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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Both Jay and the rouge Blitzer nfd clashed together, sparks of metal bits and energy bolts spraying outwards as their strikes collided with each other.
Their engines went to full throttle as they crossed each other and went around the city building for the next clashes. Jay activated both his arm cannons and shot a plasma ball at the Blitzer nfd. It dodged the first shot, but was hit by the second one Jay sent out right after the first one. Thus sent it off course, but it immediately corrected its flight path and flew up. It charged it's laser cannon and fired. Jay quickly pulled forwards his wings and activated his shield, the laser hitting its side and deflecting the beam away from him. Deactivating the shield and blasting forwards, Jay flew towards the rouge Blitzer nfd while pulling out the sword from his back. The Blitzer unit responded by pulling sharp pieces of metal from the surrounding buildings and created its own personal sword. Jay and the Blitzer nfd clashed against each other once again with their swords now.
"Listen. If you stop, there's no need for me to continue fighting you!" Jay told the Blitzer nfd. ["MY NEW OBJECTIVE IS TO ELIMINATE ANY THREAT THAT IS PRESENT. YOU ARE A STRONG THREAT."] it responded to Jay as it swiped at him with a long arm. Jay blocked the hit using the enhanced shield mode, protecting himself from damage by the Blitzer nfd's sharp claws. The hit was hard enough to push Jay back, but he recovered from it. Now Jay flew back as the rouge unit began to charge up once more. Again, more building rails bursted from the structures around, being attracted by the Blitzer nfd's strong magnetic energy. It flung the rails and pieces at Jay, who rolled from side to side swiftly, tucking in his wings and opening them again, as he evaded the pieces while flying forwards.
Once close enough to the rouge unit, Jay aimed his cannon and fired at its chest. The Blitzer nfd blocked the shot with a semi-shield using its own energy, throwing it off balance a bit. But Jay took this opportunity to fly behind the rouge unit quickly and slice one of its wings off using his sword. The wing broke off from the rouge nfd's back and fell down, the unit falling down as well. However, it began to charge up again with red negative energy and suddenly the wing attached to its back. The small broken-off pieces began piecing themselves back until it was fixed into place.
[Oh, COME ON!] Jay groaned as the Blitzer nfd rose up once again. This time it looked more angrier than ever as it radiated more negative red energy from its chest and body. [Whoops. Looks like I accidentally made him more angrier than expected.] Jay thought nervously.
The rouge Blitzer nfd charged itself up again, it's red aura of energy seeming to become more darker, and then it suddenly disappeared from sight in a bright flash of red electricity. Jay looked up and down, then all around quickly to figure out where it has gone off. It didn't take long to find where it has gone when something hit him from behind and sent him crashing into a building.
[Ouch. That hurt as well.] Jay grumbled as he coughed and waved off the dust from the air in front of his landing location. He quickly got up and blasted out from where he was and towards the Blitzer nfd, charging up his wrist and shooting homing lasers from it as he used simaxis shot. The rouge nfd unit evaded the shot, only taking a few hits from the homing laser as it charged up its laser cannon. Once ready, it fired the powerful laser at Jay, who seemed to have no time to dodge and get caught in the line of fire. There was an explosion once the laser hit home as smoke and fire bursted from the spot in the air and spread.
The smoke cleared and seemed like Jay had been hit, but he had pulled up his shield just in time and flew under and then shot upwards to the Blitzer nfd.
The rouge unit charged its laser cannon again, but Jay used his reactive machine guns to distract it. The energy bullets bounced off the Blitzer nfd's metal surface and made it cover itself with its arms. Jay used the distraction to fly up and use his sword to slice the laser cannon in half. The Blitzer unit let go of its sliced laser cannon so the exploding weapon won't damage it.
"Now you won't be able to shoot those powerful lasers now, strong guy." Jay said, placing his sword on his back. The rouge Blitzer nfd growled loudly at Jay and charged up. Jay got ready to accelerate with his booster burst mode still active once the rouge unit disappeared again. However, instead of teleporting near Jay to hit him, it lifted its hand forwards and several missiles erupted from behind its wings, similar to the simaxis shot. Jay flew up and then around the buildings as the small red missiles chased him through the air. It was hard to evade them because they chased Jay even in very tight turns. Few moments later they approached close enough for Jay to stop and activate his shield. The shots exploded as they made contact with the spherical shield, strong enough to knock him off flight. Once recovered he tried to reorientate himself, but the Blitzer nfd appeared from nowhere and swiped him down with a strong hand hit. That sent Jay down pretty fast, only to be punched again from below up towards the air as the rouge unit appeared on the ground. Jay had no time to recover as the Blitzer nfd kept disappearing and reappearing over and over again as it hit him around the air with no stopping.
Finally, the rouge unit sent Jay crashing down to the streets with a powerful blow, making Jay crash through several abandoned vehicles and flipping them over as he careen-crashed through the asphalt. The dust settled around the crash area as the Blitzer unit descended lower to float near the streets, looking around. Jay was spotted laying down while looking really beaten up, electricity and glitch sparks springing from his body as he tried to move and stand up once again. [Come on! Get up! Get up! Get up! Get up!] Jay thought frantically to himself as he tried to stand up again to fight. However, he couldn't because of his arms and legs being caught under large amounts of rubble. It's more, his system was on full march trying to repair the broken parts of his body.
The rouge Blitzer nfd, seeing Jay pinned down on the ground, extended its hands to the sides and pulled out several metal pieces right out of the buildings. They all floated in the air and then the rouge unit moved them so they pointed down diagonally. It was about to fling them down at Jay.
One by one, the metal pieces began to rain down to the ground and pierce everything from cars, windows, walls, and streets. Jay tried to move, but he couldn't as his body still had to repair itself. The only thing he could do was to helplessly watch as the rain of sharp metal pieces came closer and closer to him.
Suddenly a bright flash of light distracted Jay's line of sight, followed by an oddly familiar charging-up sound. A bright blue and white laser came streaking by, melting and hitting the metal poles off trajectory and saving Jay from being impaled. "What? Who...?" Jay said to himself as he looked around, his system telling that he was fully repaired now. Something, or several someones, that were in the air, caught Jay's attention. Immediately he recognized those who have saved him right at the last second.
Sans riding on a pack of Gaster blasters, Mettaton his his 2.0 NEO mode, Undyne, and Red standing on top of two separate buildings.

His friends.

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