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Chapter 18

Translator: Yonnee


It wasn't common for women to take up arms in this place. Women, along with children, were to be protected by the men if there ever came a monster attack.

At the very least, if the wife survives, then she'd be able to care for their children if her husband dies.

Certainly, it was better compared to the men, in my previous world, who went on to abandon their wives and children. Still though, this kind of mindset was quite inconvenient.

Immediately, a suspicious look was thrown my way.

It was clear in Benjamin's doubtful gaze that he was thinking whether a lady like me would even be able to lift a bow. It's inevitable, considering the preconceived notions people had in this world.

"Do recommend the lightest bow you have."

"...Yes, if Milord says so."

"No, please give me the biggest and heaviest bow."

"Pardon me?"

At the same time as Dad's brows were raised, Benjamin's voice hiked up in surprise. What good would a light bow be when hunting monsters?

Of course, I need a big and heavy one so that I can shoot long and thick arrows.

And that way, the arrows can travel far distances while being able to pierce the thick skin of monsters.

One of the reasons why special forces used bows was because we could collect the arrows again afterwards.

Since the unit was inherently just for show on the higher-ups' part, the weapon supplies that the government would provide was limited and always lacking.

There were many instances when I couldn't shoot my guns because they weren't loaded with bullets. That's why my main weapon was a bow.

Back then, I had my trusty recurve bow, but there were probably only longbows in this place.

Smiling gently at the two men, who were still gawking at me in surprise, I spoke once more.

"I want to choose for myself."

Now that we're here at the smithy and I could choose one myself, somehow, I was suddenly filled with the urge to shop in earnest.

I never felt the same way whenever Mom took me out to shop at boutiques and jewelers. Right now, my heart was pounding.

I was never given the chance to see Dad and Brother's weapons in person, and I'd only ever heard about them.

Since I survived from that fire when I was younger, Mom didn't even want me near any kind of weapon.

I followed her wishes and remained obedient because Mom looked like she'd die if I ever even took one step out of our house.

With his ears and cheeks going red, Dad coughed when he saw my wide eyes persistently fixed on him.

I never begged him to buy me anything before this. But since Dad seemed to like it earlier when I linked my arms with his, I did that and looked up at him pleadingly.

If Mom was here with us, I'm not sure if this was going to work, but I knew that Dad had a penchant for trying to give me anything I wished for.

That's why Dad also got scolded a lot by mom, though I tried to pretend not to know about it.

"Dad, since I'm already here, I want to see the weapons that the troops use."


It's no wonder that he felt uneasy. After all, I'm still a child in Dad's eyes.

"I was also excited to see Dad and Brother's weapons personally... Are there any similar weapons here?"

Instead of Dad, Benjamin was the one who answered my question.

"Haha, of course, Young Miss. The two people that the troops respect the most are Milord and the Young Lord, so how can there be none? Everyone's really interested in the weapons that Milord and the Young Lord use. But of course, not just anyone can wield them."

What kind of weapons were they that they couldn't be used by just anyone?

As I looked at Benjamin with curiosity filling my eyes, he turned to Dad and silently asked for his permission.

In the end, Dad relented because both Benjamin and I were asking him. Subtly giving his permission, he stepped forward and moved towards another place with us.

"Ahem, hum. Well, anyone from the troops can just use it. Benjamin, you speak too highly."

"Would there be many people who could even lift such a huge sword, sir? Milord is too humble."

"Most of the troops wield large swords anyway. It would otherwise be difficult to cut through the monsters."

"Really, Milord is too humble. Now, Young Miss, here is our smithy's warehouse. Take your time to look around."

We arrived at a place where various weapons were displayed. Benjamin called it a warehouse, but it seemed like a place where the weapons were immediately being displayed.

In front of me now was a great sword hanging on a stand. However, the blade wasn't like the usual-instead, its blade was jagged, like a shark's teeth.

Seeing how I couldn't take my eyes off it, Benjamin explained next to me.

"Our smithy almost exclusively makes weapons for the purpose of hunting monsters. That's why I came up with the idea of making this sword with a blade that's like a saw's to hack through the monsters' thick skin."

"That's amazing."

I was genuinely impressed. It's not a weapon that's common in Korea. Just as Benjamin said, monster skin was difficult to pierce or cut with ordinary weapons.

It's more common to see guns or bombs over there, but when there's a shortage of those weapons, there's no choice but to take out a sword or a bow and continue fighting.

Of course, before I reincarnated, I mostly used military or navy-issued daggers instead.

I carefully appreciated the weapons in display here, my eyes glimmering with interest.

And the moment I found a bow, I let out a burst of admiration.

I thought that only longbows would be available here, ones that were made out of a single material. But, right here. There's a recurve bow that's made with complex materials.

As if possessed, I reached towards the black bow with one hand and grabbed it.

"Goodness, Young Miss! That's heav-"

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