My OCs Grades from last year~

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(I'll be using my highschool grade levels are refrences. U is the lowest, and anything above that goes up higher. So, e.g, F is next to U, and there are 3 stages- F-, F, and F+. F+ is highest, F- is lowest, and F is the middle. Idk why I made this, but meh XD)

Yza Blade: (age 14)

I.T: 2
Art: 3+
German: 1
Science: 2+
English: 4-
Mathematics: 2-
Geography: 3-
Dance: 2+
R.S: 1-
Drama: 4
P.E: 2-
History: 4+
Music: 3-
Cooking: 3
Graphpod: 4-
Textiles: 2
R.M: 2

Ayaza Ganki: (age 14)

I.T: 2
Art: 1-
French: 2+
Science: 4+
English: 3-
Mathematics: 3+
Geography: 3+
Dance: 2+
R.S: 2-
Drama: 2
P.E: 3+
History: 2+
Music: 3
Cooking: 2-
Graphpod: 2-
Textiles: 3+
R.M: 3-

Ryu Jomko: (age 14)

I.T: 3+
Art: 1-
Spanish: 2
Science: 4+
English: 3-
Mathematics: 4+/5-
Geography: 4-
PSHE: 2+
Dance: 3-
R.S: 1+
Drama: 2+/3-
P.E: 4
History: 1+
Music: 2
Cooking: 1-
Graphpod: 2+
Textiles: 1-
R.M: 3+

Shika Akia: (age 14)

I.T: 2-
Art: 2+
French: 2
Science: 3+
English: 1-
Mathematics: 2+
Geography: 2-
PSHE: 2+
Dance: 2
R.S: 2
Drama: 3-
P.E: 4+/5-
History: 3-
Music: 2-
Cooking: 2-
Graphpod: 2
Textiles: 2-
R.M: 3+

Rino Kanock: (age 14)

I.T: 1+
Art: 2-
Spanish: 3-
Science: 3-
English: 4
Mathematics: 3+
Geography: 2-
PSHE: 3-
Dance: 2+
R.S: 3+
Drama: 2
P.E: 3-
History: 3
Music: 4+/5-
Cooking: 4+/5-
Graphpod: 2-
Textiles: 3+
R.M: 1+/2-

Wyvon Mikushicha: (age 14)

I.T: 3+
Art: 2+/3-
German: 2+/3-
Science: 4+
English: 3+
Mathematics: 3+
Geography: 4
Dance: 3+
R.S: 3-
Drama: 3+
P.E: 3+/4-
History: 3-
Music: 2+
Cooking: 2-
Graphpod: 4
Textiles: 3
R.M: 3

Zeon Ishima: (age 14)

I.T: 3+
Art: 3-
German: 3+
Science: 4
English: 4
Mathematics: 4+
Geography: 3
PSHE: 2+
Dance: 2+
R.S: 3-
Drama: 2+
P.E: 3+
History: 3+
Music: 2-
Cooking: 1-
Graphpod: 2-
Textiles: 1-
R.M: 2-

Backlion Demiza: (age 14)

I.T: 2+
Art: 3-
Spanish: 4
Science: 3-
English: 4+
Mathematics: 3+
Geography: 3+
PSHE: 2+
Dance: 4-
R.S: 2+
Drama: 4+
P.E: 3+
History: 4
Music: 3-
Cooking: 2-
Graphpod: 3
Textiles: 3+
R.M: 3

Sooo... Anyone wanna work out the averages for these guys? XD

Yza: So embarrassed... *hides in corner* THEY'LL LEARN ABOUT MY SECRET PASSION TO BECOME AN AUTHOR!! T.T

Ayaza: *sweatdrop* My only level 4 was in science... This is crazy

Ryu: BOO YA! My grades are amazing!!

Shika: Meh

Rino: -////- I hate you Fox...

Wyvon: WHO LEAKED MINE?! Because I am dissappointed that my Level 4's are in strange subjects


Backlion: See girls~? Not only do I have the looks, but I also have the words, the romantic language, the amazing dance skills, and I know the history of you~

Ahaha, gomen guys XD

Zeon: ...I give up...

Welp, if I don't die you may see more updates in this book soon XD

That's all, Fox out! *gets tackled to the ground by Zeon and he starts stabbing my arms*

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