Chapter 1- SCP 4001

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Angela was a loving, kind, shy scientist, she loved to get to know all of the SCPs that was there and to see if they had any good in them. Angela doesn't go alone to see the SCPs because some might not have a good side to them so she goes with her sister Reaperela. Technically Reaperela isn't her sister she is different dimension version of Angela. Reaperela is the opposite of Angela known as her alter ego but they treat each other like sisters and do everything together. But today Reaperela was feeling sick and that didn't stop Angela from making friends or helping them be kinder. She walked to SCP 4001's room but was stopped by the guard.
"Stop what is your clearance?" The guard said.
"I have clearance 5 can I see SCP 4001 please" Angela said nicely.
"Go ahead" The Guard said.
"Oh what is your name sergeant?" Angela asked.
"I am Sergeant Looper" Looper said.
"It is nice to meet you Looper I am Angela" Angela said kindly.
"Wait are you the Angela the scientist that goes to every SCP?" Looper asked kinda surprised.
"Yeah why do you ask?" Angela asked.
"I heard stories about you" Looper said.
"Oh are any of them bad?" Angela asked nervously that people are spreading rumors like they did when she was in High school.
"No ma'am" Looper said.
"Looper can you do something for me?" Angela asked.
"Of course what is it?" Looper said/asked.
"Can you make sure nothing bad is being spread around?" Angela asked concerned and nervous.
"Ok I will why do you ask me to do this" Looper said.
"Well no one has told me they heard stories about me and my sister will go on a killing spree if she heard anyone talking bad about me" Angela said.
"I will not let you down ma'am" Looper said.
"Thank you Looper and you can just call me Angela" Angela said with a smile. "Well I have to see the SCP" Angela said again.
"Ok see you later Angela" Looper said as Angela started to walk through the door. Once Angela was inside she saw it was dark in here so she found a light switch. She flipped it even though it was one light she was great full that she can see a little bit.
"Hello SCP 4001 are you there?" Angela asked a little bit scared. Angela heard nothing so she walked around the room. "I am here to talk with you I am not here to hurt you" Angela said trying to make the SCP comfortable with her and to probably come into the light. Then Angela felt something touch her right shoulder. Angela jumped once she felt it on her right shoulder. But she calmed herself and turned around to see a 6 feet and 10 inches tall figure with glowing yellow eye was all Angela could see in the darkness. The SCP let go of Angela's right shoulder. "Hi SCP 4001 It is nice to meet you" Angela said. The SCP said nothing and Angela got the point. "Oh I see you don't want to talk with me because I am a scientist" Angela said getting sad SCP 4001 saw this. "Well I will go then if you don't want to talk" Angela said starting to walk to the door. The SCP stopped her by grabbing her wrist. Angela stopped and looked up at the SCP. Then the SCP pulled Angela to the middle of the room where the light was. Angela could see the SCP 4001 he had bitch black skin, long arms, long legs, he had no shirt on showing his abs, he had pants on, his eyes were yellow, he had sharp teeth, his fingers where long, and sharp that could cut someone in half.
"Sorry for making you sad I don't like talking that much" SCP 4001 said in a deep voice.
"Oh it is ok if you don't want to talk that is fine with me" Angela said.
"No it is that I don't like to talk when I don't know the person" SCP 4001 said.
"Oh well that is ok I am not forcing you to do something that you don't want to do and I am here to get to know you" Angela said. SCP 4001 was surprise by this but smiled. "Oh what do you like being called?" Angela asked.
"I like being called the Night monster" The Night monster said.
"Well It is nice to meet you Night monster I am Angela" Angela said smiling at him. The Night monster smiled back. "Well I have to go and check on my sister I am sorry I have to cut this short" Angela apologized.
"It is fine" The Night monster said.
"I will see you tomorrow at the same time" Angela said then she hugged him. The Night monster was surprise and shocked because he had never been hugged before. "Well I have to go bye" Angela said letting go of him and walking to the door.
"Bye" The Night monster said still shocked that she hugged him. Angela walked out of the door and saw Looper still guarding the door.
"Bye Looper It was nice to meeting you I am coming back at the same time tomorrow" Angela said to Looper as she started to run to the medical center where her sister was resting at.
"See ya then Angela" Looper said back to her as loud as he could. Angela then got to the medical center door and opened it. She saw Reaperela laying on the bed. Reaperela's scares weren't open like before they were stitched up. Angela went up to Reaperela and saw that she was awake because of the glowing color of pink and green from her eyes was showing.
"How are you doing big sis?" Angela said knowing that they are the same age but she calls her big sis because Reaperela acts like an older sister to her.
"I am fine how about ye my little lass" Reaperela said sounding like Angela but it is darker, deeper, and glitchier but has an Irish accent. "What did ya do when I am stuck here" Reaperela asked.
"I want to see SCP 4001 or known as the Night monster" Angela said. Reaperela sit up hearing this.
"Angela lass ye know ye can't go alone with a SCP and SCP 4001 is dangerous ye could have gotten ye self killed" Reaperela said a little mad.
"I know but I had a feeling SCP 4001 was nice" Angela said. "And he was" Angela said.
"What if he wasn't ye would have gotten hurt or killed I made a promise to ye older brother to protect ye from anything" Reaperela said.
"I know but I am 35 I can handle myself" Angela said.
"I know but still I don't want ye hurt at all" Reaperela said then see looked at the time. "You should go to bed It is late I will stay here an rest" Reaperela said.
"Ok I will visit you tomorrow after I see SCP 4001" Angela said hugging Reaperela. "Bye sis" Angela said going to her room. Once Angela got to her room she changed to her pajamas, got on her bed, took off her glasses, put them on the dresser besides the bed and then fell asleep.

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