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"Telephone? Telephone, where are you? Sister?" Radio called out as he searched through the glowing paths of Waterfall district. There was still no answer, meaning that Telephone was in another part.
'I have to calm down my sister. If not, she will continue being heartbroken.' Radio thought as he continued searching. The sight, and realization, that Jay had been a robot all along was shocking for both. Yet...he felt that being terrified about this realization was not right. So Radio was determined to find his sister and comfort her.
Moments later he found her huddled under a large leaf, sobbing.
"Sister? Are you okay?" Radio asked Telephone. She looked up at his brother and said, "No...I'm not. I can't believe he lied to us about being a real monster." she said, continuing to cry.
"Yeah, well...I am also shocked that I realized the truth. But...don't you think he hid the truth because he was bad? Or...because he was scared?" Radio reasoned with Telephone.
He remembered the times when they played with Jay. He didn't ask them for anything like how to fight or how to use his abilities. The dragon...simply wanted to help all of them. Including all of the monsters in the Underground.
"I mean, think of this: instead of becoming a member of the royal guard, he chose to be a mail delivery monster. And not once he has shown any signs that he wanted to hurt anyone." Radio explained to his sister.
"But...isn't that what an invading machine would do? So he could later attack everyone once the leader was taken out, just like the sci-fi books say?" Telephone said, looking up at Radio.
"Yes. However....I think Jay is really alive. Did you feel the warmth when we touched his blue energy?" he said. Both of them did remember. Monsters had the ability to show their souls to others, and their life source could always be felt. Dutch angel dragons had the special ability to distinguish between real souls and weak souls. The energy that Jay gave out was different, however that didn't mean that it did not feel like another thing. It was Jay's life source, they were sure of it.
"Yeah. I do remember. It was...calm. Just like Jay is." Telephone said in remembrance.
"So...?" Radio said.
"I guess you're right. And sorry that I ran off like this." Telephone said, sniffing and wiping away her tears.
Radio smiled and hugged his sister close to him. "It's okay. I forgive you, sis." Radio purred.
A while later, they began heading back towards Snowdin and to their home in the mountains. "What do you think we should do if Jay gets well?" Telephone asked his brother along the way.
"I think it's a decision you must take alone. Besides, you're the one that ran off in the first place." Radio said to her. Telephone smiled and laughed a bit.
"Okay then. We'll visit him tomorrow." Telephone said. "Sounds good. Let's get some rest first." Radio chirped as they continued their walk to their cave.
Once in there, they curled up next to the fire and slept.

* * *

Telephone awoke in the middle of the night.
She didn't know why, but there was a strong urge to get up. Also, Telephone wanted to check on Jay if he was well. Just a bit early before the morning. 'It won't hurt to check on him earlier that planned, right?' Telephone thought, lifting her head up to look outside the cave entrance.
So, she slowly got up from where she was sleeping next to her brother Radio and headed out. Once outside, she spread her feathered wings and flew up into the air.

[|A long while ago-|]

Jay's consciousnesses floated in the deepest part of his mind, not moving or disturbed by anything as the featured called "Charged Battle Mode" was handling the fight outside.
It felt...like a person sitting on a passenger seat as the vehicle they were in took them forwards.
Though...this feeling of being calm while things happened outside...

...felt wrong to him.
He tried moving as his body kept fighting Flowey outside. Nothing happened.
Jay tried again. Still nothing.
There was a booming noise outside, and he looked up to what his eyes were seeing. There, he saw himself aim his arm cannon at Flowey, ready to fire.
[Wait.....] he though slowly. But it was no use as his cannon fired and the energy ball consumed Flowey. The light consumed Flowey...and then a white ghostly shape started to form. It's appearance was that related to a goat monster, a bit more young like a child and wearing a yellow green-striped shirt. The goat kid moved his mouth, seeming like he was speaking to him. But no words were heard as the goat kid started to vanish. [Hold...on...don't go...] Jay though, but the monster child already vanished. What remained was a hollow-white upside down heart, a representation of a monster soul, which also vanished into dust. Then there was a plus-shaped star that flashed on and off in the darkness that fell around. Jay tried reaching towards it, but it shattered into millions of tiny pieces.

Then everything became completely dark.

Jay opened his eyelids slowly, his eyes adjusting to the light around him. When he finally did, Jay realized he was inside the medical room of the Lab.
Jay sat up slowly in the bed he was in and looked around. No one was inside the room yet.
A tingle of weirdness was felt in his right arm when he moved it. Jay raised it a bit and extended his fingers out and in. The weirdness slowly faded away as he continued moving his fingers.
[What was that all about? Did I just....was that monster child really him? Flowey? If so...what happened?] Jay thought as he tried recollecting what happened before he lost consciousness.
He looked at the door just as Dr. Gaster walked inside. The scientist gaster skeleton sat down on a chair and looked up at Jay.
"I'm sorry. But I'm afraid that the truth has been brought out to the light." Dr. Gaster said.
Jay knew it. His charged battle mode was enough to give out who he really was.
"I'm sorry, Jay." Dr. Gaster said, looking down.
"Don't be. It was meant to happen anyways. I just didn't expect it to come out by means of fighting Flowey." Jay said to him. Dr. Gaster nodded in understanding.
"By the way, where is Flowey?" Jay asked later on.
"I...don't know. There was nothing left from the blast zone you made. It may mean that he will no longer bother anyone." Dr. Gaster said. This shocked Jay. It confirmed...that Jay had completely destroyed Flowey. However, this didn't bring neither peace or relief that the flower was gone.

Jay felt guilty.

"I destroyed him...didn't I?" Jay said.
"Well...I'm not sure if you did completely. But...why are you aggravated by that?" Dr. Gaster began.
"I destroyed him...Even if he was evil and cruel to people, he didn't deserve to be destroyed. This makes me just as worse as the monsters." Jay said, looking down as tears formed in his eyes. Dr. Gaster sat there silent.
"I need to go think for a moment outside." Jay said, getting up from the bed and disconnecting the cables attached to his body. Dr. Gaster nodded understandingly as he let Jay exit the medical room.

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