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Later, after the tests were completed, Jay headed back to the house. It was concluded that Jay had to adapt a couple more of the magic traits for the barrier neutralizer to be fully complete. But for now, it was decided that the search would commence tomorrow. Now that he had a job that let him travel, Jay had a feeling that the collection of the traits would be successful
During the flight back, he was kind of feeling that he had to do something. Which involved facing Undyne again. He....was going to apologize for the whole battle incident. Some part told him that he didn't need to apologize because Undyne was the one who insisted on fighting. The other wanted to apologize for punching and insulting her. There had to be a way to come close to Undyne without her impaling him on sight. The only problem was that there was no plan yet.
[Hold on...Papyrus mentioned about meeting up with Undyne some time. What if...I call him for that?] Jay though as he took out his new phone that Dr. Alphys gave him to dial Papyrus.
["YOU WANT ME TO TAKE YOU ALONG TO HANG OUT WITH UNDYNE?"] Papyrus asked on the phone. "Yes. I'd like to very much now that I am free for the day." Jay replied. "[WHY, WOWIE!! OF COURSE!! I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS, WILL BE GLAD TO TAKE YOU THERE!! JUST WAIT FOR ME AT THE ENTRANCE OF WATERFALL TOWN!!"] Papyrus exclaimed with joy. "Really? Thank you so much! I'll be there soon." Jay said before he hung up and spread his wings to fly.
A few moments later he landed near the border that separated Snowdin and Waterfall town. Jay waited until Papyrus arrived, and he followed him towards Undyne's house. The house where the warrior fish monster lived in was shaped like a massive angry fish, with the door resembling the mouth and windows resembling eyes.
"READY TO HANG OUT WITH UNDYNE? I HAVE A PLAN TO MAKE YOU TWO GREAT FRIENDS!! STAND BEHIND ME WHILE I GIVE THE SECRET KNOCK!" Papyrus said, Jay nodding and obeying him. The gaster skeleton walked up to the door and gave one single knock. [Well...I think no one will figure out that's the secret knock.] Jay thought with a bit of laughter as he stood behind Papyrus. A couple of seconds later, the door opened and out came Undyne.
"Hey, Papyrus! Ready for your one-on-one battle training?" Undyne asked with a happy grin. "YOU BET!! AND I BROUGHT A FRIEND ALONG WITH ME TODAY!" Papyrus said before he stepped aside to let Undyne see Jay. "Hi! I don't think we've met......before......." Undyne said before she trailed off when she realized who Papyrus's friend was. [Aaaaaannnnd I think I'm gonna regret this decision.] Jay thought with a sweaty face as he tried making an I'm-not-nervous smile when Undyne had a shocked(and angry) face. "Why don't...you two...come inside...?" Undyne said slowly as she entered her home again and Papyrus followed. Jay nervously followed inside right behind Papyrus, who gave a happy squeal.
The inside of Undyne's home was simple; it had a table, a kitchen with a sink and a refrigerator, and a piano as an extra.
"HERE! I BROUGHT YOU SOMETHING!" Papyrus said before he took out a bone with a ribbon strapped onto it and handed it to Undyne. "Thanks...I'll, uh, put it with the others." Undyne said with a half-hearted voice as she went over to put the bone inside a drawer, which was filled with many boneslike the one Papyrus has handed her. Once she closed it, Undyne went back to them and asked Papyrus, "So, are we ready to start?". "WHOOPSIES!! I JUST REMEMBERED I HAVE TO GO TO THE BATHROOM!! YOU TWO HAVE FUN!!!" Papyrus said before he suddenly charged at the window and quite literally jumped out, shattering the window. [Did...did he literally just jump out the window and ditch me???(And he nailed that landing)] Jay thought with the awkward silence surrounding both him and Undyne.
"So why are YOU here? To rub your victory in my face? Humiliate me further? IS THAT IT??" Undyne asked Jay a moment later. Sighing, Jay raised a hand in order to stop Undyne from talking over him further. "NO. I did NOT come here to do ANY of that." Jay explained with a sincere but firm tone. "Then WHY are you here?" Undyne asked, crossing her arms. "First of all, PLEASE listen to me before impaling me with your magic spears(or beating me up). Second of all, I came here to apologize from last battle." Jay explained.
"What do you have to apologize for?" Undyne growled in question, raising an eyebrow. "For taunting and punching you. I shouldn't have done those things in the first place. Rather than that, I should have persisted on instead of doing that to the greatest warrior of the Royal Guard." Jay explained to her.
"Wait a minute...I get it now! You think that I will accept your apology so that we could become friends, right??" Undyne asked all of a sudden with a smug grin. "Wait, sure, but that's not what I-" Jay tried to explain, but Undyne just talked over him. "How AMUSING!! Why would I EVER be friends with YOU!? If you weren't my houseguest, I'd beat you up right now! You're an impostor sent by the humans! The enemies of our future! I WILL NEVER BE FRIENDS WITH YOU! Now get out of my house!" Undyne shouted.
Jay looked down in a dejected manner and nodded. "Right. I will leave." Jay said as he turned around to leave. Before he exited the door, Jay turned his head a bit to face Undyne and said, "I...I only wanted to reach an understanding with you. You can say all the things you want about me. But I don't want any trouble because I am not an imposter. I am a monster like you, who has nowhere else to go and is trying to do his best to live a peaceful life down here. I hope you understand that. So...I only came here because wanted to apologize, that's all. Now I must head back towards Snowdin to rest for tomorrow's mail delivery job."
"Hold on." Undyne said, stopping Jay from taking a step outside. Jay turned around and said, "Yes?".
"I'm starting to propose something. If you say who you really are....then I must do something to confirm that. I'll challenge you again, but this time it won't be a fight. Papyrus must have brought you here to me to become allies. He must think I can't take up that task to do so. I'll show him that I can make friends with a punk like you. Listen up, dragon. We are not going to become just friends. We are going to become...BESTIES!! Fuhuhuhu! This is gonna be the PERFECT REVENGE!!" Undyne said with a both malicious and gleeful grin.
[What have I gotten myself into?? Am I going to walk out of this without compromising my secret??] Jay thought with dismay as sweat began to roll down his forehead.

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