81 - Resembling my dad

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Chapter 81 - Resembling my dad

Translator: Yonnee


When Rouman saw that the carriage of the head of the household had arrived, he turned his procession of wagons around. This was a chance to talk to the baron that he couldn't pass up.

Now that the two people who would meet each other were the head of the barony and a vassal of the duchy, it wouldn't be right for them to talk only at the entrance hall, as it had been when the baroness had faced the head butler. They had to sit down in the drawing room.

I stood around near the drawing room, waiting for them to finish talking. I could only hope that my actions wouldn't be a detriment to my father.

"It's been a long time since we last met, Baroness."

In the meantime, a man came up and greeted Mom. It's my first time seeing him, but it seemed like Mom knew him.

"It really has been. Have you been well, Baron Allen?"

As soon as I heard the name, I recognized who he was. Elise from the next estate had the last name 'Allen'.

"Hello, Your Lordship."

"Oh, who is this? Is that you, Irene?"


"You've grown a lot, hoho."

"It has been a while since you last met my daughter, Baron."

"I've heard from Elise, but I didn't know that you grew up to be such a fine lady. Young noble ladies are truly mysterious beings. You grow up before anyone knows it..."

"Fufu. Elise will come of age next year as well."

"That's right. But I'm still worried since she's such a tomboy."

"How is she doing?"

"If she were as mature as Irene, I'd have nothing else to wish for."

Since the baron was a friend who we hadn't met in a while, it would be right to lead him to the drawing room, but it wasn't possible at the moment. Mom seemed to be troubled by this as well.

While we were thinking about what to do, a young man strode into the mansion.

"Father, I've unloaded all the luggage from the carriage. Where should I put them?"

"Oh, Morgan. Come and say hello to Baroness and Lady Closch."

The young man had dark green hair and gentle brown eyes. With a tall and robust physique, it naturally looked as if a fierce bear was approaching. If he were to stand next to Dad and David, he wouldn't look lacking at all.

"It's been a long time since we last saw each other, Baroness Closch and... Lady Closch."

As he gave his greetings politely, he flinched for a moment when our eyes met. There was a sharp atmosphere that surrounded him for a split second, but it turned meek in an instant. I curtsied politely in response.

"Hello, Young Lord."

"Oh my goodness... Is that really you, Morgan?"

"...Yes. Long time no see, Baroness."

"Oh my. I can't believe that the young troublemaker I once knew grew up like this now."

"Hoho. This rascal has been working hard during his successorship classes these days."

If Mom was reacting this way as well, I might have also met this family when I was young. Morgan eagerly talked to me as he reminisced about the past.

"Lady... You've changed a lot, too."

Mom chuckled as she spoke.

"You're really all grown up, seeing as you're speaking politely towards each other... Goodness, I don't know what to say."

"Morgan, you remember Irene, don't you? It's been many years, but you came here often when you were both still children."

"No, of course I remember, Father. It's just a little awkward because of how much has changed."

"Fufu. Were you also surprised to see Morgan, Irene? You used to call him 'Brother Morgan' before, but that child has grown up well, hasn't he?"


Though Mom said this, I couldn't recall. Then perhaps I wasn't the same Irene that Morgan knew.

"I've heard a lot about you from Elise. I am Morgan de Allen, Lady."

"Since you're Elise's older brother, please speak comfortably."

"...May I?"

"Yes. Wasn't that how it was when we were younger?"

Hearing my words, Morgan smiled.

"But you may not remember. Alice was about five or six years old at that time, and you were quite young as well."

"...Yes. Quite honestly, I don't remember."

With my honest confession, Mom cut in.

"Our Rin was very sick, so she can't remember that time well, Morgan. Please do understand."

"Of course, Baroness. I'm only glad to see that the Lady has become so healthy now."

"Fufu, gosh. You speak so eloquently. Oh, why don't we take a stroll in the garden? I'd like to serve you tea, but my hands are tied at the moment."

Mom spoke to Baron Allen as she bashfully gestured towards the only drawing room in the house. He nodded with understanding, and he approached Mom with one elbow raised.

"Then I must escort you. Even if Arthur curses at me later, it wouldn't be right to let a lady walk alone."

"Oh my. In that case, I'll be in your care."

I was a little surprised to see how closely Mom was treating Baron Allen. Our families might be more acquainted than I initially expected.

But if that's true, it was still a fact that my family hadn't invited other people into the mansion ever since my fire accident. It was most likely because of me, as I was very different from the original Irene.

Back then, when I had newly reincarnated to this place, I was entirely wary of all the people around me. It's only understandable that my family refrained from inviting guests.

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