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The monster that had the purple ability trait was Muffet, a spider monster who ran a bakery shop in the Hotlands. A spider-themed bakery shop, since she was a spider monster.
Jay had to be careful not to run into Mettaton again since Muffet's place was near the Mettaton's Studio building. Adding to that matter, there were many strange places that had different access methods like puzzles and lock mechanisms. Of course this whole place was rigged by Mettaton since he had probably designed this place and had cameras all over the place.
[Well then, if he wants a small performance, then I'll give it to him by solving all these problems.] Jay though, cracking his fingers and walking towards the set of puzzles.
The first one was going through various floor conveyor belts that took him through many boiler rooms, many which were close to the core's main distribution lines. As he stood over the belts that took him forwards and in other directions, there were many machines that gave out a white laser light. If Jay moved as the laser light was going over him, he was given a medium shock. [So if I don't move, I don't get shocked.] Jay concluded as he continued forwards on the conveyor belts.
Next up was a sort of puzzle game that involved moving large blocks in order to clear a straight path, which took place before playing an 8-bit shooting game.
Lastly, there were vent floors that gave off steam in a predetermined direction. All Jay had to do was ride on the right air steams directions that led to the other side of the path.
Finally, once he was past all of the puzzles, he came to the other side of the Hotland district. It was very busy, like a city. Monsters working on construction or plumbing, kids going to school, and people attending their businesses. And, as added details, there were posters and advertisements of Mettaton in every corner he looked. [Gee. This guy is REALLY popular down here.] Jay said as he continued walking down the streets.
Down a short bridge, to Jay's surprise, was Sans in what appeared to be another of his sentry posts. The gaster skeleton was sleeping soundly on the table, snoring.
"Sans? Is that you?" Jay asked. The gaster skeleton woke up at Jay's voice and looked up.
"Huh? Oh, kid! What up?" Sans said smiling. "Just going by to take a visit to a bakery shop. You know, trying something new. By the way, what are you doing here?" Jay said.
"Just selling some hot dogs to those that come by. Wanna buy one?" Sans proposed. "Sure. How much?" Jay asked, bringing out his wallet from his shirt pocket. He only brought a couple of coins plus some cash from his savings box, which he was going to buy something from Muffet's bakery. But what was going to be the price of the hot dog?
"About 1.50 coins." Sans said to Jay. [Well...that's kind of cheap. Just like the hot dogs back home.] he thought as he calculated the amount of money and gave it to Sans.
As Sans was placing ketchup and mustard on the hot dog, Jay noticed the top of the roof of Sans's sentry covered with snow. That was extremely weird. Other than it melting bit by bit, how did Sans get his sentry from Snowdin to Hotland? Could it be that...Sans teleported. How long was that?
"And here you go." Sans said as he handed out the wrapped-up hot dog. "Thanks. Have a nice day!" Jay said as he took the hot dog and went to continue searching for the bakery. "Take care, kid!" Sans called out to him.
Minutes later, he found the shop. It stood out from the rest of the buildings since it was purple and spider-themed.
[Of course. The star robot of the Underground is everywhere.] Jay thought as he read the store sign.
Jay opened the door and stepped in, a bell ringing above him. Inside the bakery were tables and chairs, which had a few customers staying to enjoy their mid morning meals. Strangely enough, there were a few spiders crawling up a couple of places. Most of the customers didn't mind of their presences. At the far end there was a customer waiting table. There, behind it, was Muffet the spider monster, with periwinkle and lavender skin and five eyes. She was wearing red rompers with buttons in the front along with a baker's apron, a red ribbon across her chest, as well as twin pigtails in her hair.
"Welcome, darling! How can I help you today?" Muffet said to Jay as he walked over to the counter, careful as to not step on the spiders that were scurrying around the floor.
"Can I please have today's special? Just a...doughnut and some coffee." Jay said.
"Sure thing! Ahuhuhu~! It will be 5.00 G in total!" Muffet said in a sweet way. After giving her the money, Muffet went back to start preparing. As she was preparing with all six arms, Jay noticed her pour some bright purple-colored coffee in the cup. [Could she be using her ability on there to make the coffee better in some way? Maybe I don't have to make contact with (or fight) her to obtain the trait.] Jay wondered as he continued observing Muffet as she placed the sealed coffee cup and the purple doughnut in the bag.
"Here you go! Nice and freshly made." Muffet said as she came back and handed the bag to Jay. "Thank you so much. Now I'll be on my way." Jay said as he took the bag. "Have a nice day~! And don't be starchy with your money!" Muffet said as Jay headed towards the door, careful not to accidentally step on any spiders.
Once he was on his way back to the lab, Jay opened the bag to take out the coffee cup. There was a note taped on it that said:
"Make sure to visit again! We serve food and drinks made by spiders, for everyone(including spiders), of spiders! ;) "
[Okay....that's a bit weird. But, if it were that bad, nobody would buy from Muffet's bakery shop. Might as well give this drink a try.] Jay thought as he took a small sip from the coffee cup.

(Later that day~)

Once Jay reached the doors of the Lab, he collapsed with most of his system energy nearly used up and his scales smoking because of all that hyper energy that had to be used up. Dr. Gaster and Alphys came running over after they spotted him collapsed over the floor.
"Are you alright? What happened?" Dr. Alphys asked. Jay looked up at them and said, "I learned something today: never...EVER...buy high-caffeine coffee on your first order..." Jay wheezed as he slumped his head down again in exhaustion.
"On the plus side....I managed to obtain the purple trait from that coffee." Jay added as Dr. Gaster and Alphys helped him up to his feet.

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