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The ship landed gently on the landing yard just outside of Gründer Industries after a short flight. Once the engines powered down, the doors opened and everyone exited out of the ship to enter the facility building.
Some time later when they entered the elevator, they arrived at the main room. The room where all the equipment was in development and other nfd units were stored in inactivity. In the room there were also the industry personnel, few active nfd units, engineers, a person that, surprisingly, was Dr. Montero, and...Dr. Gutierrez.

His father.

All of the personnel, including the two lead scientists, looked up from where they were standing at the group of soldiers that were entering the room. Jay's eyes locked on to his father's eyes and saw him with a face of surprise, along with one that showed both uneasiness and sadness. Jay felt a pang of pain in his soul and looked a bit to the side.
"This experiment of yours is over, Doctor. I order the core to be removed and handed over. Now." General Foss said as he and the soldiers accompanying him with Jay walked towards the two doctors. Jay looked up at his father and saw him wearing a face of disbelief and sadness, which made Jay look away in sorrow.
"Let me speak with him for a moment. Please." Dr. Montero said as he walked towards them. General Foss seemed to look annoyed towards this, but he sighed and nodded to let them.
"Hello, David. It's good to have you back." Dr. Montero said to Jay with a smile.
"Hi, Dr. Montero. It...feels a bit good to be here again too. Well...David hasn't been the name called to me in a long while. I'm still him...aren't I? I mean, I've gone through so many things that has made me question who I really am. Some were frightening. However...with all this...I feel more different than before. In a positive way now." Jay said to the doctor with a small smile.
"That's because you ARE different. You are a wonder of engineering." Dr. Montero said as he placed a hand on Jay's shoulder.
"Thanks. I suppose feeling different things at once is what means to be living. That includes happiness and pain with or without physical damage. I thought I found it's meaning, but I guess this is reality: a complex thing that only true living things understand. Not machines." Jay said, drooping his ears in sadness and lowering his head down. At that time, a small tear formed in the lid of Jay's eyes. Something seemed to flash inside Dr. Montero's face. Whatever it was, it looked like the doctor had noticed something of outmost importance.
However, before Dr. Montero could speak to Jay again, General Foss interrupted their conversation.
"Alright. Break it up and deactivate him immediately." Foss said as he headed towards the center of the room with the soldiers, which a few of them held back Dr. Montero so he wouldn't follow. Dr. Gutierrez went along with the general and the soldiers without a glance back at his colleague.
"No! Gutierrez, this is wrong and you know it well!" Dr. Montero said as he tried to get past through the soldiers. Dr. Gutierrez looked doubtful for a second before shaking his head.
"He's a machine. And you know it too." Dr. Gutierrez said.
"You're wrong! He is more than what you think! He is your son!!!" Dr. Montero called out to his friend, helpless as he watched Dr. Gutierrez take Jay to the center of the testing room.
In the middle was a seated container with connection wires that connected from the seat down to the floor, where it was interconnected with other wires. To both sides were computer desks that would monitor anything that happened inside Jay's systems once he got plugged in with the energy supply connections.
Dr. Gutierrez went over and pressed some keys in the holographic dashboard to begin activation. Jay knew he couldn't ask what he was supposed to do since he understood that his core was about to be taken away from him. With no way that he would ask anything to be set free. So he went over to the seat and sat down, turning to observe his father.
Dr. Gutierrez went over to where Jay, his son, was sitting and then began to carefully locking wires into the slots of Jay's limbs and chest. The screen began to register Jay's pulse, the beat of energy flowing through his body. Soon afterwards, Dr. Gutierrez pressed a button that activated a robotic hand that would remove the core. It lowered down and reached into the slot where the core was, beginning to remove it. Just when the arm was beginning to pull the core out, Jay tensed up. Dr. Gutierrez noticed this and stopped the arm to look at Jay. The robot dragon looked back at Dr. Gutierrez with what looked like pleading eyes. But soon Jay's face changed to an understanding one and nodded, letting Dr. Gutierrez proceed. He touched the keyboard button and the arm pulled Jay's core out completely, which then placed it in a metal cube container with small windows. Then he looked into Jay's eyes.
"I'm sorry, Jay." Dr. Gutierrez said with a broken sincere voice.
"Don't worry. I'm the one who should be sorry. I couldn't keep a promise I made to someone that was a friend to me. And more importantly, I couldn't keep the other promise: to have been a better David Gutierrez for you...like...before...............father........." Jay said, smiling weakly as his energy levels dropped slowly and he closed his eyes into silence.
The pulse in the screen faded until there was no more energy flowing through him. Only backup that would preserve the system. Dr. Gutierrez looked at Jay with disbelief in his eyes that were starting to tear up. The machine that he created, the one he made with his own two hands, called him "father". Something that he didn't program him to say.
And that made him realize something.

This surely was his living son.

"Well? Is it done?" General Foss's voice said from behind Dr. Gutierrez. The doctor mustered every bit of his emotional strength to stand up and walk over to the box that contained the positive core. Then he wiped his tears away, closed the box, and carried it over to the general. "It's finished. Just like you asked." he said, handing the box to the general. Foss smiled and gladly took the box containing the core.
"Good work, Doctor. Once this crisis pertaining to the monsters on the Underground is finished, I will provide you with enough funding to let you create as many inventions as you'd like." General Foss said.
Something clicked inside Dr. Gutierrez's mind as he looked up to the general. This man didn't care for anything like peace or his son at all. Foss only wanted to use the core for his military nfd Blitzer unit. Just to use it and start a war with other beings that didn't have any advantage against earth's technology.
And it disgusted Dr. Gutierrez to a high degree.
"No." he said, grabbing the general's arm that held the box as he was starting to turn away. When the soldiers saw this, they immediately turned their weapons at the doctor. General Foss looked at him with disgust that the doctor was holding his arm.
"If you want the core in your possession, you will have to kill me." Dr. Gutierrez said, his voice firm as he looked at the general in the eyes.

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