Season 1 - Ep11: Nurse Ruby

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In a space of pure whiteness, the giant blocky title and a certain rose emblem drop from the sky to the ground, where the four miniaturized members of Team RWBY pop out from behind it to smile, wave and adopt poses for the audience while an unseen speaker announces the show as: "RWBYK Chibi"!


"Ren Makes Pancakes"

Opening pan shot moving right of kitchen table with ingredients out and a plate with two pancakes on it. Lie Ren hums happily while cooking another on the stove. With one hand he flips the pancake twice in the frying pan, and then sails it onto the plate. It lands perfectly.

Ren gives a nod of satisfaction, briefly turns around to get the syrup, and finds an empty plate when he turns back. He looks around, stunned, but sees nothing.

Another pan shot of the kitchen table, but this time there are nine pancakes on the plate. Ren is cooking the tenth pancake, while making ninja-fast moves to keep an eye out on his stack. He turns around completely, bringing the frying pan to the stack and lightly flipping the tenth pancake onto it.

Ren holds the frying pan up over his shoulder, eyes searching, ready to make a move. When nothing happens he puts the frying pan back on the stove, grabs the syrup and quickly spins around. The pancakes are gone.

Ren straightens and his left eye twitches.

The glass handle of the syrup breaks in his right hand as he tightens his fists with determination.

Pan shot begins on floor of kitchen, showing a stake holding a taut rope in place. Pan continues along the rope, showing a pulley system has been set up next to the ceiling lamp with a cage on the other end. It hangs over a plate with three pancakes sitting on the floor.

Ren crouches near the plate, a fourth pancake in the frying pan in his hand. He looks around, flips the pancake onto the stack, and walks backward toward the stove. The moment he turns toward the syrup, the snap and thud of the metal trap is heard.

A pancake-inflated Nora has been caged. She moans sickly, and then perks up when she sees...

Nora: A-ha! Where's the syrup? Gimme!

Ren sighs. Nora keeps reaching for the syrup while Ren looks like an idea is occurring to him. Nora collapses, unable to get at the syrup. Ren tilts it over her head.

Nora: Huh?


"Jaune ASMR"

Jaune sits in his dorm room, close to a microphone.

Jaune: (softly) Hello there, my name is Jaune Arc. Today, I will begin an ASMR video. Now, some of you may be wondering, "What is ASMR?" Well, let's just say it's a way to get that fluffy, tingling feeling in the back of your neck. Like when you get that haircut. Or when that special girl you like says, "Hi!" in the hallway.

Pyrrha walks up to the open dorm room door and waves cheerfully at Jaune from the hallway.

Pyrrha: Hello!

Jaune: (turning around) Pyrrha! Get out of the shot!

Pyrrha: Sorry! (walks off)

Jaune: (turning back to the mic) Sorry about that. So, let's get started. Heh - I haven't done this before. Uh, what do we have here? Got some clippers, here. (picks up some clippers) Uh, gotta turn these on. (turns on the clippers; they start buzzing) Look at that. It's uh, buzzing. N-eat.

At that moment, Ky suddenly ran into kick the buzzers out of Jaune's hand and glared at him.

Ky: No! No haircuts of any kind! (He then slowly exited the room, leaving a shocked and confused Jaune)

Jaune: Hmm, uh, okay, what's next? (puts the clippers down and picks up an empty bag of potato chips) The next item is this... bag. Now obviously I ate the chips, salt and vinegar. They were delicious, in case you were wondering. There we go. There we go. This uh, this do anything for you? Okay, now I'll come over here, to your right ear...

Nora sneaks up behind Jaune while he is speaking. She begins breathing in, getting ready to make a huge noise.

Nora: (calmly) Hey.

Jaune: (jumping up from shock) AUGHH!


"Hot Tub"

Ky and Aptus are seen relaxing in the bubbling hot-tub pool.

Aptus:...So you see, that's why they call it a "Sea-Salt".

Ky: Wow. You don't say. And yet, still so tasty!

Aptus: Yeah, most definitely.

{Jaune approaches the tub, wearing towels around his necks.}

Jaune: Hey guys!

Ky: Hey bud. Where's Ren?

Jaune: Oh, he had something to do. So he'll join up later.

Aptus: Alright, then. Well, hop on in.

Jaune sits his towel down, dabs a toe in the water, and eases himself in.}

Jaune: Ooh! {slipping into the water} Ah! Ahhhh. Just what the doctor ordered.

Aptus: Yep. After a long day of doing nothing, it's good to kick back.

Ky: Three pals and no worries. What more could you want?

All:{sighing contentedly} Aahhh.

{They relax silently for a beat when more bubbles suddenly start emerging in the center, and then Nora sticks her head out in the middle of the trio}

Nora: {yawns luxuriantly and scratches herself} Aaah-hhh-hh. Oh, hey guys

{The three boys all jumped at the girl's sudden appearance}

Ky: Nora!? Where the heck did you come from?

Nora: Huh? I've been here the whole time

Aptus: Wait..what?

Nora: Yeah, I came here because Ren was coming!

Jaune: ...Uh, Nora? Ren probably won't be coming for a while. He had something to do.

Nora: Aww, what? {Pouts} Darn it! Oh, well! I've seen enough from you guys today to make up for that anyway, I'm bushed. Think I'll turn in for now. {Nora slowly climbs out as she wakes at back at the boys} See ya! Ruby, Yang and Pyrrha are really lucky girls!

Jaune: Seen enough from us? What does she mean by th-

{Realization dawns on Ky, Aptus and Jaune, watching Nora's retreating back. They stare at the water in horror.}

Ky: I'm out! {teleports out of the hot tub}

Aptus: Right behind you.

Jaune: Wait for me!

{They both scurry out of the water at a fast rate}


"Nurse Ruby"

(Ky is seen sitting on his sleeping bag, groaning and clearly physical unwell.)

Ky: Ugh, how did this happen? I don't get sick that often...

(Ruby then walks in.)

Ruby: Hey, Ky! We're about to go do something funny. (notices Ky is sick and gasps in concern) Ky! Are you okay? (She then rushes over to his side)

Ky: (groans) Hey Rosebud...I'm fine...just not feeling well is all. Which is really weird...

(Ruby's eyes widened in shock. She then touches his forehead and feels that he has a a slight fever.)

Ruby: You got a fever! Don't worry, Nurse Ruby is on the job! I'll be right back! (Ruby zips away and returns almost immediately, wearing a nurse outfit with a bowl of soup, a thermometer and an ice pack) I'm right back!

(Ky blushed brightly at Ruby's attire)

Ky: U-Uh, Rosebud...what's with the nurse get-up?

Ruby: What do you mean? I'm Nurse Ruby and I'm gonna help you get well! Alright, I got you everything you need! An ice pack to cool your fever down! (places the ice pack on Ky's forehead)

Ky: (Shivers) Ahh, that's cold!

Ruby: Next up, a thermometer to check your temperature! (Places the thermometer in Ky's mouth)

Ky: Bleh!

Ruby: And, finally, a nice bowl of hot soup! (Places it on the ground beside Ky)

Ky: Babe, come on. I'm not THAT sick, you should go hang out with the others. I'll be okay

Ruby: No! My boyfriend is sick and I'm not going to leave his side until he's better!

Ky: (laughs okay)

(Ruby then takes out the thermometer and checks it.)

Ruby: Huh, well you temperature isn't that high. So, I guess that's a good thing

Ky: You're free to leave

Ruby: Hmm, I'd rather stay here with you

Ky: (tiredly) I know

Ruby: Sleepy?

Ky: Mhmm. It's not my fault that a certain rose decided to come bother me."

Ruby: (lays down beside him) Hey, I was checking up on you. Anyway, you need to get some rest

Ky: But I like hearing your voice

Ruby: (giggles before pressing a light kiss on the top of Ky's head) Sleep, Ky

Ky: Bossy.

Ruby: Hey, I'm the leader in the team, remember? That means you have to listen to me.

Ky: Like I said...bossy

(Ruby puffed her cheeks at that remark as Ky chuckled at her expression)

Ky: (sniffles) "You're gorgeous, you know that?

Ruby: (blushes) A-Ah! T-Thanks

Ky: (smiles tiredly) I love you, Ruby

(Ruby reached over and pressed a hand against Ky's burning cheek and felt her heart explode when her smile connected with his.)

Ruby: I love you too, Ky. Now get some rest.

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