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Chapter 95 - The law of equivalent exchange

Translator: Yonnee


I was quite shocked, but perhaps it wasn't showing on my face. Mom reacted more colorfully as she was sensitive about my burns.

"...I think it happened after I suffered from that high fever, but I'm not sure."

"Wouldn't it be better if we go to the temple?"

After David examined the back of my hand closely, he faced our parents and suggested this. But the moment he mentioned the word 'temple', I replied quickly.

"No, I'm fine... I don't want anyone to know, Brother."

Hearing this, our parents, David and Baron Allen replied at the same time.

"Don't worry, Rin."

"My dear, it's alright."

"Rin, if that's what you wish."

"I truly appreciate that you've treated Morgan, Irene. If you're worried about this matter leaking out, there's nothing you have to worry about."

I was relieved to hear their words. If the temple were to hear about me, they'd definitely know that I was a Guide, and inevitably, I'd have to meet Seo-yoon. Just imagining it was already making my skin crawl.

Even more than Ciel, Seo-yoon was the person I never wanted to meet again. For the first time, I felt truly grateful that my family was settled at an estate very far from the capital.

Ciel alone was already enough of a headache. If I'd have to deal with all the other important figures of the 'prophetic book', no matter how broad-minded I could be, I'd be wracked with nothing but stress.

"Then first, I'd like to rest please..."

As I had no strength left in me, I leaned against David, who then lifted me up in his arms. Without any delay, he carried me snuggly and brought me to my room.

Setting me down on my bed, he did so in such a gentle and caring manner, as though he was carrying a delicate feather.

"Don't worry about anything and just focus on resting. I'll call Mary, so wait just a little."



"Our family won't be put in harm's way, right?"

David was already about to leave the room, but as he heard my question, he returned to my side, his brows furrowed.

"Rin, what are you worried about? Is it because you now have the abilities to help Espers, or is it because of the Duke?"

I wanted to say both, but I couldn't say it at once. The question had been lingering on the back of my mind for a while now, but really... Why did I manifest as a Guide when only the saintess was supposed to?

When I couldn't answer him, David let out a short puff breath as he smiled, reaching out to mess up my hair.

"Ahh, don't."

"Don't worry your little head with any of that and just focus on resting first. Just do things at your own pace. Don't you have any faith in Father and Mother?"

I answered him immediately.

"I do. I have faith in them more than anyone else."

"Well then, my dear younger sister. Stop fretting now and rest well."

"...I got it."

It didn't seem like a big thing, but I was strangely relieved. It was as if I had dipped my whole body into a warm bath, its comfort enveloping me completely. After watching David leave my room, I closed my eyes.

I felt my fatigue the moment I lay down. Come to think of it, a lot happened...

With that fleeting thought, I was pulled into slumber's embrace before Mary could come here.

* * *

Seo-yoon had yet to return to the temple. She was just enjoying her comfortable life at the imperial palace.

"The cold tea served at the palace is bitter even at the palace. Ugh, I'm craving coffee so much."

Muttering to herself, she set down the glass of cold tea onto the table. The crown prince was busy with work, so Seo-yoon was now alone for the first time in a long while.

Fiddling with her smartphone that's hidden in her sleeve, she ordered the court lady standing nearby. She did so in such a natural manner.

"I wish to be alone for a while, so come back later."

"Then, please excuse me, Saintess."

"Yeah, yeah."

After she answered back roughly, she used a fork to eat some fruit. She looked around and scanned her surroundings to see if anyone else was there.

Right now, she was in the palace garden, which was for the exclusive use of the imperial family. The crown prince had given her permission to peruse it freely.

After confirming that the court lady was already far away, Seo-yoon quickly whipped out her smartphone. She turned it on and tapped the book icon on the home screen.

〈 Gathered peers : 0 people 〉

As soon as she opened the app, she closed the notification pop-up and started rummaging around.

"I just seriously, seriously want some coffee right now, damn it. Life is nice in this place, but it's so boring."

And more pressing than that, her phone battery was now just less than ten percent. Though she didn't know why, she was anxious just seeing that.

"Ah, I wasted so much time because of that Esper."

She was annoyed just thinking about that arrogant Esper.

"Is it because he's a so-called duke? Even the crown prince can't deal with him however he wants, what's with that."

The more she thought about it, the more she considered that man to be arrogant. But more than that, it's more incomprehensible how it didn't work when she had tried guiding him.

So she had been trying to find out the cause for it, but she couldn't pinpoint the exact reason.

"Don't tell me it's an imprint... How could that be possible anyway?"

She heard time and time again that there were no other Guides in this place. Who would that Esper imprint with?

While Seo-yoon tapped this and that on the app, she recalled the pop-up that she saw earlier.

"Why's it even telling me to gather other Guides? I'd be crazy to do that. How else would I be able to monopolize everything."

She then moved on to the other apps and poked through them one by one. Then, she found another app that she couldn't remember installing, just like the book app. Its icon depicted the image of something like a huge, rising cloud.

"What's this?"

Tapping the app out of curiosity, the first thing that it showed was a black and red background. Then, a single phrase.

〈 Would you like to return to Earth? 〉

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