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its not a fight of rebellion
of yelling and breaking things.
no, it's one of tremendous highs and unbelievable lows.
in the highs, you forget what it was to be low.
forget why you were angry in the first place.
in the lows, though...
they tear all of that down,
make you say things you don't really mean,
or maybe you do,
but you can't control it.
and he makes you feel guilty
for a problem that he himself caused.
and he tries to understand in his own screwed up way
because he thinks he knows,
he thinks he knows everything
and he won't waste an opportunity to show it.
but he asks all the wrong questions.
makes it infinitely worse.
and maybe he doesn't mean to.
maybe he can't help it either.
but maybe that makes it even worse.
because how do you hate someone
who was only trying to do what he thought was right?

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