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The smell of salt and food frying filled Jay's nose as he and Sans the gaster skeleton took seat on the bar table chairs.
"So tell me, kid. Where do you come from?" Sans asked as he ordered the meal. Jay wanted to tell the truth, but he didn't want to because he didn't want any of them to think he was a danger to them. He didn't want them to figure he was a machine(Which would make him look like a REALLY huge threat if they did. He didn't know how they would react.).
"Hm? Oh...well...the place that I used to live in is very far away. I don't know how I got here or where exactly I am." Jay replied, being honest.
Sans looked doubtful for a moment, then said, "I was a bit curious. Monsters were almost wiped out during the war.". [War? What war?] Jay wondered in his head. Could it be that the Underground and Earth were linked before? Linked by the Stargate portal? And that both sides fought. There was no mention of a war with the Underground back on Earth, as far as Jay could remember.
"The Underground is small. If there were any other monsters, everyone would know about them. Especially me." Sans said, giving Jay a strange look. It felt like he was interrogating the dragon. "Sans...no offense or anything....but...I just don't want to talk about my home right this moment. It's...a sensitive subject for me." Jay said, feeling sad about the hard words he heard his father say about him back then.
"Heh. It's okay, kiddo. If you don't want to share it, then you don't have to. I'm a judge, and part of my job is getting information out of people. Sometimes you have to be mysterious. It's a method of habit at this point. Don't take it too personally." Sans said, smiling at Jay. "Okay" he said.
"You mentioned a flower before, correct?" Sans asked later on. "You mean Flowey?" Jay said.
Right at that time, he felt the atmosphere around him and Sans get tense. [Why do I fell that this tension is...a bit weird?] Jay wondered.
"I've never met him personally, but my brother Papyrus has. He says that they hang out sometimes somewhere where there's no one around, and it tells him secrets." Sans said after Mr. Grillby placed down their meal orders on their table. "Secrets?" Jay echoed. "It says things to Papyrus like encouragement, advice...and predictions that come true. When he told me he made friends with a talking flower, I thought someone was pranking him with an echo flower......But now you have changed everything." Sans explained, looking worried. "Is there something wrong?" Jay asked.
"Kiddo, you probably knew this already, but you should stay away from it." Sans said.
"Yeah. No kidding. That flower almost killed me." Jay said as he tried placing ketchup on his hamburger. Yet the ketchup bottle tip seemed to be clogged. Jay shook several times and squeezed it hard before the entire bottle exploded, sending ketchup splattering everywhere.

. . .

"It's ok, you can have mine." Sans said, sliding his plate to him. Mr. Grillby shot him an angry look from behind Sans, seeming as if he may have noticed this and has had enough from Sans's pranks.
"It's fine. I'll scrape it later and eat it all." Jay said as he took a couple napkins from a basket and began cleaning the ketchup that has spilled over.
Afterwards, Jay went out to search for Telephone and Radio. He strode through the snow paths calmly, but he kept a sharp lookout for the flower and any sort of danger.
Along the way, he spotted something buried under the snow next to a tree. When he looked at it closely enough, Jay realized it was a hidden camera.
[A camera? Whose is it?] Jay wondered as he looked around. It was probably a security camera like others that were scattered around the Underground, he thought. Automatically, Jay's system latched on to the camera's link and where it was connected to. In his eye appeared a screen, and in it appeared what looked like another gaster skeleton. This one looked like it was more of an adult, had a black lab coat and wore glasses.
When the gaster skeleton looked at the screen wherever he was, he gasped when he saw Jay. Jay looked away and continued forward, pretending that he didn't notice it while his mind was still latched on to the camera's link.
["What is it, Dr. Gaster? Is there something wrong?"] a different voice asked from behind the lab coat gaster skeleton. On the screen appeared another being who had the appearance of a yellow reptile, who also wore glasses and a white lab coat.
["Take a look at this, Alphys! It's a new type of monster! I'm trying to search over hundreds of archives in the database, but there is not one single mention or record of one looking like this. This one must be a long lost one or the first of its kind!"] the lab coat gaster, Dr. Gaster, said with excitement.
["Do you think it saw us?"] the yellow reptile named Alphys asked as he stared at the screen in search for the image of Jay walking away.
["Hm? No, it didn't. I'm not sure it did spot the camera. I must contact Undyne right away to see if she can observe this new being. Or maybe I may contact my sons Sans and Papyrus since they are more closer to its location."] Dr. Gaster said as he pulled up a phone from his lab coat pocket.
Jay shook his head as he disconnected from the camera's link. [That guy was...interesting. He looks like a scientist. Just like my father. I guess he's not going to have any trouble asking Sans and Papyrus about me. I think I may visit him later.] Jay thought as he continued walking down the snow paths.

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