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When Jay got back home after a long day of mail delivery in the town of Snowdin, there was a letter on the table. Jay went over to inspect it, thinking it was for Sans or Papyrus. Shockingly, it was for HIM.
The label read:

From Dr. W. D. Gaster, Hotlands Core Lab.
To: Jay the dragon.

[Could this be the gaster skeleton that has been observing me through the cameras?] Jay wondered as he turned his head to look at the surveillance camera on the edge of the living room ceiling. [What is he planning to do? Study me? Capture me? Or help me?] Jay thought as he opened the envelope and read what was inside.
It read:
Dear newcomer by the name of Jay,

It has come to my attention of your presence in the Underground, and I have to say that I want to ask some questions. I have sent this letter to invite you to my laboratory in the Hotlands. You can come at whichever time you wish. If you don't want to go, just write back a letter with your concerns. I would be very pleased to meet you in person.

From: Dr. W. D. Gaster.

[This sounds sincere, yet I have to be careful before I go there.] he thought as he looked at the directions the map gave him that came with the letter. Just like the letter said, the laboratory was situated near the other side of the Waterfall district. Which meant that he had to go through the entire district while avoiding Undyne tomorrow, after completing the mail delivery.

* * *

[Heeeere angry fish.] Jay thought as he made his way through the water platforms. When he found the previous tunnel, he followed it until he found other new paths. While he was walking, Jay searched the walls for more writings while keeping an eye on his surroundings. Just as he thought, there were more as he went through the other shorter routes that led to several caverns. The first of the two writings read:

"The power to take someone's SOUL. That is what the humans feared. This power has no counter. Indeed, a human cannot take a monster's SOUL. When a monster dies, it's SOUL disappears. And an incredible power would be needed to take the SOUL of a living monster."

The next one read:

"There is only one exception: the SOUL of a special species of monster called a "Boss monster". A Boss monster's SOUL is strong enough to persist after death...only for a few moments. A human could absorb its SOUL, but that has never happened.
And now it never will."

[So...humans were scared of their power. BOTH humans and monsters were afraid of each other's powers. But why? Other than the ability to move objects and create things or projectiles, didn't they see that those powers could be used for good as well? Like Telephone's healing powers.] Jay wondered as he began to search for more writings. When he entered another tunnel, there was a stone statue that laid down under an opening in the tunnel ceiling. Jay could tell it has begun to rain again since water drops have begun to fall down from the opening and onto the statue. The cracked stone figure resembled a monster with horns protruding out of its hooded face, looking downwards to the floor. For some reason, Jay felt that the statue seemed kind of lonely, looking sad as rain dripped down on its head. When he looked further down the tunnel, Jay spotted a can filled with umbrellas. He went over to take one umbrella, then returned to place it on the statue so that it was sheltered from the rain. Right after Jay did that, he heard a music box that started to play from inside the statue. Jay looked at the statue's face, then smiled. "Hey. If you can hear me, then you're welcome. It's okay if you can't speak. You remind me of myself, when I needed help. I see that you are thankful of my help." Jay said to the statue. The statue, in turn, didn't stop its music box as it let the song continue. "Well, I gotta go. Take care." Jay said as he waved goodbye at the statue and continued walking.
[Monsters and humans...we aren't so different from each other.] he thought as he continued forwards.

* * *

Surprisingly, there were more writings that were near the entrance to a crystal mine.
Those read:

"Injured, beaten, and fearful four our lives, we surrendered and fled. Seven magicians sealed us underground with a powerful magic spell. Anything can enter through the seal, but only a being with a powerful SOUL could leave."
"There is only one possible way to reverse this: if a power equivalent to seven human SOULs, attacks the barrier with all the strength...it would be destroyed. But this cursed place has no entrances or exits. There is no way a human could come here. We will remain trapped down here forever."

[How awful. I can imagine how bad the monsters felt when they go sealed.] Jay thought. The other thing that Jay thought of was the way monsters thought of breaking the barrier. If they already acquired six souls, what will they do if they acquired HIS soul? The thought of giving his soul to anyone to break a barrier without knowing what may happen next didn't seem that pleasant. [Maybe I can search for another way to break it without using anyone's souls. With my core and my intelligence, I could...no, I can't let them see who I really am. Otherwise they may try to destroy me.] Jay thought as he looked down at his hands. The feeling....the feeling of helping them knowing the consequences was present in him. Yet, all he has experienced down in the Underground was enough to make Jay decide for himself that he was going to free the monsters. Even if it wasn't pleasant.
Further down the path, now illuminated by bioluminescent crystals/mushroom and echo flowers, was way appeared to be a remaining wall writing:

"However, there is a prophecy. The Angel...the one who has seen the surface...they will return. And the Underground will go empty."

[Could they be referring...to me? Nah. Surely not. Because I am not exactly an angel. Maybe it was written by someone who really hoped all monsters would return..........Now that I think of it, they may not be wrong. Because I will try to free them.] Jay though with resolve, and another feeling described as.....

Now, with the plan implanted in his head, Jay headed towards the bridges that were connected with tall stalactites and stalagmites. This was the path that led towards the Hotlands district, where Dr. Gaster's lab was situated. At the end of the other tunnel, Jay came out to a rain-free atmosphere. The rain has stopped, leaving the ground wet and humid. In front of Jay laid another cavern entrance that was situated below a large rocky hill. However, as he looked up, Jay spotted a figure standing at the top of the hill. There was no mistaking who this was as Jay's sight focused on her.
It was Undyne.
This time, Jay felt that he wasn't scared. He was ready to reason with her if she were to attack him, with all he had.

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