pants, a short, sleeveless, grey vest, and a black muscle shirt decorated with a white, crudely-drawn skull and crossbones. His shoes are the same camouflage pattern as his pants, but also sport white tips, grey soles, and each has two intersecting, black belts in place of laces. He also wore a white necklace with a yellow "X" charm on it and a brown bracelet on his left wrist with several silver pins in it.

The second was a girl with dark brown hair that draped her shoulders, green eyes, and wore attire that had a Summer feel to it, consisting of an orange tank-top with a white floral design at the bottom, khaki-colored capri pants, and orange socks with white hems. She also wears cream, black and yellow shoes with black laces. Lastly, she also wore a beaded, sky blue bracelet on her right wrist and a black necklace decorated with a spherical, sky blue charm. 

The third was a stout boy with dark brown hair sticking over a dark blue headband, light brown eyes. He wore a long-sleeved, white shirt with dark cuffs underneath a red jersey with black and white lining. The jersey sports a black silhouette of a seemingly skeletal dog with three bones above it. The phrase "Dog Street" is printed along the left side a large, white letters. He also wears blue pants, blue and white shoes with grey soles, and a purple bandana around his neck.

Ky noticed three of the figures. "Huh? Hayner! Pence! Olette!"

Hearing their names being called out, the trio looked over at the group before their eyes landed on a blue-haired teen and fox Faunus duo.

"Aptus? Ky!?" They exclaimed.

The faunus hybrid gave them a grin and lazy hand wave. "Hey guys. How's it going?"

A smile blossomed on Olette's face, before running towards the duo followed by the two boys. Before she got a chance to hug either, Po suddenly jumped onto herm causing the girl to fall flat on her butt with the dog/cat creature licking at her face. 

"Po! It's good to see you too, but that hurt!" The girl whined as she got up with the help of Ky. 

"Hey, O. It's great to see you." He grinned.

She immediately hugged the boy before letting go and going to Aptus. The two boys finally catching up smiled at the duo, "You guys are finally here!" Pence exclaimed, patting Ky's back.

"Huh? It's hasn't been THAT long." The bluenette retorted.

"It's been months" Olette countered, making the duo laugh nervously.

"Hehe, fair enough." 

 Yuffie then stepped up to the two boys and wrapped her arms around their necks. "Yeah. Apparently, our boys here just got back today."

"Yeah we did and we brought our friends too." Ky said motioning to the two teams standing behind them.

"Whoa, that's big squad you guys have." Hayner commented in surprise at the group. "Are they friends you met at Beacon?"

"Yeah." Aptus answered while Ky nodded. "Here, we'll introduce them." He said, beckoning the group over to them

"So this is team JNPR, consisting of Jaune Arc the leader, Nora Valkytir, Pyrrha Nikos and Lie Ren." Ky announced, pointing to each of the team members when saying their names.

"Hey there." Jaune greeted with a smile.

 "Nice to meet you." Pyrrha added, cheery as always.

"Hi!" Nora excitedly greeted as Ren bowed his head lightly.

"Hayner. Nice to meet you." The blond haired boy introduced himself. 

 "I'm Pence." The chubby boy spoke as walked up beside his friend.

 "My name's Olette." The girl of the trio introduced herself.

"And this is team RWBYK, consisting of Ruby Rose, our team leader, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, Yang Xiao Long, and I." Ky announced once again pointing to each team member.

"Hi!" Ruby waved cheerfully. "It's nice to meet more of Ky's friends!"

"Yeah, it's good to meet you all." Yang greeted, while wrapping an arm around Ruby's shoulder.

"Hello." Weiss merely said, with Blake nodding her head.

"Aww, who's dog is that?" Olette asked, looking over at Zwei, who was wagging his tail happily.

"Oh, that's Zwei. Ruby and Yang's corgi." Aptus replied

"He's so cute~" the brunette cooed as she knelt down and patted the dog on the head.

"Wait, wait. Back up!" Hayner spoke with a raise of his hands. "You're on a team with four girls?"

"Yeah, why?" Ky asked, not really seeing why it was important.

A smirk grew on the dirty-blonde's face. "Well, well. You sly dog, you. I never took you for playboy type."

"Come on Hayner, Ky is not like that." Olette countered as she stood up, not liking what the boy was inferring to.

Yuffie folded her arms and slightly smirked. "Also, I'm not sure his girlfriend would approve of that."

"G-Girlfriend!?" The trio yelled at the same time, surprised by the fact that their friend had a girlfriend.

"Yeah, it's true." Aptus confirmed, nodding

"Who's your girlfriend?" Hayner asked, looking at the girls on the two teams.

Ky took a hold of Ruby's hand and clasped his fingers with hers. "Ruby is."

The trio all look at the crimsonette making Ruby blush. "T-That's me...again!"

"You Ky Virtus..." Hayner paused as his brown orbs stared into those of pure gold. 

 Pence looked over at Ruby and turned back to Ky. "...You have a girlfriend?"


"You?" Pence asked for confirmation.


"Ky Virtus?" Hayner was still not convinced.

 "That's my name. Don't wear it out."

 "And she's also your leader." 


"I request the highest of fives, Ky!" Pence cheered. Ky met the other boy in the middle with his high five. 

 "I don't belive this..."Everyone looked over at Hayner, who started shaking slighty. "I can't believe it. How...?" 

 "Hay, you alri-whoa!" Ky began to say, until Hayner suddenly pointed at him in a comical fashion. 


"Well, I...uh.." Ky trialed off not knowing how to respond before smiling, "I guess it's because of how amazing Ruby is." 

Ruby flushed as Yuffie leaned over to Yang, "Our Ky is growing up!" She playfully cooed.

Olette then pressed her hand to her mouth as she let out a giggle. "It's because he's more class than Hayner."

"What!?" Hayner whipped his head around so quickly that he would have gotten whiplash, as he faced his the girl. "What are you talking about!? I've got plenty of class! Ap, Pence, back me up here!"

His jaw dropped as he saw the two looking absentmindedly up at the sky and whistling innocently as they refused to make eye contact with him. The laughter that ensued thereafter made him cross his arms and glare at them.

"I hate you all...with all of my hate."

"Aww, don't be like that Hayner." Ky patted his friend on his back. "I'm sure your dream girl will come around soon. I mean, mine did. And all it took was my undeinably stellar amounts of charm, wit, chivalry, manners..." He paused as he thought of more. "...oh! Plus, being an all around badass!"

Hayner merely gave him a deadpanned gaze, while his left eyebrow twitched slightly.

"He's not wrong." Yang said through her amusement, though Jaune was muttering in the back about he's got a like to learn.

"Oh, speaking of which, does Aptus have a girlfriend too?" Pence wondered, looking over at said Faunus.

"Huh? Why are you asking that?" Aptus asked, crossing his arms over his chest with a raised eyebrow.

"I've been wondering the same thing." Olette chipped in. "Since you've went off to Beacon after Ky, then you must've found someone special too, right?"

Hayner groaned at this. "Seriously!? First Ky, now you? At this rate, I'm just gonna make be the laughing stock!"

A bit annoyed by this, Aptus sighed with facepalm. "Guys, please, don't pry on my love life. I got enough of it earlier from Liz."

"Does she know you guys are back?" Olette asked.

"Yup! Moogle too. When we went up to his shop earlier to get a friend's rapier fixed, Eli   pretty much dug into him about finding a lady friend." Ky said with a cheeky grin on the last part, making Aptus give him a deadpanned expression.

"Which I didn't enjoy." The fox faunus grumbled.

"Well, she did try to find you two girlfriends a while back, right?" Pence pointed out.

"She was messing with us!" Aptus and Ky complained in unison, not wanting to remember the events of Eliza's hookups.

Everyone laughed at the duo, especially Ruby, Yang and Yuffie when the crimsonette perked up at something.

"Why not Yang? You guys seemed to have many things in common." She said, causing her sister to turn red.

"Ruby!" Yang scolded in a whisper.

"Well, you always did the same thing to me about Ky." Ruby countered.

"You know what? She's right." Nora chirped before she looked at a disbelief Aptus. "You're both two sides of the same coin. You're perfect for one another!" She side-grinned.

"Nora. Not. Helping." Aptus said through gritted teeth.

"Wasn't trying to help." The hammer-wielder smirked, fist-pumping with Ky in the process.

"As much as I agree with that, maybe you guys should cool it before Ap blows a gasket." Yuffie said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah." Ky waved it off, causing Aptus roll his eyes at this. Yang stifled her laughter as Aptus blushed while looking away, embarrassed by Yuffie teasing him in the front of the blonde brawler.

"Well, what type of girl would you'd be interested?" Olette questioned curiously.

Yang turned to Aptus, who thought about it for a moment. Everyone else looked at him to hear this response.

"I dunno...There isn't anyone that I've been thinking of dating nowadays. I mean, even if there's someone I really like, I doubt she'd feel the same way about me." He shrugged his shoulders with uncertainy.

"Well, I'm sure you will find your girl soon enough. Like how Ky found his. Who knows, she might be closer than you think." Pence encouraged.

"Thanks, man." Aptus smiled. Yang pondered over Pence's worlds. Although they were directed to Aptus, they gave her some confidence for a certain possibility regarding the fox Faunus. The thought of it made her smile bashfully towards him. Seeing Yang's expression, Hayner, Pence  and Olette shared a knowing look without anyone taking notice of it.

"Look who finally decided to show up" A male voice taunted, causing the once peaceful mood to vanish. Ky, Aptus, Hayner, Pence, Olette and Yuffie all sighed in annoyance, knowing who the voice belong to. They all glanced over to see a group of teens approaching, led by a tall boy in a black hat, the hem of his long white sleeveless coat trailing through the air behind him as his black boots stomp their way to the group. Behind him march a more muscular looking tanned boy in black sweatpants and a sleeveless shirt, and a silver-haired girl in a blue shirt and capris. The last one of the bunch was a dark-haired boy dressed in green pants, a blue jacket and shirt, and a large yellow hat with a zipper that runs across its face like a mouth, with the thick brown gloves on his hands.

The group stopped from the gang as the two teams looked at the group of four confused. "Seifer." Ky acknowledged, knowing that this encounter was going to end in a fight. 

The tall boy, now Seifer, looked over at the blunette and Aptus before snorting. "Well, well. The losers are finally back." He taunted. 

"And the King of assholes makes his debut..." Hayner muttered under his breath

"Did you say something, Blondie?" Seifer asked, sneering at the blonde boy, who glared at him."

"So, who are they?" Yang whispered, as she leaned over to Aptus. "Friends of yours?"

"Hardly." Aptus explained boredly. "That's Seifer, the self proclaimed 'protector of the town' and his posse. The muscular one is Rai, the girl is Fuu and the small guy is Vivi. He's the only one who likes us out if them."

"That and Seifer's the leader of the so-called 'Twilight Town Disciplinary Committee." Yuffie huffed, leaning on her hip.

"Disciplinary...Committe?" Ren inquired, raising an eyebrow.

"It basically an organization they created." The ninja girl replied. "They take it upon themselves to protect Twilight Town and hold its residents up to Seifer's standards."

"He seems like a bully." Ruby commented, looking at the leader of the group.

"Understatement of the century." Pence agreed. "That and he pretty much acts as a rival to us."

"What do you want?" Hayner growled, glaring angrily at the tall boy.

"First thing, I wanna know who the new people are." Seifer demanded, crossing his arms haughtily as his eyes narrowed on the Beacon students. "I haven't seen them around here before and they look like a bunch of troublemakers."

"It is a bit suspicious," Rai said implacably.

"Shady," muttered Fuu, one hand on her hip.

"Excuse me?" Weiss spoke up, now glaring at the group. "What do you mean suspicious? I'll have you know we're students of Beacon Academy. If anyone is suspicious it is you!" 

"Yo, you should know better than to talk to Seifer like that, ya know?" Rai said, stepping up with his fists also raised.

"Disrespectful," Fuu drones, getting ready for a fight herself.

"Wait! Hold on! Why don't we calm down and talk?" Ruby negotiated, trying to defuse the situtation. 

The small boy with with Seifer's squad nodded in agreement. "Y-Yeah, we don't need to fight-" He began, only for Seifer to cut him off with a glare.

"Stay out of it, Vivi." The tall boy rudely said, causing the smaller boy to cower back slightly. He then turned to face Ruby. "Listen, girl, I'm the one calling the shots in this town. Me and my gang are the disciplinarians of this town. I don't know who you and you little posse are, but if you make one wrong move, we'll hear about it."

"Hey!" Yang interjects, as Zwei growled at the boy. "Don't talk to my sister like that, punk!"

"Lemme break his legs!" Nora shouted, only for Ren to grab her around the waist, causing the ginger-head to kick wildy.

"I'd back off if I were you." Hayner added with his arms folded. "That's Ky's girl you're talking to."

Seifer blinked as he process what he was told. "His girl?" He echoed before snorting. "Yeah sure. You expect me to believe that loser landed a girlfriend?" 

"He's not a loser!" Ruby spoke, not liking how this jerk was talking about Ky. "He's the greatest boyfriend in the whole world and awesome Hunstman-in-Training! I bet he could kick your butt any day!"

Seifer gritted his teeth in anger. "Oh, is that right?" He said, reaching behind his back and pulling out a Struggle bat. It  constructed from a blue, NERF-like foam mounted on a golden handle which appears similar to plastic. "Then, let's see what he's got."

"Well, I don't have anything better to do at the moment." Ky shrugged in a casual manner

"Let's do this!" Seifer yelled, angered by Ky's uncaring manner.

"Ky!" Pence shouted. Ky turned around to see the boy holding a struggle bat, and toss it to him. The blunette snatched it out of the air by the handle, before taking his fighting stance. 

 "Teach him a lesson, you know!" Rai shouted, as Vivi only watched.

"Pulverize!" Fuu added.

"You got this Ky!" Ruby yelled encouraging her boyfriend.

"Kick his butt!" Yang, Yuffie and Hayner all shouted in eagerness.

"Break his legs!" Nora roared loudly.

"Show him what Team RWBYK is capable of, dolt!" Weiss shouted, still angry at how they addressed them as suspicious.

Seifer and Ky were glaring at one another, waiting for one of them to strike. Finally, the first was made by Seifer.

He charged forward and tried striking Ky across the head. He blocked it effortlessly with his bat, then retaliated at once with a swift strike to the elbow. Seifer didn't expect him to move so fast, nor strike so hard. He backed off from him, then snarled as he started attacking Ky with a variety of strong attacks. Ky smirked at this, as he blocked all of Seifer's attacks. He knocked his struggle bat to the side, then struck on all four sides of Seifer, unleashing a four hit combo. A gust of wind formed after all attacks made contact, and Seifer was tossed upwards, pained from the attack.

Ky twirled his bat as he stood straight, ready to continue as Seifer landed on the ground, getting onto his feet again. "Whoa...!" gasped Pence. 

"He's incredible!" Olette stated in awe.

 "I've never seen anyone react so quickly in a fight before." Hayner stated, "He's gotten stronger!"

 "Ky had a lot of practice back at Beacon" Aptus said with the others thinking their agreements out loud.

"I'm not through yet!" Seifer growled, "Time to unleash my newest attack!" He jumped high into the air and started spinning, creating a tornado around him. Ky and everyone watching was enduring this. 

"What's he doing?!" Pence gasped. "If this attack connects, Ky's gonna get more than a little bruise!" 

Vivi stated, "Ky, run!"

Ky didn't move an inch, but was watching as Seifer dove down club-first. "Try blocking this! Rome Stab!" he shouted, and he made his strike at Ky. His struggle bat was close to the bluenette when he dodged the attack without anyone seeing it. He then ducked down, and pulled back his struggle bat, which started to emanate a blue glow.

'If he wants to use his best attack, then I'll use one of mine!' Ky thought to himself. "Ars Arcanum!"

Seifer was startled at how fast he dodged, then saw him strike five times from the top right of his body to the bottom left of his body, in a straight line. He then did it again, seven times from the top left to the bottom right, creating an X. Seifer stumbled back, then ferociously tried to attack Ky. The attack merely brushed his blue locks as he tilted his body, then with a battle cry, slashed sideways with all he had, striking the intersection of the X he formed. The attack made Seifer cough, then he flew away from Ky, flying into a bench with such force, that he made it topple over with him.

"Nothing to it!" Ky said, twirling the bat before resting it on his shoulder.

"That's was..amazing!" Hayner shouted, making his way over to Ky with the others following along.

"That was awesome, Ky!" Jaune comment, placing his hand on Ky's shoulder

"Yeah you were cool!" Olette agreed.

Ky merely the back of his head at the praise. "It was nothing."

"It wasn't nothing! It was...Wow!" Ruby commented, astonished by his fight.

The team turned to see Seifer get to his feet again thanks to Fuu and Rai. "Seifer's not feeling too hot, you know!" The tanned boy merely explained.

"Tournament decides" Fuu finished.

"When has he ever been hot?" Yuffie snorted, getting a laugh from the others.

Seifer then clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Hmph. You got lucky this time. But once the upcoming tournament starts, you're finished." He then turned and walked away, with Rai, Fuu and Vivi behind him. Though when none of the three were looking, Vivi slightly turned and gave the group a small wave before following Seifer again.

"Serves him right." Weiss huffed, turning her head with her arms folded.

"He got what he deserves!" Olette commented.

"He reminded me so much of Cardin, and not in a good way..." Jaune spoke, thinking back to the leader of CRDL.

"I'm assuming Cardin is the bully back at Beacon" Yuffie deduced.

"That's putting it lightly" Pyrrha answered with a light scowl. "He was always picking on those who were different. Especially Faunus."

"What kind of huntsman in training picks on faunus?" Olette angrily said, placing a hand on her waist.

"Apparently, him" Blake replied before looking back at the direction Seifer's gang went. "What about that Seifer guy? Does he not like Faunus either?"

"To be honest, he doesn't really have a problem with them" Pence told her. "Yeah, he comes off as a real jerk. But even he has standards...which can be odd at times."

"At least he's not like Cardin" Jaune commented, not ready for another bully like him.

"That Vivi guys seemed nice, unlike those other jerks" Nora huffed with an angry pout.

"Indeed" Ren agreed, then turned to face Ky. "So, Ky. What kind of weapons were you two fighting with?"

"Oh, they are called struggle bats. We use them in the tournament" Ky explained, holding up the struggle bat.

"Really?" Yang questioned, intrigued. "How come you don't use your regular weapons?"

"So that no one has an advantage" Aptus answered, shrugging. "Not everyone can take a beating like that. So we keep things fair."

"Can anyone join?" Ruby asked. "Sounds very interesting."

"Yeah, it's available for everyone!" Yuffie answered.

"You just have to register on the day before." Hayner added. "They go through preliminaries before going to the top four, then they have to challenge the champion."

"It's really cool and fun!" Olette added.

"In that case, I would like to try it out!" Jaune decided. "What about you guys?"

"That sounds grand!" Pyrrha happily nodded.

"Of course we are" Weiss answered, flipping her ponytail away. "This could provide great training for the upcoming festival."

"I'm in too!" Ruby chirped, raising her hand high in the air. "Banzai!"

"Let's break some legs!" Nora eagerly declared with a fist-pump. "Yahoo!"

"Uhh, what?" Olette blinked at the girl owlishly.

"Sorry about her" Ren apologized, with a shake of his head.

At that moment, a rumbling sound echoed through the sandlot and startled the group. "What was that?" Pence asked, gazing around for the sound.

The two teams all look at Nora who was holding her stomach, attempting to quiet it down. "Sorry about that, I just got hungry." She explained, waving her hand dismissively.

"Me too..." Ruby groaned, holding her stomach. "I haven't eaten anything since breakfast."

"Eating sounds good" Yang agreed with a nod. "I could go a for a bite."

Ky, Aptus and Yuffie all shared knowing looks with Hayner, Pence and Olette before looking back at the group."We know just the place" the blunette answered, smirking

"Greatest resturant in town" Hayner confirmed, getting nods from Pence and Olette

"Is that so?" Weiss asked, folding her arms.


"I assume you guys go to this restaurant alot" Yang commented, judging by the way they all instantly agreed on going to the restaurant.

"More than you know" Aptus replied with a toothy grin. "Remy makes the best dishes there."

"Remy...that sounds familar" Pyrrha pondered outloud.

"I believe Ky mentioned this 'Remy' person before" Ren said, tapping his chin with his finger.

 "Oh, oh! It was back when we collected sap in Forever Falls!" Ruby recalled, clappined her hands together in glee. "You said he makes very tasty food!"

"That's an understatement" Olette chirped, "His food is something that cannot be describe with words."

"It's so good, it'll make even the Wizard of Oz kneel before him in praise!" Ky explained, as he knelt down on one knee as a light from the heavens shined down upon him.

"Exaggerating much?" Weiss sweatdropped. 

"You dare question the greatness of Remy's Bistro!?" The blunette exclaimed. "Thou art blasphemers! Deviants of the highest degree!"

Weiss stared at him, not expecting him to say such things while the others laughed. "Such a dunce" The heiress muttered.

"Well, come! Let's get going then!" Yuffie laughed as she moitoned for the group to follow her. "I wanna hear all the stories on the way to the bistro on how Ky has been doing a Beacon student. Also, Ruby, no hold barred on how the guy has been doin' as a boyfriend."

"Same here." Hayner agreed. "I'm still shocked by that."

"I pretty sure we all are" Olette playfully agreed.

"Hey, I'm great boyfriend!" Ky protested. "Rosebud, tell them."

Ruby grinned brightly before nodding. "Yeah, he is a good boyfriend! He even promised to take me somewhere special for our first date."

"See? Told ya!"

"I guess" Hayner replied shrugging. With that, the group made their way out of the sandlot towards their next destination.


"So, this is the famous bistro you told us about?" Blake asked as she and others gazed up at large building, amazed at the professional design of the place. It looked like it came straight out of the documentaries about high-class restaurants.   

"Yeah, it is!" Ky replied, glancing at the building. "Finest restaurant in town, and one you won't find anywhere else in Remnant!"

"It's huge!" Ruby exclaimed, holding her arms to empathize her point.

"Yeah, I kinda expected it to be smaller" Yang commented. 

"You guys wait here" Yuffie called out to the group, "I'm going to get Remy." The ninja girl went up towards the door as the others watched her go. "Remy!" Yuffie called out, catching everyone's attention. Hearing his named being called, a male came out of the kitchen with a rag in his hands. When he and Yuffie came outside, everyone else got to see what he looked like.

He turned out to be a rat Faunus. His frame was slightly slender with brown eyes, bluish-gray hair and droopy, round ears of the same color amd small buck teeth. His attire consists that of a white chef's jacket, black pants and a pair of brown shoes.

"He...He's a Faunus?" Blake questioned, surprised by the revelation.

 "Yup" Ky answered then waved over to the new face. "Hey, Remy! Good to see ya!" 

"Yo, Rem!" Aptus called out with a lazy wave. Hearing his name, Remy looked over at who spoke and froze as time seemed to have froze. His expression was the textbook description of shocked; eyes widened to their fullest, mouth agape like a fish out of water.

"Is he okay?" Ruby whispered to her sister who shrugged, not really knowing either. Faster than anyone could see, the towel in Remy's hand fell to the ground as he bolted over to Ky and Aptus, tackling them both into a hug that leaves them all three of them on the ground. 

"...Ow." Ky merely groaned out.

"Ky!" "Aptus!" Yang and Ruby both yelled, concerned for the two.

"We're good!"

The two girls let out sighs of relief as they stare at the trio who were still hugging.Remy then stood up with a huge grin on his face, happy that his two other friends were back in town. His eyes traveled to the group of people, watching eight of them with confusion before turning to the duo silently asking who they were.

"Oh, these are our friends from Beacon" Ky told him, before looking back the others. "Everyone, this is Remy. Chef of these here bistro!"

Remy smiled and slightly bowed his head in greeting."Hey Remy!" Pence, Hayner, and Olette greeted. The mouse Faunus merely waved at them cheerfully.

"Why isn't he talking?" Nora asked, confused as to why the rat faunus remained silent.

"He's mute" Aptus explained, with Remy nodding in agreement. "Because of that, he hasn't been able to commuincate with people very well." 

 "Which is why we helped him learn sign language" Olette added in. "Now, he's able to talk everyone better!"

"That's amazing" Pyrrha commented.

Pence chuckled lightly. "Yeah, now look at him. Head chef of his own bistro, which is now a five star success. Soon, he'll have girls swarming the place just to meet him."

 Remy blushed bashfully at the praise, rubbing his head as he looked down. "He'll have fangirls like these two" Yuffie added, pointing at Ky and Aptus.

"Can you please stop bringing that up?" Aptus muttered, pinching between his nose. 

 "Yeah, it's not OUR faults that girls keep fawning when they see us." Ky huffed.

"They're so lucky" Jaune mumbled, feeling dejected. Pyrrha placed her hand on his shoulder, trying to comfort him as best as she could.

'Poor guy' Yuffie thought before turning back to Remy, "So Remy, why don't we introduce you to Ky and Ap's new friends?"

Remy happily nodded in response, wanting to know the names of the new faces in Twilight Town.

"Since Ky and Yuffie already introduce our friends to some of the others, I guess I'll do the same this time."  Aptus spoke up as he gestured his hand to Jaune and his teammates. "This quartet here is Team JNPR."

"Name's Jaune Arc." Jaune waved as he introduced himself.

"Hiya! My name is Nora Valkyrie!" Nora greeted ethusiastically.

Pyrrha gave Remy a wave. "Pyrrha Nikos. A pleasure to meet you."

"Hello, I'm Lie Ren." Ren nodded.

Remy nodded with a smile at the team. Just then, his nose started to pick up on something. When he caught the scent coming from Nora, he walked towards her and kept on sniffing. She blinked in surprise, confused by his actions. Her teammates and the girls of RWBYK also became equally surprised by his strange, unsual action despite that he's a Faunus. "Uhh, what's he doing?" Nora asked Ky, the Twilight group as Remy took one last sniff, managing to smell her breath after she spoke.

"Remy as a strong sense of smell and taste. He must've picked up on a scent from you." Yuffie explained.

As if on cue, the rat Faunus finished his sniffing with a grin and a snap of his fingers. He then made a few handsigns. Unable to understand him, Nora turned her head to TT squad for a translation.

"He said that you smell like pancakes." Ky answered. Remy nodded in agreement and licked her lips at the mention of the delicious breakfast meal as emphasis.

Nora gaped in shock, before looking back at Remy. "Wow, you're a really good smeller!" She complimented engertically, earning a slient amused laugh and nod of thanks from him. The rest of Beacon group were also very impressed by Remy's sense of smell.

"His nose helps him deduce any ingredient in various types of food so easily. His taste buds do the same thing." Ky smiled widely as his words were dismissedby Remy with a modest wave of his hand.

"Incredible." Blake said with amazement.

"Hey! Why don't you smell my team and tell us what do they smell like?" Nora suggested, causing all of her friends to look at her in confusion or uncomfortably for the strange suggestion while Remy smiled in eager accpetance. He seemed to like the idea. It could even let him demonstrate his ability in front of the newcomers.

"Nora, you shouldn't have him asked to-" Ren began to scolding his partner gently when he was cut off by Remy sniffing at him, which made him flinch in shock. After a few more sniffs, Remy made hand signs that include pointing at Ren, a blooming lotus and an 'OK' gesture.

"Remy says that you have the scent of a lotus flower. It suits you really well." Yuffie translated for Ren.

He looked a little surprosed at this. It made me realize that the qualities he has in his personality and his Semblance are related to the lotus. The thought of it brought a small smile upon his face. He have Remy a nod. "Thank you." He said appreciatively.

Remy returned the nod with a kind smile as he proceeded to Pyrrha next. He sniffed her armor more than the rest if her outfit, as if it provided a stronger scent on her. In the next minute, he used his hands again to make more signs while his face looked a little bit confused.

"You smell like metal. Lots and lots of it. And it's not coming from just your armor, so Remy doesn't know why your scent is a bit stronger." Ky translated, snickering in amusement.

Pyrrha chuckled and guessed, "It seems that it must be coming from my Semblance."

Remy tilted his head in curiousity.

"I have the ability to control all types of metal through Polarity." The redhed explained.

This made his 'ooh' with a silence, intrigued by what her Semblance can possibly do with metal in action.

"What about me?" Jaune asked, now interested in wanting to know his scent. "What do I smell like?"

Gladly obliging to the blond boy's words. Remy sniffed him. When he finished in a few seconds, he smacked his lips and made more hand signs.

"He says that you smell like waffles. It wasn't as strong as Nora's scent." Aptus responded.

"Why is that?" Jaune asked curiously.

Remy replied with more hand signs.

"He thinks you didn't eat a lot of waffles for breakfast." Aptus translated again.

"Nora ate a lot of pancakes that I made for her this morning before we left Beacon." Ren recalled.

"That might explain why my scent is so strong." Nora guessed, placing her finger on her chin in deep thought.

Remy nodded to agree with her. Then when he just remembered Ren had mentioned he made Nora pancakes, he pointed at him with raised eyebrows and made a hand sign as if he were cooking something.

"Oh! Remy is asking if you can cook too." Yuffie chirped.

Ren smiled at the Faunus with chef with a nod. Delighted by his answer, Remy grinned as he used his hands to make more hand signs a little bit faster. This brought confusionto the quiet boy and a chuckle to Ky.

"Looks like Rem wants to teach you how to cook in his bistro. He thinks you can help him in the kitchen." He explained in amusement.

"You want to give me cooking lessons while I'm here?" Ren asked, slightly shocked.

Remy eagerly nodded.

"I...I don't know if I will be as professional as you are. Plus, I'm only a huntsman-in-training."

"Nah, it'll just be a temporary job." Aptus reassured him.

"Really?" Ren said.

"Yeah!" Ky chimed in. "While we're here in Twilight Town during our school break, you can work here so you can help Remy a bit. There are other jobs around town where everyone, even visitors, from all over can work small jobs. I was planning to do some myself."

"And it's like what Remy's late mentor once taught him..." Hayner spoke up.

"Anyone can cook!" Ky, Pence, Olette, Aptus and Yuffie recited simultaneously as Remy nodded in agreement.

"Ooooh." Ruby, Jaune, and Nora said in unison, interested.

Ren looked down in thought, thinking what he was offered. His cooking skills weren't that exquisite, but that didn't mean they weren't good. Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad to learn something from a talented cook. And from what he was told, it sounded like he was really talented. Maybe almost as talented as other chefs. After thinking for a  moment, Ren turned to Remy.

"I'll take your offer into consideration." He told the faunus.

Remy slowly nodded and made moew hand signs.

"'Take your time, there's no need to rush'" Aptus translated.

"Thank you for understanding." Ren bowed down a little.

As if he's saying 'you're welcome'. Remy bowed back.

"So like, it's was kinda weird at first, but it's amazing to see how good you are at picking up other scents." Jaune commented.

Remy nodded to thank him out of gratitude before he looked at the rest of tean RWBYK. He let out an impressed whistle, pointing his thumbs towards the four girls while smirking at Yuffie.

"I know. Even though Ky and Ap are still lady-killers, they seemed to love hanging out with those four a lot." She chuckled.

"Yu..." Aptus warned while Ky gave her a deadpanned look.

"Relax, I'm just kidding." The ninja girl  waved them off.

"Suuurrree..." Ky mumbled in sarcasm, rolling his eyes.

Aputs sighed deeply as he gestured over to the four girls. "Anyway, there girls as Ky's teammates. They're known as Team RWBYK."

"Hey! Name's Yang Xiao Long." Yang introduced herself as she grinned widely.

"Hi there, I'm Blake Belladonna." Blake made a slight wave, smiling.

"Weiss Schnee." Weiss bowed her head.

"Hello, I'm Ruby Rose! It's nice to meet you! Ky has said so many good things about you and your food!" Ruby happily greeted.

Remy smiled and slightly bowed his head in a greeting. He used his hands to make hand signs, showing an eager face.

"He's asking for your permissionto to get a whiff of your scents." Yuffie translated.

The RWBYK girls looked at each other. "Yeah, sure!" Ruby smiled as her teammates nodded at the rat Faunus.

Remy smiled back in response. He started smelling Yang first. Before he could do so, she held up a finger. "Watch the hair." She warned, pointing her finger at him.

"Yeah, she doesn't like to get her hair messy or touched by anyone." Aptus explained.

"How come?" Hayner asked as he looked confused along with Remy, Pence and Olette.

"Let's just say...touching it means you're signing up for a death wish."

Taking that as a warning, Remy slowly nodded. He assured Yang with a thumbs up, then began to sniff around her. Although she seemed okay with this, she felt a little anxious. She didn't want to harm Remy if he does anything by accident. When he finished smelling her, he made some hand signs with a wide smile.

"Are you saying she smells like sunflowers?" Aptus asked, slightly surprised.

Remy eagerly nodded. But then, he made more hands, his face becoming curious.

"Your scent also has a hint of gunpowder and...alcoholic strawberry." Aptus told yang, who laughed.

"My weapons has guns. That's probably why he smells gunpowder. As for the alcoholic strawberry, don't worry about it." She explained, waving a dismissed hand in reassurance at the mention of the strawberry part. She alone knew a certain strawberry drink that was the source of it.

Remy nodded, a little unsure about her response. Aptus smirked at the blonde. "If I may be blunt, the sunflower seemed suitable for a rare but hot flower."

The brawler couldn't help but giggle with a slight blush. It may have sounded like a pun, but it was more of a compliment to her, which caused her heart to race a bit from it. The others were either amused or annoyed by the pun as Ky laughed while Remy chuckled in silence.

"Did Ap just make a pun?" Pence whispered to the bluenette, snickering.

"Yup, he did. Also added a bit  of flirting into the mix."

Remy then moved over to Blake next and began to sniff her. However, as soon as he was done, he let out a slient shriek. He quickly made hand signs before he suddenly dashed towards Yuffie and hid behind her. His reaction surprised the TT groups and confused the Beacon teams, but mostly, Blake.

"What's the matter?" She asked, worried.

"Remy figured out you were a cat Faunus beacause he smelled tuna and catnip. And now he think you might be a bad 'puddy tat.' Yuffie said. The slightly cowering Faunus chef peeked over her shoulder.

"A cat Faunus?" Olette said, a little amazed by that.

"You guys never told us Blake was a Faunus." Pence said as Hayner and Olette nodded in agreement.

"Well, you never asked." The bluenette shurgged in his shoulders.

"It's also not our place to tell why she's covering her ears." Aptus added in.

"Got it." Pence nodded.

"Huh. I guess I forgot rats and cat's don't mix. Consider Remy's reaction." Hayner remarked, crossing over his arms over his chest.

Blake blinked with a twitch of her bow, before smiling kindly at Remy. "Don't worry. I'm just a lonely cat Faunus who was accepted by her friends despite her troubled past.  So I'm not going to harm you." She reassurred him as softly as she could.

Ky slid over to the girl with arm on her shoulder. "Take my word for it. Shadow-Cat here is a sweetheart. Our loverable 'Puddy-Tat'!"

With that, Remy slowly stepped out of his hiding place, feeling at ease by their words. He made more hand signs, showing a sheepish expression.

"He's says sorry for the little misunderstanding." Ky translated.

Blake laughed and smiled, "It's okay."

Remy blushed as he averted his gaze while rubbing the back of his head. At least Blake was friendly, even though she's a cat Faunus. A very pretty one.

Shaking the nervousness off his head from taking in Blake's beauty, Remy began to smell Weiss. He sniffed on her ponytailand then the rest of her. She didn't mind it, but she felt a little disturbed by how close he was to her. Let alone a rat Faunus.

After a minute, Remy stepped back from the heiress and made hand signs.

"He said you smell like snowflakes and blueberries." Yuffie translated.

"That...was very impressive." Weiss remarked with a awe look.

Remy bowed his head as thanks. He look at Yuffie with a raised eyebrow, made more hand signs and pointed at Ky and Aptus.

"Yeah. I was surprised they were friends with a Schnee too, but trust me, she seems different from her father. Apparently, all she wants as a Huntress is to restore her family's name, have her own legacy and fight for others in Remnant." Yuffie told him, recalling Weiss' response to her question.

"It's true." Weiss agreed.

The chef Faunus then looked shocked, but amazed. He made more hand signs at the white-haired heiress with a smile.

"He's hoping that you will do much better than your father when you take over the SDC soon. The White Fang wasn't chummy with everyone." Ky told her.

"Of cousre. I too, used to be hostile on Faunus because of what the White Fang's actions to my family company in the past. But after meeting my teammates, I changed my views on all Faunus. So I will do whatever it takes to make things better for every Faunus in the world." Weiss answered, smiling back.

Pleased, Remy happily made a few more hand signs.

"'Don't give up on your goal. He believes you will do great. Not just as the SDC's heiress, but as a huntress too.'" Aptus translated.

Weiss was moved to hear that. "Thank you. It really means a lot to me." She curtised in deep gratitude.

Remy bowed back in a playful manner, causing Weiss to giggle amusedly. He saw Ruby jumping up and down with excitement, wanting to find out what her scent was since she was the last one. He laughed in silence and finally took a whiff of her. After a moment of sniffing, he made hand signs, his smile widening just a little.

"You scent smells like roses, strawberries and cookies, which Rem thinks is very sweet cause it suits you." Ky chuckled.

"Thanks!" Ruby beamed at Remy, who nodded back with a grin.

"I always knew you smell sweet, Rosebud." Ky winked.

"S-Shut up!" The crimsonette blushed as she looked away, embarrassed. Everyone laughed at her bashful reaction.

"Cute." Olette commented.

"I know, right?" Yuffie grinned as she put her hands on her hips.

Remy then smirked mischievously, making more hand signs that included a pinch sign and pointing from Ky to Ruby with a wiggle of his eyebrows towards the former. Yuffie, Hayner, Pence and Olette snickered. Ky blushed hard at what his old Faunus friend said.

"Remy, knock it off!" He scolded. Aptus and his TT friends laughed as Remy shrugged innocently. Even though they didn't understand him, the Beacon teams joined in at the laughter while Ruby titled her head in confusion.

"What did he say?" She questioned curiously.

"He said you have a hint of Ky's scent on you and vice versa." Aptus replied with a smirk.

"Why would Ky and I have each other's scents?" Ruby asked.

"Hmm..." Aptus pretened to think for a minute before he smirked at Ruby. "I don't know. Maybe because you two might've-"

Before he could finish, Ky quickly slapped his hand over his mouth. "Don't. You. Dare." He warned through gritted teeth, his face blushing from embarrassement. His fox friend let out a muffled laugh.

"You two did what?" Yang asked, eyeing the blunette suspiciously.

"Nothing! On Oum!" Ky said in a panic. Hr never how Yang got when he came to Ruby. Of course, he and the crimsonette didn't do anything THAT way. But if he gave her sister the wrong idea, he'd be singing among the angels for sure.

Everyone laughed at the blue-haired teen, causing him to snap at them. "You guys suck!"

"Come on. let's go in!" Olette said as they all headed inside, with a ring of a bell near the door.


LONGEST.  CHAPTER. BY FAR!!! Whew! finally glad it's done! I'm very happy to see you've all been enjoying this series so far. I love reading every review and comment I get, truly. It helps keep me going to see all the feedback, whether it be constructive criticism or what you liked in that specific chapter. 

Anyhow, that's all I can think of for right now. I thank you all for reading, and look forward to seeing you next chapter. Also, stay safe!

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Advice? Send me a message! See ya!

SonicBlade out!!!

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