Season 1 - Ep5: Sissy Fight

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In a space of pure whiteness, the giant blocky title and a certain rose drop from the sky to the ground, where the five miniaturized members of Team RWBYK pop out from behind it to smile, wave and adopt poses for the audience while an unseen speaker announces the show as: "RWBYK CHIBI"!

"Costume Party"

Team RWBYK's dormitory kitchen is decorated with balloons and streamers, while Ky, Blake, Aptus, Weiss, Yang, and Ruby stand chatting. However, the ubiquitous team have traded outfits: Ruby is wearing Weiss' outfit, and vice versa, while Blake and Yang have traded outfits, complete with a little black bow on Yang's head. Ky and Aptus have also trades clothes as well, with KY wearing Ap's armor and Aptus wearing a replica of Ky's outfit in his size.

Ky: You know, Rosebud, you look really stunning in that dress. Really compliments your hair.

Ruby: (blushes) T-Thanks. You look really good too. Though, it's kinda hard for me to picture you in not blue.

Aptus (snorts): I'm surprised you two didn't trade outfits.

Ky and Ruby looked at each other and blushed before turning away, laughing nervously.

Yang: (with a mouth full of food) Well, regardless of that, great costume party, sis!

Ruby: Yeah! I think it turned out to be pretty good!

Jaune: Ahem.

The camera pans right to reveal a miffed Jaune, also donned in Weiss' outfit, complete with side ponytail, tapping his foot angrily.

Jaune: Well, one of us is gonna have to change.

Team RWBYK and Aptus exchanges glances.

Nora: (offscreen) Looking hot!

Ky: Don't encourage this, Nora!


"The Zwei King"

Zwei is seen sniffing across the roof of Beacon tower, when Aptus appears behind him

Aptus: Ah,There you are, Zwei! Little Red's been looking for you.

He goes over and picks up Zwei, holding him high in the air, as the clouds part and a sunbeam high lights Zwei and Aptus. Seeing the light, the whole school, that is outside for unknown reason, all began to bow in splendid array.

Aptus: Huh? What is happening?

Zwei: Ruff! Ruff!


"Sissy Fight"

Ky and Ruby are in the middle of building a house of playing cards, only needing to place the last two cards for completion, which Ruby is trying to do as Ky watches in anticipation.

Ky: Easy does it, Rosebud...

 As Ruby gingerly moves forward to complete her masterpiece, the door flies open, revealing an angry Weiss.

Weiss: Ruby, Ky! Did either of you take my notebook?

Ky: Sheesh, of course not! Check your desk!

As Ruby eyes her partner nervously, Weiss looks around, to see a blue notebook lying on the desk nearby.

Weiss: Oh! Here it is! Never mind!

Weiss leaves, while the couple sighs in relief, grateful that their creation was able to stay standing. 

Ky: That was a close. For a minute, I thought she was going to-

As the door squeaks shut, Weiss reappears, and slams it shut. Unfortunately, the impact causes the house of cards to collapse in a pile, as Ruby looks on, her eye occasionally twitching. Ky's eyebrow rapidly moves as his eye also twitches.

Ky: ...SON OF A B-

The dormitory kitchen is shown to be sparkling clean, as Weiss wipes her brow, and smiles at her handiwork, broom in hand. 

Weiss: Ah, perfect!

But the moment is ruined, as Ruby stomps into view, leaving muddy footprints everywhere, stomping deliberately on the once-clean floor, as the two girls exchange annoyed glances. They lean in close, and growl at each other.

In Beacon's courtyard, Ruby throws a bone for Zwei to fetch. As the dog dashes away, Weiss' voice calls out...

Weiss: Ruby Rose!

Ruby looks to Weiss, who stands before her. She points to her leader.

Weiss: I have tolerated your foolishness for too long!

Ruby returns the gesture.

Ruby: The foolishness you've tolerated compares not to ... the -the foolishness in which you've fooled!

A bubble with a surprised, wide-eyed Weiss appears beside Ruby's head. Weiss blinks twice in confusion.

Weiss: What?

Ruby: N-Nothing! Let's fight!

The two girls stare each other down, as Zwei blows past the pair like a tumbleweed, his impacts into the ground making squeaky toy noises. 


At that moment, a crowd of silhouette people appear and cheer on both girls, as Ky and Aptus are seen in the front of the crowd, the former holding a bucket of popcorn in his lap.

Aptus: Man, this outta be good.

Ky: (Munching on popcorn) Mhm!

Ruby readies Crescent Rose, unfolding it into it's scythe mode, while Weiss draws Myrtenaster. The two girls leap at each other... and immediately throw away their weapons and engage in a slapping fight, eyes shut and grimacing as they swipe at each other.

Crowd: (O_O)!!! 

Aptus: Wha- That's not what I was expecting at all...


Aptus and the crowd all look at Ky, who tossing popcorn around, while cheering loudly.



"Shadow People"

Inside team RWBYK's dorm, the team are seen to be quite bored inside.

Yang: Ugh!! I'm so bored!

She then stuffs her face onto her pillow in frustration.

Blake: Hey, Ruby? Where's Ky?

Weiss: Now that you mentioned it, I haven't seen him all day.

Ruby: Oh, he said he was going to Vale to buy ingredients for his special cookies.



Ky was seen walking on the streets of Vale as he looked upon his list

Ky: Alright, let's see...flour, sugar, eggs, milk and chocolate chips...

While he was walking someone bumps into his shoulder.

Ky: Oomph!

???: Oh! Sorry..

Ky looked up from his list paper, and saw a silhouette person, looking exactly like him, wearing exactly like him, but only shaded entirely in black.

Ky: What. The. What!?


Ruby: He should be back soon. 

Blake: Oh okay. Well, what do you guys say we take a walk in Vale instead?

Yang: Fine, whatever can cure me of my boredom

And with that, Ruby, Weiss, Blake, and Yang decided to walk down a Vale street, while Ruby is telling her teammates a story.

Ruby: So I said, "Now that's a katana."

As Weiss, Blake, and Yang laugh, a silhouette person bumps into Ruby, causing the team to stop walking.

Silhouette Person: Ooh. Sorry.

Having voiced his apology, the silhouette person continues walking.

Ruby: That's okay... so, anyways, where was I?

Yang: Okay, hold on. Did that...? That guy didn't look right. Right? Like he was...

RWBY: Covered in shadows!

Ruby: Oh my gosh, thank you!

Weiss: I thought I was the only one!

Yang: No, I see them everywhere!

Blake: Well, I mean, most of them never talk to us.

Ruby: It's weird, right?

Yang: It is super weird.

Ruby: And have you noticed that some of them kinda look like us?

The groups looks down the street, seeing another silhouette person, this one a carbon copy of Ruby, but shaded entirely black. She hums a tune while looking around, before seeing the team, and waving at them, a smile growing on her face.

Shadow Ruby: Hi!

The camera zooms back to the girls of RWBYK.

Yang: Super weird.

Just then they heard music suddenly play across the street.

???: Hit it!

RWBY: Huh?

They turned their head towards the music, and saw Ky and a carbon copy of himself dancing to the rhythm of the beat with a crowd nearby, cheering the duo on. 

Ky saw them, and casually gave them a wave.

Ky: Hey guys! Look who I found.

He gestured towards his black shaded copy, who waves at them as well.

???: Yo!

Ky: Pretty cool, right?

But he didn't receive a an answer from them, instead they just stood there staring with their blank white eyes as the duo went back to dancing.


And there you have it guys! That pretty much concludes for today's episode of RWBYK Chibi! Thank you so much for reading this. And if you did enjoyed it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause that would be greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I could improve my stories so I could improve myself as well.

Stormy out!!!

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