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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

4 weeks later~

The atmosphere around the city was calm and welcoming once again. Street and building lights illuminated the city at night. A few structures were being built again because of the incident weeks ago. And it wasn't just human workers that were helping rebuild. Monsters that offered voluntarily their help were there as well, with nfd unit supervision and support. People on other sides watched them with awe as the monsters used their abilities and strength to rebuild structures, many taking out phones to take videos or pictures.
Jay noticed all of this and smiled, turning around and heading back to his destination route. Many things were overflowing in his mind, which hand a more calming effect than nervousness.
Dr. Gaster and Dr. Alphys were working at Gründer Industries with his father and Dr. Montero, mostly interchanging knowledge about engineering with each other. There was some talk about what should be done about the souls in the containers, an option about giving them a new fresh start. But that was for another time.
King and Queen Dreemurr were overseeing things on the new town established just outside the city, which they named New Home(Honestly, they haven't come up with a proper name yet, but it was still a work in progress). Sans decided to pursue on his comedian career, which was turning out fine. Papyrus had immediately joined a vehicle technician program to learn how to maintain new state-of-the-art automobiles. Mettaton also immediately went out to start his own proper show, interviewing famous celebrities on behalf of all monsterkind. Undyne still wanted to stay as head member of the Royal Guard, yet she was showing interest in police officer training for both the town and city. Red wasn't sure what she wanted to do, yet she was starting to like working on the new bakery establishment by Muffet in town, which was starting to grow in popularity among the city and town citizens. Mr. Grillby also established a restaurant in town, which grew popular as well. There seems to be a kind of silent rivalry between mr. Grillby and ms. Muffet, but not very worrying.
Fred still had to finish school, and was hoping to move on to newer earth schools once he passed his classes.
And the other Underground citizens that were in New Home started to seek out how to live and adapt in their new home near the city.
Speaking about seeking, Jay was at that moment searching for Telephone, Radio telling him that she headed out to the city a long while ago. The problem was that he didn't know where exactly she was at right now just after they visited the zoo, which the dutchies were excited to visit once they heard about it. Jay searched every street, store, building, and facility that there was in the city. And yet he still didn't find his dutch angel dragon friend. So, he started asking people if they saw Telephone around in the city. When that didn't work, he asked nfd security units about her whereabouts. Surprisingly, and thankfully, they did, using the security cameras that could only be accessed by them. Once Telephone's location was seen by Jay, he immediately went over there.
Telephone was located on top of a medium size building roof, looking at the sky while standing up. It was as if she were looking for something.
"Hey, Telephone!" Jay said as he landed a few feet from her and folded his wings in. Telephone squeaked in surprise when she heard and spotted him. "Jay! I'm so sorry that I disappeared without telling you beforehand." Telephone chirped, coming over to him.
"There's noting to apologize. It's just that...why are you here on the roof?" Jay asked her. Telephone looked a bit dubious about what she was going to say. "It's okay. You can tell me anything that you're looking for." Jay said to her in assurance. Telephone looked up at him and nodded, smiling. "Okay then. I have been searching for a high place to look up at the night sky, but it seems as if there is only blackness up here." she explained to Jay, looking up and around to show. Telephone was indeed right; the building lights were a bit too bright that they were preventing the stars to be seen in the night sky.
Jay thought for a moment before an idea came up in his head. "Come. Follow me. I know where we could see the night sky clearly." Jay said, extending a hand to Telephone. The dutch angel dragon smiled and took it.
Moments later they were at the base of the building and exiting it out. The two began going down the street, Jay heading towards the outskirts of the city and Telephone following right behind him. Soon, at the city's edge, they came about the forest and grass field that marked the edge. "Come on, follow me." Jay said as he stepped down from the concrete sidewalk. Telephone followed him, her feet stepping down on the grass. This caused her to giggle, since she was still getting used to the first weeks on the new world. And so, Jay led Telephone into the forest.
It was a long walk in the direction that Jay was heading, and Telephone didn't seem to understand where he was heading. The more they traveled away from the city, the less they could see and hear it them. The only sights seen and sounds heard were the chirping of crickets and the vegetation being lit by the moon above. Then, Jay spotted something up ahead and he took Telephone's paw with his hand. The dutch angel dragon let out a squeak of surprise as Jay ran quickly, pulling her along with him.
"Wait!! Where are we going!?" Telephone chirped. "We're almost there! You'll see soon!" Jay said, looking back at her with a smile and then looking forwards as they continued running. Finally, Telephone noticed where Jay was taking her; a hill with a tree that stood high above all other trees. Once they got to its base, Jay stopped running and let go of Telephone's paw so she could catch her breath. After a moment, Jay began to climb up the hill. "Come on." Jay said. Telephone followed him up the hill until both were at the top.
Then Jay sat down near the base of the tree, just outside from under the leaves, and looked up at the night sky. Telephone did the same to see what Jay was looking. Jay heard her gasp in awe, and that's what he hoped that her reaction was. Because it was the first time that Telephone...

...was looking at the stars.

Real stars, not the ones in books or old paintings like Telephone had seen in the Underground. Actual stars without being blocked by the city lights, clouds, and loud noises, which were far from where they were. The stars twinkled against the dark expanse of the night sky, like miniature diamonds reflecting light off of their edges. Jay smiled as she looked up at the real stars in the night sky.
"Jay...this is....this is real, isn't it?" Telephone breathed out as she looked at Jay. "Yes. It's all real." Jay said with a nod. Telephone smiled and looked back up at the stars.

"I promised you to see the stars." Jay said. Telephone looked back at Jay and smiled, moving to hug him. "Thank you. For keeping that promise." Telephone squeaked, leaning her snout on his shoulder and purring. Jay felt like his soul was about to jump out of his chest, but he relaxed and leaned his snout on top of his friend's head. "You're welcome. You are very welcome." Jay said, both of them continuing to look up at the sky filled with twinkling stars.
The whole entire moment felt very right. As if they were in the home they were meant to be.


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