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"Sir. We are tracking an unregistered unit flying over the city. And it's denying the protocols" Sg. Miles informed to General Foss.
"What is it? Terrorists?" Foss said, coming over to see the radar.
"Uncertain, sir. It's operating on full autonomy. No foreign signal is being transmitted to the unit. It has a star core in it as well."
The general's face shifted. "What did you say? The doctor said the cores were destroyed. Get me the location of the unit. Mobilize all Valkyrie units!" Foss ordered.

Jay flew back to his home in the city and landed on the rooftop, already being nighttime. When he came down the stairs, he heard the voices of his father and Dr. Montero coming from the other side of the wall.
"Please, just deactivate him, take out his core, and take him back to the lab." Gutierrez said.
Jay listened more carefully. Were they talking about him? Surely not. Maybe another robot?
"Oh, come on Gutierrez. You can't throw him out like a failed prototype. Give him time." Montero pleaded.
"Jay is only a copy. DAVID is gone. There is no way that it is him." Gutierrez said, his voice saddening when he said the name David.
"You programmed him with the memories and consciousness of your OWN SON. Doesn't that mean anything to you?" Montero said.
"No. He isn't. He's a machine. A robotic copy. Which doesn't look or act like him. And I don't want him....anymore." Jay's father said.

Everything was hitting Jay all at once.

[No!.........NO!!!! THIS CAN'T BE REAL!!!!] he internally wailed.
He flew off from the window of his roof, breathing heavily. Jay took one last look at his home before he flew off into the night sky.

Jay was settled on top of a building roof, thinking while curled up. He stared at his clawed hands. He didn't look human exactly, but FELT human. The thing that derailed him from that was when his eyes saw through his hand, revealing the mechanics that laid below the surface of his hand. [Its all true.] he thought as his eyes showed to be a Heads Up Display, indicating various types of information.
"What do I do now?" Jay muttered to himself.
All of a sudden, a blinding light hit Jay's eyes. He shielded himself with one hand. When his eyes adjusted, he found himself surrounded by four YF-30s, all hovering in guardian mode. Jay's systems automatically latched on to the radio signals that the pilots had.

["Sir. We've located the signal. It's a Gründer Industries NFD unit, but...I've never seen a variant like this. The readings of its star core are immense!"] one pilot said.
["Is the unit now accepting protocols?"] a commanding voice said.
["No sir. It's doing the exact opposite"] the pilot said.
["Then bring the heat."] the commander said.
["Galm 1, setting weapons for engagement"] the lead pilot said.
All valkyries deployed their gun pods with their mech hands, aiming at Jay.
"Oh no!" Jay said.
Internal instincts took over him. In less than 2 seconds, Jay rocketed off through the valkyries and into the city.
["Target has taken off!!"] a pilot exclaimed.
["All units! Engage the rouge NFD unit and don't let it escape at all costs!!!"] the lead pilot ordered. The four aircrafts switched to their aircraft modes and took off after Jay.
Jay dove down towards the city. He weaved through highway bridges and packed buildings, but they still were on his tail. Once he flew out into the open, his eye HUD blared:
Jay turned around just in time to see the YF-30 aircraft deploy a swarm of micro missiles, all headed to him.
As Jay turned sharply in random evasive turns, pores opened between his wings which bursted flare chaff. This made the missiles head towards the flares instead of Jay, missing him.
Again, Jay headed towards the city. As he weaved through the buildings, he suddenly flared his wings forward to slow down. This made the jets miss him, as if he suddenly jumped off the radar.
["Eh? Where did it go?"] a pilot said.
Jay latched under one of the valkyries and grabbed hold on the gun pod. With a quick heave he detached the pod with total ease, so that it couldn't fire at him. He did this to the jets that came next.
["WHAT THE HELL!!??"] the lead pilot shouted.
Suddenly a grappling hook clamped Jay on his waist, then several others on the back.
["Target secure"] a pilot said.
["Good work. Let's go home"] the commander at base said.
Jay struggled to get free from the wires. Then he remembered something. An idea came up.
Jay flew forward at full speed, causing the aircrafts to be pulled along with him. He shot up....then down, slamming the valkyries towards a building.
Then he flew up again as high as he could go at maximum throttle, then shot down. The force of the direction change caused the wires to pull the aircrafts down again, but it tore them in half. Three pilots ejected from their cockpits, but only one didn't come out. Jay realized with a start that the ejection system was jammed. He dove down to rescue the pilot that was stuck to the falling aircraft. Once he got there he punched the glass off, then tried locating the parachute chord. He pulled it out, causing the ejection system to finally trigger and get the pilot out to safety.

Back at the command center, General Foss wasn't pleased.
"Send in the Ghost" he ordered.
Everyone in the room gasped
"The AIF-9V Ghost!? Sir! That drone isn't authorized to fly in these areas! It's classified!" a soldier close to the general said.
"That's an order! Destroy the robot!" Foss said.

As Jay landed on one of the bridge poles, his radar showed a red blip approaching. When he turned in that direction, his eyes zoomed to the drone. Instant fear overtook him. He hasn't seen this drone, but his systems ached inside him with knowing; that this craft was deadly.
The laser pod mounted on top of the drone charged up, then fired at Jay. He jumped out of the way, then flew upwards. The v-9 then turned towards him in an acute angle so that it didn't loose him. The drone then fired countless missiles at him, which he tried evading. However Jay couldn't evade them in time because the v-9 launched more missiles at him as it flew and turned by him at blitzerimg speeds. Jay got hit once, but then his eye HUD showed he also had the same engine as the V-9. He was about to activate them when the drone shot a laser at him, which hit him on the back. Pain exploded through him as he cried in pain. The moment was cut short when the drone hit him again with missiles.
Jay took one final glance at the drone as it shot him with its laser pod, taking him down. He crashed into what seemed to be an abandoned warehouse, but in reality a secret facility.
When he regained himself, Jay lifted his head slowly. He didn't look to see his body, which was halfway beyond damaged. In front of him was something that took a moment to recognize. Something that appeared in an old science fiction movie, but was in front of him in real life.

The Stargate

A small portion of positive energy from his core flowed out from him, towards the control panel. It instantly activated, creating a giant wormhole. The engine sound of the v-9 drone made him look up. It was diving towards him. Jay didn't want his life to end here, not now. Slowly, he limped over to the portal. He looked at the swirling vortex that was in front of him. Wherever it took him, he wanted to be as far away from this place.
Because it seemed nowhere was safe here.

With one final heave, he dove into the portal.

For those of you who didn't know what the v-9 ghost is, here is an example:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

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