Season 1 - Ep7: Prank Wars

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In a space of pure whiteness, the giant blocky title and a certain rose embelm drop from the sky to the ground, where the four miniaturized members of Team RWBYK pop out from behind it to smile, wave and adopt poses for the audience while an unseen speaker announces the show as: "RWBYK: CHIBI"!

"Jaune Experiments"

Team JNPR are gathered outside the dorm rooms, about to go to practice, when Jaune compares all their weapons, finding his own lackluster as it's just a plain sword.

Nora: Time for Practice!

Jaune hesitates, feeling like his weapon isn't as impressive

Jaune: Uh, you guys go ahead. I'm gonna grab something from the room.

As the team leave, Jaune sneaks into team RWBYK's room. Upon noticing their weapons left laying around, he gasps in awe before thinking up a devilish idea

Jaune: I mean, it's not like they're using them...


"Prank Wars"

A bucket of water is seen above team RWBYK's room door, Weiss walking in and getting soaked, much to her annoyance. The other's pop out, laughing in amusement.

Ky: HA!

Yang: Got her!

Ruby: Ice water for the Ice Queen!

THE NEXT DAY appears on screen, showing the same bucket above the door, only with all but Weiss about to enter the room. Moments before the door opens, the water is frozen solid.

Ky: So I sai-"

Before he can finish her sentence, the bucket slams into the back of Ky's head and he's knocked unconscious. Ruby, Blake and Yang are shocked at the sight.

Yang: Oh my gosh!

Blake: Ky!

Ruby: Ky, are you okay!?

Weiss suddenly springs out, smirking, the entire thing a terribly thought out revenge prank. She, however, thinks it's great.

Weiss: Ha! Now that's ice water!

Yang: Weiss, I think he's concussed!

Weiss: I think- Wait he...?

She finally looks as the victim and realizes it's Ky. Her eyes widened in shock

Ruby: What is wrong with you!? First you freeze him in the pool, now you hit him with a block of ice!?"

Weiss: "It's not my fault! He was in the way!"

Ruby: "Grrrr! THAT'S IT!"

(With mighty battle cry, Ruby leapt towards Weiss, sending both of them flying away off screen as they began fighting with each other. leaving Yang and Blake watch on.)

Blake: Should we...stop this?

Yang: Mmm...nah. We should just bring Ky to the nurse

Blake: Alright.

They then grabbed Ky and left the room, as the sounds of fighting could still be heard.


"Arcade Games"

The camera pans over a wall of various arcade game posters, such as "shoot the targets!" and "Whack-A-Grimm", before leading to the door of an arcade. Yang, Ren  are thrown out, their weapons having clearly been used on the games. The shop owner angrily grumbles as he holds up his fist at them. He goes back inside, and suddenly drags Aptus out the door by the scruff of his neck.

Aptus: Okay! Okay! Okay! I'm going! I'm go-- OW!!

His sentence was cut mid-short when he's kicked in the backside, launching him out of the arcade, over the others, and into a dumpster across the street. The shop owner nods with a harumph and slams the door shut. Nora, however, stands up and is clearly angry.

Nora: Excuse me!

The door opens, as comically oversized teddy bear lobbed onto her head, balancing perfectly. As the door slams again, Nora smiles.

Nora: Thank you!

Leaving her friends in a pile on the floor, she gleefully waddles off with her prize atop her head.


"Jaune Experiments Part 2

Back in team RWBY's room, we see Jaune messing around with their weapons like an excited child. Firstly, he plays with Ruby's scythe.

Jaune: Wha-Cha!

He takes a few swings before spinning with it. However, the weapon is clearly too heavy for him and he spins off screen with a short scream. He jumps back in with Yang's gauntlets.

Jaune: Left hook! Jab! Upper-CUUUT!

Jaune: Oh? What's that? You want some of that too?

After taking a few punches, he accidentally triggers a round, flying off screen. He then returns with Blake's gunblade.

With a surprising amount of skill, he throws the weapon into the air and performs a front roll, catching the blade perfectly by the time he stands.

Jaune: Crouching Tiger, Hidden Jaune!

He looks at the camera, somewhat smug that he didn't mess up.

Jaune: Now THIS is a katana!

However, while trying throw part of the weapon forward, he ends up tossing the entire thing off screen. Disappointed, he follows it. He hops back into screen with Ky's Keyblades, as he starts swinging them around, despite showing signs difficulty.

Jaune: Wha Cha! Beware of the Dual-Blade Master, Arc!

He loses his balance for a second, before crouching down and jumping into the air.

Jaune: Knight Strike!

Due to the heaviness of the Key-blades, he faceplants on the ground with his leg twitching.

Jaune: Ow...

He then gets up, grabs the blades and sprint off screen once more. He then appears with Weiss' rapier, acting somewhat feminine. He moves slightly with the blade, but then just resorts to wiggling his rump toward the camera. A cough makes him turn around. All of team RWBYK and Aptus are there, each reacting differently to the sight before them. 

(Ky and Aptus' reactions)

Ky: What...

Aptus: ....the hell?

Jaune just smirks, striking a pose.

Jaune: Don't be jealous.


And there you have it guys! That pretty much concludes for today's episode of RWBYK Chibi. Thank you all so much for reading this. And if you did enjoyed it, please do leave a comment and add the story to your faves cause that would be greatly appreciated, but if you didn't, please do leave a comment on how I could improve my stories so I could improve myself as well.

See ya soon and stay safe!

SonicBlade out!!!

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