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Third person POV

Taehyung woke up when the Sun's ray hit his honey skin. He felt two tight grips on his waist and he tried to remember the previous night activities but failed miserably.
But with his lower part hurting abit he understood what happened so he smiled which was not fake.

He turned around slowly seeing the muscular beauty in front of him. He found himself scanning the ravenette's face. Beautiful long eyelashes, soft bunny like pink lips, long well defined nose, his long hair falling on the crook of his neck adoring his collar bone beautifully. And a cute mole under his lips adding a final touch to his handsome face.

His hands travelled on their own to his chest touching his toned abs.
He felt the ravenette stirring in his sleep so he quickly shut his eyes.
He felt a tug on his hair and unconsciously he opened his eyes meeting the dark brown eyes of the ravenette's.

They both stare in each other's eyes and Taehyung found himself leaning closer and so did Jungkook. Their breaths were faning each other's lips and suddenly Taehyung pulled Jungkook closer while attaching his lips to the ravenette's.
Jungkook was abit surprised but compiled to his actions nevertheless.

Heat rose from Taehyung’s stomach to his chest. Jungkook’s lips were getting closer and his heart decided to skip a beat, the smell of him hypnotic beyond reason.
Taehyung's hands reaching from Jungkook's hard toned abs to his slick black hair and Jungkook's hands travelling from the brunette's shoulder to his thigh slowly and sensually.

Taehyung’s lips were like a Summer rain, pouring over his as if they had the power to take away and give back life. 

The both pulled apart in need of air to breath.

Both smiled and hugged each other.

🔺🔻Time skip

It's been some weeks since Taehyung and Jungkook have been hanging out alot. Taehyung became sure that he was in lovewith the ravenette.

From a few days Taehyung wasn't feeling well. No he wasn't sick or anything cause he was always cautious about his health.
So today he made an sppointment with a doctor.

Now he was reached the doctor's chamber and went to the reception counter. Taehyung smiled before speaking " Hello!I'm Kim Taehyung I have  an appointment with Doctor Jung"

The woman smiled a little and said "Yes sir! He's at his chamber right now.You can go now."
Taehyung bowed to the woman and went to the doctor's cabin.

"Hi Hoseok!!" Taehyung exclaimed and hugged his friend.
"Oh Tae!! How are you?" asked the red-haired male while breaking the hug from his dear friend.

"I'm good and what about you?"
said the brunette happily while elbowing his friend on his chest.
"Haha I'm good too!"
"So what brings you here my fella?"
"Oh yeah i wasn't feeling well since a past few days so thought for a check up"

"oh okay first take a seat"
Taehyung sat on his seat and so did the  doctor. "So what is happening in actually?" asked Hoseok
"Well you see since a few days I've been feeling sick like i throw up anything i eat and then this back pain  and headache is also killing me argh!" exclaimed the brunette irritated.

The red-haired understood what it was so he decided to ask
"Um...Tae..have you...you know...involved in any sexual activity?"
Taehyung gulped abit cause yeah he has been but what's he thinkin is not true right?

He hesistantly nodded gulping hard " So let me do some tests"
Taehyung nodded silently.

🔻🔺 Time skip (cause idk what tests they take😑😑)

"Tae...you're pregnant!!" exclaimed the red-haired happily.

Taehyung felt happy and he felt on cloud nine totally forgetting his grounds. Taehyung cried in happiness that he'll have a child with Jungkook.
He tightly hugged his friend mumbling Thank you's every now and then.

Hiseok hugged his friend and afterwards told him to come regular for check-ups for which the brunette nodded happily.

Taehyung remembered about his husband but he shrugged off the feeling and decided to announce the good new to his secret lover.

But little did he know that happiness wasn't written in his fate atleast not now....

Sorry for updating so late😅😅
Here You go liv__bee Happy now?
Aaand maagaa14 I updated so please you update too😥😥

Stay safe and take care Y'all😊😊
Me wuvs chu all💟💟💟

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