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"Well well, if it isn't the smiley trash-bag approaching me for the first time." Flowey sneered at the gaster skeleton.
"True. It's NOT a great pleasure to meet you, stalking flower. Now I get to meet you in person, the one who has been talking with my brother without my consent." Sans growled angrily.
"And what about it? I've been giving him super awesome friendly advice about how to use his abilities to the maximum!" Flowey said with a cheerful smile.
"More like manipulating my little bro into doing your own biding. I HATE those kind of people, ya hear? So why don't you let my bro go and walk away calmly? You do no want to find out otherwise." Sans warned with his left eye glowing dangerously.
The flower only smiled even more wickedly at Sans. "No. I've been waiting to get rid of you for so long by involving you into this fight! So there's no one left to stop me from obtaining what is rightfully mine!!!" Flowey shouted as he suddenly shot vines at Sans. The gaster skeleton just stood there as the vines approached him...and suddenly vanished along with his gaster blasters.
[What? Where did he go?] Jay thought as he looked all around the place for Sans. Soon he spotted Sans appear in the air, with one bony hand raised upwards. Flowey looked up from where he was at Sans. The gaster skeleton then swung his hand down and the gaster blasters fired at the flower on the ground.
Flowey just smirked creepily and simply sunk down into the safety of the ground, the gaster blaster lasers hitting nothing but snow and earth. He grew out in another part behind Sans, who landed on his feet in the snow, and launched bullet seeds at the gaster skeleton.
Sans looked behind and raised his other hand, summoning white and blue bones to pierce upwards in order to block the seeds. Immediately after, Sans used his hand to launch bones at Flowey the flower. Flowey moved aside to dodge them, but one bone took off one of his petals. This made Flowey even angrier as he made a screeching sound and threw bullet seeds with vines at Sans. The gaster skeleton simply shrugged as he teleported away from the attack and flung more bones at Flowey.
It was going well for Sans until two vines suddenly grabbed his feet from the ground and trapped him. Sans couldn't move as he struggled to free himself from the grasp of the flower. [Oh no! Flowey's got him caught! I have to do something!] Jay thought as he began to run towards Sans and jumped up, the engine between his back turning on and firing to boost Jay forwards. Flowey laughed maniacally and shot his bullet seeds at Sans, but Jay arrived just in time to block them by planting himself in front of Sans and activating the enhanced shield. The seeds and vines bounced right off the shield, protecting Jay and Sans. Jay immediately lowered his shield and used SHOOTER MODE to fire at the vines that have reeled back.
"You okay?" Jay asked Sans, looking behind him at the gaster skeleton. Sans still had his glowing eye on, but he focused on Flowey as he disappeared again only to reappear in front and block the seed bullets with blue bones. Sans simply didn't say a word as he focused on fighting the Flower. Ignoring that, Jay also focused on blocking Flowey's attacks while helping Sans.
Flowey was trying hard to hammer down Sans with the large vines, but Sans simply evaded those while getting closer to the Flower. Once he was in reach, Sans raised up his hand and caged the flower with blue bones. This caused the attacks to stop all of a sudden.
"Gotcha now. You can't move out of these types of bones, if you know what I mean. I can kill you easily if I want, but I'm not the type that would simply do that. So how about you let my bro go NOW?" Sans said, looking down at the flower as he summoned some floating bones with one hand.
The flower paused for a long moment, then seemed to smirk in the most creepiest manner ever seen. "Ha! I DON'T THINK SO!" Flowey hissed at Sans. Before Jay could react, vines bursted from where he was standing and grabbed his limbs, trapping him. This distracted Sans, who let his guard down when he saw Jay trapped by the vines. Taking the chance, Flowey trapped Sans with another set of vines.
"Finally, after a long time of trying I have all of you in my grasp! NOW DIE!!!" Flowey yelled before the vines began to squeeze their limbs very hard. Jay and the two skeleton brothers tried to struggle free from the vines, but they were too strong.
"SANS..." Papyrus said to his brother.
"Papyrus!" Sans said back to him.
Jay bent his head down as he struggled just as he heard the snapping of something solid coming from the two. Following that was a pained yell that came from the two skeletons, and Jay saw what has happened.
The vines have broken one of the gaster skeletons' arm bones. Sans's left arm, and Papyrus's right arm. A trickle of red fluid flowed down from the white surface of the bone arms.
[That flower....he....] Jay thought with shock at what he has just witnessed.


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The simple sight of Flowey using his vines to hurt the gaster skeletons, his friends, made him feel like a growing fire was coming from his chest. It grew and grew until Jay felt uncontrollable anger taking over him, making him bare his teeth and growl. And he let it because it seemed like the boost he needed to break free. His eyes and chest glowed more and more as his hands seemed to grow stronger, parting the vines that held his body away from him.
He then felt his mind taken away deeper inside his body as a message appeared in his eyes:


His whole vision went into what seemed to be like a battle setting as a lock-on cursor was placed on Flowey, and Jay let this new setting take over him.
The two gaster skeletons suddenly felt the vines that held them loosen as Flowey seemed to notice something happening to Jay. The dragon suddenly bared his teeth and roared as the blue light from his chest shone bright until it seemed like Jay's body exploded. This caused the vines that trapped him to burn away the moment the explosion occurred, sending snow and smoke everywhere. Sans and Papyrus waved away the smoke with their good hands as they tried to clear their view and see what has happened.
When the smoke cleared, they say Jay standing in the middle of the explosion area. What they noticed was Jay slowly starting to change.
Some parts of his legs, arms, neck, and even his tail, started to slide outwards a percentage, revealing a blue glowing surface underneath his black scales. From behind the wings, two metallic square tubes came out to hang over his shoulders and point forwards. The square in the middle of his shirt that laid over his heart opened up into smaller squares, revealing a glowing blue sphere inside the chest. Behind the chest on his back opened and out came what looked like a small disc, with a blue glow behind as it showed what was underneath his back too. The claws grew a bit bigger, starting to glow too. Finally, something covered his face until it looked like a helmet visor has been placed on automatically.
Sans, Papyrus, and even Flowey stood where they were as they contemplated the new figure of Jay. The dragon looked up at them, two blue eyes appearing from the helmet's visor. However, they slowly began to change into the color of bright red. Whatever that meant, it felt like something bad was going to happen.

Something really bad.

Then, suddenly, Jay threw his head back and let out a loud, frightening roar, air streams coming out from the holes of the mouth section of the helmet as the roar echoed around all of Snowdin.

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