91 - You noticed only now?

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Chapter 91 - You noticed only now?

Translator: Yonnee


Ciel soared back right away. Meanwhile, Morgan cried out as though his vision had whited out, and he pulled out the trees around him and threw them with all his strength. Even so, none of them reached Ciel.

Unfortunately, a physical Esper was no match for an elemental Esper. Of course, it would be a different matter if the physical Esper was of a high rank.

As I was at a higher vantage point, I watched as the two confronted each other, thinking about what I should do. I was no different than a shrimp between two clashing whales, and I'd likely be the only one to lay waste at the end.

Nevertheless, I continued watching, my eyes trailing only Morgan. He had been guided for the first time in his life today, but if he would still go on and exert himself too much, it might lead to a rampage.

"Quit it with the strange tricks- Come down and fight fairly!"

Morgan shouted at Ciel, who was busy with only moving through the air and defending.

"Hah, even though you're just a newly manifested Esper?"

When Ciel had muttered back, Morgan grabbed a protruding boulder and lifted it up.

As he wrenched it from the ground, it was revealed to be even larger than it originally looked. But this did not hinder him from flinging it directly at Ciel at fast speeds.

As Ciel had only been mocking this new, audacious Esper until now, he used his winds to catch the boulder and threw it back at Morgan.

Morgan tried to dodge swiftly, but it seemed like he couldn't completely evade the enormous boulder.

It shattered upon contact, and Morgan used his fists to break the remaining pieces.

"Huu... What am I to do."

While I was contemplating, Ciel did not hesitate for a single second and used his abilities to pummel Morgan, who could do nothing as the invisible wind lifted him up into the open air and dropped him straight to the ground.

Ciel levitated himself mid-air, and he was looking down at Morgan with visible fury in his eyes. Just this sight alone was making me feel like I was losing my mind.

I could endure no longer.


I yelled at the top of my lungs. In fact, because both of them were Espers, they would have been able to hear me even if I had merely whispered. But if I hadn't made myself clear, those two would have likely continued as if I had never spoken.

"Stop it, both of you!"

I shouted again, however Ciel did not even look back at me. Morgan at least glanced as he wiped the trickling blood from his cracked lip with the back of his hand.

Yet again, Ciel prepared a stronger attack to pummel Morgan further.

Thwack- Fwick, THUD!

The sight of Ciel lifting someone up just to send them straight to the ground was something that I had seen many times in the past.

"He's my family's guest! If you don't stop, I'll tear the letter you sent me and throw it away!"

Despite all the training I had done to strengthen myself, I found it pathetic that the only thing I could do to stop an Esper was to threaten him in this manner.

I felt a sense of shame, however, the surroundings soon became quiet either way.

Until now, Ciel had been deliberately not looking in my direction out of his stubbornness, yet he now stared at me with his eyes wide open.

As Morgan was up in the air, Ciel flung him as though he was throwing something away and flew to my vicinity in an instant.

"The letter... You haven't burned it yet?"

I was taken aback by his question. He had immediately assumed that I'd burn it, it seemed. Sighing briefly, I glared at him with venom in my eyes. Besides that, I placed my hands on my waist, just like how my mother did whenever she was angry.

"That's right. I was a little busy today, so I couldn't even pick it up. Unfortunately."

"...Then, I can send it again."

"Even if you do, I won't read it anyway. Are you messing with me right now?"

As my voice went up, his eyes curved up. How contemptible!

"Okay. That bumbling Esper over there. If I leave him alone, then you'll keep the letter as it is, yes?"

"That's my decision. It's enough that I received it, right?"

It sounded like he was just saying whatever came to mind as he smiled. Seeing the corners of his lips tugging up into a broad smile, I felt my heart beating strangely as though his elation was infectious.

"That's right. I gave it to you, and that's enough. You're right."


Even though I knew that he was different from how he was in the past, it was jarring to see exactly how his attitude and expressions had changed. Back then, hostility burned behind his gaze constantly, barely hidden-but it was no more.

As he descended to the ground, I looked up at him with suspicion in my eyes.

Now standing before me, he bowed his head so that his eyes were level with mine.

"Please, Honey. Give me a chance."

"Didn't I tell you not to call me that?"

Glancing towards Morgan's direction, I muttered under my breath. He was far away and still lying on his back, but he was an Esper. It was very possible that he could hear everything.

Then, Ciel blocked my view with his solid body. When I looked up, his lips-which had been smiling just a moment ago-dropped back down to a cold line.

Even his eyes were cold. The sight of him like this made it feel like I was seeing his past self.

He drew me into his embrace. Unaware of my own nervousness, I gulped. His wide shoulders and long arms surrounded me.

"Don't look at other men."


"You say it isn't so, but to me, you are still my wife. I'll do well from now on. I'm going to do everything that I couldn't do for you before... So please, can you give me just one chance?"

I couldn't see what kind of expression he was making right now, but through his voice alone, I could feel just how desperate he was.

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