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Red fell to her knees and slumped down as the "eyes" hovering behind disappeared.
"I...I can't go on. I HATE this! I hate this so much!" Red said in a low voice. Jay let out an exhausted sigh and asked "What's wrong?" to Red, placing his sword behind his back where it attached like a magnet and went inside him.
".......When I first heard of your arrival in Snowdin, it scared me. Not for my safety, mind you. Undyne ordered me to intercept you if you were to get past her. But...when she came back...she told me to stand down. I was confused, not knowing why. But when the other monsters talked about you, they sounded...really POSITIVE. They talked so many things about you, and even consider you their friend. I was scared that you were lying to them and would do something bad in secret, and that you'll do to me as well. That made me think that I should be the one to fight you, that I was capable of fighting. That's why I shut you out. You don't think I'm a terrible fighter, do you?" Red explained and asked as Jay listened to her.
"No. I don't think so. I believe you are a great fighter. And...I forgive you for trying to slice me open." Jay told her with a smile and a chuckle.
"Sorry for that. The thing is...what will happen if another monster like King Asgore would think the same as me? After the incident that happened years ago with the six human visitors...all are desperate for the seventh SOUL. If you were kind to me, only to be killed by our king because he believes that you were sent by humans...I don't know what I would do.....Which reminds me, were you really sent by humans or not? Just asking you in person." Red explained to Jay before taking off her mask. Red indeed rooked like a human, a sentient doll as Jay observed more clearly.
"I was definitely not sent by humans. If I was, I'd be vengeful about what you guys did. Though... I really hoped you guys would have been more kind to them. If that is the feeling that a human should have...then...I don't know...maybe I was, and don't remember anything before." he told Red.
"Wow. You really don't remember?" Red asked. "Yep. However...I like it down here. Even though everyone is a bit scary, there are times when they're friendly. And...that made me think that "monsters" isn't the word to describe you guys. We're all the same." Jay explained to her after sitting down.
Then they started to have a calm chat with each other, asking about what one liked, disliked or got weirded out sometimes. Jay even shared Red some of his Glamburger and berry pie. This definitely seemed to work as Red was more calm now. Afterwards, it was time for him to leave.
"Leaving already? I guess you need to go somewhere important. Well...I'll be here most of the time and rarely anywhere in the Underground." Red said. Both stood up and Jay waved goodbye to Red, then turned around and headed back to the Lab.
Though, along the way, Jay was thinking about what Red said about the "incident eight years ago". Was it true that people from his home visited the a Underground just like Flowey told him? If so...what actually happened that time?
[I have to ask Dr. Gaster in a time when things are calm. Now I have both of the last abilities acquired.] Jay though as he looked at his hands while continuing to walk through the path that would lead him to the building.
When Jay arrived, Dr. Gaster and Alphys started to make final preparations for the barrier neutralizer. The only thing that was left to do was transmit the data from Jay's Adaptive System to the machine.
However, the system still had to make the final checks and another thorough scan in order for the traits to be completely adapted to his frame. The time it should take was two hours and thirty minutes.
Jay felt like it was the right time to find out what happened with the human visitors.
"When I spoke to Red, she mentioned something about an incident that involved human visitors eight years ago. Is it true? If so, what happened back then?" Jay asked Dr. Gaster a while later as they waited. This seemed to hit something inside Dr. Gaster that it really hurt.
"I...I...Yes. It's is true. We had human visitors down here in the Underground. What happened to them......they were reduced to souls." Dr. Gaster finally said to him after a silent moment.
[Reduced to souls? What does that mean? Could it be that...] Jay thought with dread crawling up his body.
"When the humans went through the portal in the woods of Snowdin, the same one that you see right here in the Lab, the King...King Asgore ordered the most experienced warriors to go there and kill them once they knew of their location. They went there and killed six out of the seven humans. One monster was mortally injured, probably by the one that escaped through the portal and locked it. Those humans that were killed had their souls collected and placed inside vessels, kept there to be used along with the seventh soul to break the barrier." Dr. Gaster explained.
[They.......They KILLED them?? They really did that??] Jay thought. Now panic was starting to take over him. So much, that he was slowly starting to back up. Jay was now fearful of losing his life one way or another in this underground world.
"I...I gotta go!! I can't stay here!!!" Jay shouted as he quickly turned around and bolted towards the exit of the Lab.
"Wait! Please! I can explain!!!" Dr. Gaster called out to Jay with Dr. Alphys looking at him with surprise.
But he didn't look back, nor did he stop continuing to run as he headed to the Waterfall district which will lead him to Snowdin.
[Flowey was right in one thing; these guys actually killed humans for their souls. And if they found out that I was -still am- a human, they'd do anything to capture me. I can't stay here. Not for too long.] Jay thought as he was running nonstop through the glowing pathways of Waterfall district.
Finally, he was at Snowdin town. Jay headed past the home of the skeleton brothers and the entrance of the town, where the home of the dutchies and the woods were. After getting to the other side of the bridge, Jay searched through the sides of the main snow path in search of the location where he found himself in the Underground. It couldn't be found since the ground was covered with snow, covering what was there a long time ago. Though, he searched for bushes to give him an idea of the probable location. Once there, Jay tried looking up to see if there was an opening up in the cavern ceiling.
Nothing at all.
Then he remembered Papyrus say about miss Toriel living in the ruins, hinting as to where Jay had appeared. Maybe those ruins led to another exit where he could escape.
After a while of searching, Jay came across a set of purple doors that were located on a rocky wall at the end of the paths. [Could this be it? If so, this should lead to the other exit!] Jay though as he began walking towards it. Before he got four meters near the doors....a thought stopped him. Jay looked back at the mountains, where Telephone and Radio were. Something inside tugged his mind to go back...but his other side was still fearful.
"Forgive me...Telephone. But I have to go away so no one could hurt me. I will figure out a way to break the barrier from the outside." Jay said to himself in a low voice.
Before Jay took one step forward, something flew over him and landed in front of the purple doors. This monster was completely orange in color, having two horns on its head, a pair of black plus marks where it's eyes were(maybe those were it's actual eyes), and wearing an overcoat as its main vestment.
"Well well well. It seems the look-alike is trying to escape through the ruins. However, I've got news for you, impostor; there will be no leaving this place!!!" the new monster said to Jay with a creepy smile.
Then he raised one hand and made a fireball, indicating that he was ready to fight Jay and set on capturing him.

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