»↠ Ashstar↞«

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»↠N A M E↞«

"Ashstar. You've met me before, haven't you?"

»↠ A G E↞«

"Your not supposed to ask a she-cat her age." She chuckled. She's around 24 moons.

»↠ G E N D E R↞«

"Don't be a fur-brain." She-cat

»↠R A N K↞«

"I have star at the end of my name, silly. I'm your leader."

»↠A P P E A R A N C E↞«

»↠S E X U A L I T Y↞«

"I swing both ways. Why do you ask?"

»↠P E R S O N A L I T Y↞«

"Well, That's your job get to know me." Ashstar is a calm she-cat with good leading skills. She knows how to take charge without being bossy, and is quite wise.

»↠S C A R S?↞«

"I have a few. I fight in battles too." Quite a lot, actually. One that stretches from her left shoulder to her right haunch. She has a torn ear, and a scar across her snout. And a few under her pelt.

»↠C L A N, R O U G E, L O N E R OR K I T T Y P E T?↞«

"Well, I am the leader of a clan. Take a guess."

»↠M A T E?↞«

"No, I haven't fancied anyone."

»↠O F F S P R I N G?↞«

"None at all."

»↠B A C K S T O R Y↞«

I'll finish writing it later.

»↠ O T H E R↞«
She's a Savannah cat.

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