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Jay woke up all rested up, huddled against the fur of the two curled-up dutchies.
As he looked outside the cave entrance, Jay saw that it was covered in new snow by the storm last night. Which meant....that the fun activities planed yesterday will be carried out perfectly by the new snow the ground had!
Carefully (and calmly) waking the dutchies up, Jay waited later until they were ready to go outside with their extra-warm clothing and gather everyone for the snow activities.
"Let's hurry up so we don't arrive late! Last one to the park is a slowpoke snail!" Telephone squeaked cheerfully before she began to run. "Hey! Wait for us!" Jay called out as he and Radio ran to keep up with Telephone.

* * *

A while later they arrived at Snowdin town's park. It was filled with snow on every part of it.
A couple of kids were already there, playing in the snow or on the slides and swings.
They went to another part of the park, where a few of their friends were.
Undyne, Sans, And Red were here. The others weren't here yet, which made Jay wonder where they were at right now.
"Where's Papyrus?" Jay asked, looking around.
"Papyrus said he had to pick up something with Dr. Gaster and Alphys before both could come over here. And Fred...I guess he's not awake yet. But until then, LETS HAVE SOME FUN!" Undyne explained, grinning malevolently and cracking her knuckles.
Undyne planned for a snowball fight. The rules were simple; if either of the teams' members get all of themselves hit by snowballs, they lose.
The atmosphere felt like one that had a war about to happen as the teams made their own snow battle forts.
Jay, Telephone and radio were on the first team named the Dragonlings, while Undyne, Sans and Red were the second opposing team, naming themselves the Royal Guard Snow Busters.
As an addition, the RGSB team made snow cones and placed flags on their forts. The Dragonlings instead made holes in the middle of their fort walls to see the opponent team members.
"Ready when you are, punks!!!" Undyne called out from behind the RGSB fort. The dutchies and Jay lowered down to discuss their plan of attack.
"So how do we beat them?" Radio asked them. "Honestly...I don't know. What about you, Jay?" Telephone said, turning to face him.
"I'm thinking right now." Jay said, closing his eyes to think. In his head(or system), he began planning on how each of them would attack the individual members of RGSB. Jay would be the lead cover fire from the fort, while the two dutchies will sneak from the sides and deliver their ordinance. They had one advantage, which was Sans since he was seen starting to nap on the opposing team's side fort.
"Ok, I think I have a plan of attack..." Jay said, making the furred dragons huddle close for them to listen closely.
A long moment later, Undyne got a bit impatient and called out, "Hey, dorks! You planning to raise your flags and give up already without a fight!?". Jay smirked from behind the snow fort and called back, "Oh no! I don't think so!".
Before anyone in the RGSB had time to ready their snowballs, Jay stood up and threw countless snowballs at the enemy fort like a snowball machine gun. The dutchies helped him make a ton of snowballs for Jay to use for this onslaught and the furred dragons for their surprise attack. Case in point, Telephone and Radio were sneaking around towards the RGSB fort as the team tried to take clear shots at Jay's rapid snowball fire.
But everything changed when Sans suddenly popped out of the fort and threw snowballs at Telephone and Radio, taking both furred dragons by surprise. One snowball hit Radio's face and the other Telephone's chest. "What the—!!??" Jay shouted.
"OH YEAH!!! TAKE THAT, DRAGONLINGS!!! YOU GOT FOOLED BY SANS!!!" Undyne called out from behind the from, standing up and waving her gloves hands in the air.
[No...It can't be...] Jay thought as he looked at the defeated furred dragons laying on the snow-covered battlefield. The sight alone...

...made him a bit angry.

"Now it's only you to defeat and victory is ours!!" Undyne called out as she raised her hand to throw a snowball at Jay.

[I don't think so. I'll avenge my comrades!]

Jay lunged and ran forwards, much to everyone's surprise. Undyne fumbled her snowball and threw it at Jay, but he dodged it by sprinting rapidly side to side as he ran towards them. Undyne tried to make another snowball, but later was hit by several snowballs. "Do something, Red!!!" Undyne said as she sunk down to the safety of the fort with her face and coat covered in snow. Red made a snowball and stood up to throw it, only to be hit in the face directly by Jay's snowball. "Okay! I'm out! I'm out!" Red called out as she wiped her hood clean and sat down.
Now, only Sans remained in the RGSB team.
Jay skidded to a stop besides the fort and aimed at the gaster skeleton. However, instead of surprising him with snowballs that Jay was ready to dodge, Sans simply raised up his bony hands in the air and said, "Whelp, ya got me, kid. Mind of doing the honors?". Jay simply smiled and threw the snowball at Sans's jacket. The gaster skeleton simply slumped down dramatically and began snoozing again.
"Yes! You won! You helped our team win!" Telephone and Radio chirped excitedly, running towards Jay to tackle and hug him.
"Oh, come on, SANS!!! YOU HAD THE OPPORTUNITY TO HIT—!" Undyne began shouting at Sans while gesturing at Jay when she stopped in mid-sentence. Undyne looked s if a ghost had appeared before her. Then Jay realized that his eyes have turned inverted-colored.
"There it is again. H-how are you doing that with your eyes?" Undyne said, pointing at Jay's face. "Oh! I'm sorry! It happens when I'm concentrated." Jay explained, shaking his head and blinking so his eyes returned to normal.
"That's kind of cool! I mean, it's frightening AND cool at the same time." Undyne complimented, chuckling a bit.
"Sure. I can use it to scare you during your sleep." Jay said mischievously. This caused everyone to laugh.
After a while of waiting, it seemed like Papyrus and Fred were delaying their arrival.
"What's with the two? I thought they'd be here already." Red said to herself as she looked in all directions to see if the two monsters were arriving or not.
"Don't worry! I'll go see if they're in route here!" Jay said, suddenly getting the idea to go see Fred first and then Papyrus.

Minutes passed as he soared over the Waterfall district, looking for the familiar shape of Fred.
Soon, he found him running along the bioluminescent paths in a hurry wearing winter clothing.
"There you are! What happened?" Jay said as he landed beside the monster kid. "Yo! Hey Jay! Sorry about coming late. Last night I overslept watching my favorite cartoons." Fred explained as he slowed down while Jay landed.
"It's okay Fred. Although we had an intense snowball fight, we can ask Undyne for another so you can be included." Jay said, patting Fred's head.
"Really? Awesome! After that, everyone can build snowmen!" Fred said as he jumped up and down excitedly.
"Sounds good. Want me to carry you to Snowdin?" Jay proposed.
"Um...I don't know how I feel about heights." Fred said nervously. "Don't worry. I promise I won't let go of you. Now off we go!" Jay said, then picked Fred up and flapped his wings to fly towards the town of Snowdin.

Once they arrived on Snowdin, Jay descended and landed while gently setting Fred down on the snowy ground.
"That was awesome! I don't feel scared of flying anymore." Fred looked up at Jay, smiling. "Glad to hear. Now, let's go see the others." Jay said before he began walking towards the direction of Snowdin town. Fred followed close by him.
When they were halfway there as the two walked along the snow path that went through the forest, Jay began to pick up a noise that came from the right. Jay stopped and turned his head to the direction of the source, his ears perking up and twitching.
"What's wrong?" Fred said as he noticed Jay's head turned to the side.
"I'm hearing something." Jay said, trying to pinpoint the location of the muffled sound. Then he stepped outside the path and headed towards the location of the source. Fred followed closely behind Jay, keeping quiet so he could listen as well.
Minutes later, they could hear the voices more clearly coming from a clearing surrounded by a couple of bushes. Jay and Fred his behind a large bush quietly to peek up from behind.
There, in the middle of a snow-covered clearing, were the two that were talking. Jay's scales seemed as if they had ice spreading all over them when he realized who the two were.

It was Papyrus...talking with Flowey.

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