Season 1-Ep:15 Chibi's Musical 1

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In a space of pure whiteness, the giant blocky title and a crown with a rose emblem drop from the sky to the ground, where the five miniaturized members of Team RWBYK pop out from behind it to smile, wave and adopt poses for the audience while an unseen speaker announces the show as: "RWBYK Chibi"!


"Bad Boys"

Opening shot shows Jaune wearing sunglasses, his hair blowing. Behind him is Zwei, visible from the rear end up, his tail waggling.

Jaune: Ho-ho, yeah! This is the life! Am I right, buddy?

Jaune turns to look at Zwei, who sits up and barks twice.

Jaune: Just a couple of bad boys living the carefree life. You with me, pal?

Zwei barks twice.

Jaune: It's me and you against the world, Zwei. Whoo-hoo!

Zwei joins in on Jaune's "hoo" with a howl.

The shot pans out to reveal that Zwei and Jaune are on Yang's motorcycle, stationary, and in front of a small fan.

Jaune: Vroom, vroom. Ho-yeah, bros before—

Jaune cuts off when he realizes that Yang's walked in and is standing in front of him, glaring. Zwei whimpers.

Yang kicks the fan over.

Yang: (pointing) Off. Now.

Jaune gets off and clears his throat while Yang walks over to her bike.

Jaune: Pretty cool chopper. Chop-per. That's what we bad boys like to call it.

Yang: Shh. Give them to me.

She holds out her hand.

Jaune: Oh, right. (takes off the sunglasses) Here you go. I was just borrowing them.

Yang turns away from Jaune and motors off, leaving Jaune and Zwei in a cloud of smog. Jaune flinches and coughs.

Jaune: Pfft. Yang thinks she's so cool. I mean, yeah, OK, she's pretty cool, but not as cool as she thinks.

Zwei barks twice.

Jaune: You're right, pal. We don't need a bike. We don't need any girls. We're just a couple of bad boys taking on the world! (closes his eyes and fists punches the air, holding the pose)

Ruby: (entering from the opposite direction Yang left in) Zwei! There you are. (pets Zwei and speaks in cutesy tones) Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy? Who gets all the kissies? You do. Yeah, you do. Come on, let's go eat Weiss' homework.

Ruby walks away with a happy Zwei. Jaune opens his eyes.

Jaune: Wait, what? (drops his arm) Traitor! (deflates and starts mumbling) I'd be a good boy, too, if it got me all the kissies. How does Ky do it?

Ky: (Off screen in the distance) Because I'm me!



 Nora stands by a large green and pink present.

Nora: Mmm, oh, Ren! You have a special delivery!

Ren: (with resignation) What is it?

Nora: (giggles) I don't know. Maybe its from a secret admirer... who loooooves you?

She mimes drawing a heart in the air and points to Ren.

Ren: ...Is it from you?

Nora: (panicked) Me?! Why would you-?! No... Ha ha! That's so silly you would think that. Like I would ever endanger our friendship like that!

She grabs Ren's face and shakes it, making him dizzy.

Nora: You're such a silly head. I said it's from a secret admirer! Aren't you gonna open it?!

Ren: I'll pass.

He turns and begins to walk away.

Nora: What?!

She runs and blocks Ren.

Nora: That's... no...wait! You can't just pass on a present from a secret admirer!

Ren: (shrugging) Why not?

Nora: (babbling) Because she's spent days and days and tons of effort to find just the right gift that expresses the LOVE that she feels for you... is what I'm guessing, since she is a secret!

Ren: (leaning away) Riiiiight... or...

He steps in close and picks Nora up.

Ren: It's a trap from one of our numerous enemies...

He swings her around and places her out of his way.

Ren: Or worse.. another one of your pranks.

He walks off, leaving Nora disheartened.

Nora: (heartbroken) But... but...

The present rumbles and shakes. Side pan shows Pyrrha standing nearby.

Pyrrha: (concerned) Uh, Nora? Your gift is kind of, um, growling!?

The present growls and shakes violently. Nora jumps into air.

Nora: Oh my gosh! I forgot the air holes!


"Chibi Musical 1"

The scene shows Ky in the forest, attacking several Grimm and manages to knock all of them out.

Ky: Ha-ha! You see that!? A corrupted spirit is no match for the purity of my bad- 

(Gets off cut off as more Grimm come out and surround him, snarling and growling.)

Ky: Huh. Let's see (starts counting the Grimm) ...3...5...8...9...seriously? You guys just don't know when to quick! Welp, no worries. I've planned for this moment. I guess cuddiling with Rosebud is gonna have to wait a little longer. Time of Chibi's first ever musical! Part 1! Stormy, cue music!

Cue "You're Welcome" from "Moana"

(The Grimm all look at each other confuse as the music starts to play)

Ky: Oh, I see what's happening here

You're face to face with Kyon and you're scared

(Ky then turns to one with a spin)

You feel your knees start to shake

(The scene shows Grimm with a wet spot under it as it's legs began shaking)

Did you just piss?! You shadowy goons are always unprepared

(Throws and bone to several Grimm, before he pulls out his blades: Bright Crest and Fallen Abyss)

Meet my two boys, let's be clear Yes, it's me! Monty Oum. Eyes up here

I know it's a lot - the blue, not the red

(One Grimm turns to the bone over....only to reveal a timer going off in 3 seconds)

But it's to show the blood when you're all dead!

(The bone then reaches zero as it suddenly explodes, killing the Grimm around it)

So, what can I say except: I'm Kyon!

(Backhands a Grimm with a twirl in mid-air)

With my swords, these guns, you'll die!

(Changes his swords into arrowguns and start firing at the Grimm)

You'd better pray it's okay, I'm Kyon!

(Drop kicks a Grimm across the screen, with the creature screaming in pain)

I'm just your friendly neighborhood blue-haired-guy!

 It's Kyon. Yup, I'm Kyon!

(Beheads several Grimm while skipping along the way)

VOICES: Maximum effort? HELL YEAH!

Ky: Man, honestly, I could go on and on

(Attacks more Grimm as he jumps from a tree)

Actually, I'm an adorable phenomenon

(Shows a picture of himself on it as it magically does some muscle poses)

The strength, the bod to boot

Doesn't my junk look great in this suit?

I hit this Grimm, right in the nuts

(Throw an acorn that slams into the Grimm's lower area, as it shrieks in agony.)

Why do the fans seem to like that so much?

Don't need a hammer, don't need a gamma ray

(Pulls out a hammer and smacks a Grimm's teeth out)

I'll make you laugh as I'm taking your life away

(Warps behind another Grimm and snaps it's neck with a grin)

Damage the suit and reveal my skin

Look at this leg coming off at the shin

(Cuts a Grimm's leg out and holds it up for the viewers to see)

The guys with the hair always knows what to say

Hey, look at these dudes 'cause they're coming my way

(Uses Bright Crest to slice three more Grimm in half as the remaining one shrieks in terror)

And it's hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

(The Grimm roars and starts slashing at Ky, who dodges all of it's attacks and catches it's claw hand with Fallen Abyss.)

Hey!! Five Nights At SCREW YOU, buddy!

(Grimm gulps in horror and start to sing in a growl voice)

Grimm: Let it go... Let it go...?

(It then gets it's head sliced off by an annoyed Ky)

Ky:...MY musical.

(The next scenes shows Ky happily skipping out of the forest while shooting more Grimm dead)

Ky/VOICES: [He's Kyon!]

I'm Kyon!

[He's Kyon!]

I'm Kyonl!

[He's Kyon!]

I'm Ky!

Thank you, uh thank you very much.

The music stops as Ky enters his team's dorm room at Beacon. Ruby is sitting, waiting for him with a angry pout)

Ky: Sorry I'm late. There was a bunch of handicapable children stuck in a tree, and I had to, uh...

Ruby: Uh-uh.

Ky: You're right. I was fighting a caped badass. But then we discovered his mom is named Martha, too.

Ruby: No.

Ky: Traffic? Hmm?

Ruby breaks into a smile.

Ky: Kiss me like you miss me, Red.

Ruby rushes over and jumps into Ky's arms, as they fly off screen, as kissing sounds and smooches are heard.


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