Chapter Fifteen

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Will was meant to meet Gabriel, and now he was drunk. Most guys didn't get drunk after two drinks, but Will wasn't most guys. He never drank anymore, so it always hit hard when he did. He wondered if he was on his way to a hang-over. Stephen stayed behind at the bar, they'd made friends with a few footballers, so Will didn't mind leaving him behind in new company.

Will went to the Acropolis Bar. Despite the illustrious namesake the place looked shady enough, the kind of area Will would avoid as a habit. But he knew Gabriel wouldn't invite him anywhere even remotely dangerous, so Will went ahead and entered the bar. After his eyes adjusted he found himself looking at a cramped space of tables, chairs, TV's and bars—three of them. Only one of them was manned at the moment. He spotted Gabriel at the back, head bent in conversation with Charlie, the old college friend Will had met briefly before.

"Hi," Will greeted them.

"Mr Boyfriend." Charlie got to his feet with a wide smile. "Nice seeing you again, this is my girlfriend Nikki. Nikki, this is Mr Boyfriend."

"Will." He shook her hand. She was a petite girl, with the darkest eyes Will had ever seen. Even darker than Gabriel's. It was hard to distinguish her pupil from her iris. As Will sat and faced his boyfriend and discovered the same phenomenon; he realised he was tipsy, and the bar was dark. It wasn't a case that they all had pitch black eyes.

"How was class?" Gabriel asked him.

Will shrugged. "Preferred training."

Charlie cut in. "You're getting the college blues, happens to everyone around the week five mark. You just need to take a week off from class, and then go back fresh as a daisy. Works every time."

Gabriel looked amused, and took Will's hand under the table. "Says the one he barely scrapped a pass."

"But I did pass." Charlie pointed at them. "Didn't I? Didn't I?" He prodded Gabriel who batted him away.

"Gabriel's attendance was as terrible as yours. He got an honours." Nikki pointed out.

"Your attendance was terrible?" Will questioned. "I thought you... steadied up, during college?"

That made Nikki snort, and Charlie laugh out loud.

Gabriel shot them a look before answering Will. "Eventually, I did. It didn't happen the first two years. It was halfway through my third year when I started taking things seriously."

Will thought about that. If did the same, he'd probably fail. Passing grades took full attention in Will's case. It was endlessly irritating. It always seemed so easily for Cassie and Dune. And his boyfriend was smart too.

"Why are you making a face?" Gabriel asked.

"Cause your disgusting, is why." Charlie answered. "My brother's the same. He hardly lifts a finger and straight A's hurl themselves into his lap. You drinking Will? I'm getting another."

"Do you need another?" Nikki asked him pointedly.

"It's eight, Mr Boyfriend is here, and our dancing class isn't until half nine." Charlie was already standing. He met Will's gaze. "What's your poison of choice?"

"Vodka coke."

Gabriel looked surprised, then called out to Charlie as he went. "Get me a Heineken."

"Full or half?"


Gabriel turned back Will, slipping closer to him at the booth. "Didn't think you would drink tonight."

"I had a few already, so I might as well."

Gabriel raised an eyebrow. "A few?"

Gabriel knew that he was a bad, bad lightweight. The only time they'd had drinks together, Will was drunk after one. "I had to walk here, so it's settled a bit... do you think I shouldn't?"

"No, no. If you want, by all means. I couldn't tell is all."

"Am I usually obvious?"

"You have wondering hands." Gabriel shared. Will's hand had already found Gabriel's thigh when he said this. He was in jeans, a pain in the ass when it came to physical contact.

Will propped his elbow on the table and grinned. "So can you tell now?"

Gabriel's eyes glimmered.

When Charlie got back with the drinks, Gabriel had his arm on the booth behind Will, his hand draping down to caress and tease the nape of his neck Often, his fingers would dip beneath the collar of Will's shirt. Will couldn't do much teasing with the jeans buffering his physical contact, so it felt unfair.

Charlie and Nikki told Will about their formative years; Nikki was in her final year of med school, and Charlie was supporting her though it. Her family died when she was only in third year of secondary school—she'd have been fourteen. "Charlie has been very good to me." Nikki pat his hand when she said it.

Charlie grinned. "It was an investment, babe. Now you'll be the money earner and I can—"

"Learn to surf and ski and scuba dive and sky dive," Nikki finished, "I know."

"And jive." Charlie reminded her. "That one we can start on tonight."

"Do you dance much, Will?" Nikki turned the conversation toward them.

Will shook his head. "Not that kind of dancing. A few nights of club dancing is about all I've done."

"Oh? Same as Gabriel." Charlie observed.

Gabriel tossed his beermat at him. "Should we get going?" He suggested. "It'll take us a few minutes to walk over there."


Gabriel insisted that Will was the sweetest guy he'd ever met, but sweet wasn't the word that came to mind. He withheld first impressions after their initial meeting—it was a reunion, and who wouldn't want to jump your partners bones after so long apart? But they'd been together a few weeks. They were a couple, that much Charlie didn't dispute. But it seemed to him that Gabriel's boyfriend had an appetite, and not for the drinks or conversation. It was in that seductive smile he kept sending Gabriel's way, teasing touches, butterfly kisses—and certainly it was having an effect. By the time they were leaving Gabriel had that look about him Charlie had seen plenty times in the past. Usually when he was about to leave the club with whatever guy he'd been grinding on the floor with.

Charlie was surprised when they actually walked with them to the hotel. Will and Nikki went ahead, and Will, for some reason, was holding Nikki's hand. Charlie shrugged it off. They were laughing and talking, so whatever. They were all a little drunk, but Nikki kept her wits about her in every situation. He loved that. Even sloshed drunk she was quick as a whip.

"What?" Gabriel asked him. They were far enough from the other two they were out of ear-shot.

"What, what?" Charlie said back.

"You've something you want to say."

"Hm. I don't know does it actually need to be said." Charlie replied. "There's something I've observed. About your sweetie, and your relationship."

Gabriel looked more interested now, tilting toward Charlie as he walked. "And what's that?"

Charlie thought over the merits over saying it out-loud: was it necessary? Gabriel could take care of himself, though Charlie could still worry about him from time to time. When he took a job in the middle of nowhere, for example. Charlie was worried then. But like he'd expected, Gabriel didn't stay hidden away in the country-side for long. Rightfully so. He'd probably go mad. He'd probably do something crazy, like screw one of his students.

"He totally seduced you, right?" Charlie asked. "It wasn't just that the two of you connected, fell in love and all that stuff." He waved his hand. "He, Mr boyfriend, was actively trying to get in your pants. Wasn't he?"

Gabriel's face gave away the answer. Their eyes met, and Gabriel shrugged him off. "So?"

"You let him."

"I like him."

"Before you liked him." Charlie pressed, "You let him flirt. Probably flirted back?"

The ease went out of Gabriel's expression. His jaw tightened, and there was something both defensive and challenging in his voice when he spoke. "I care about him. What are you getting at?"

"I'm on your side, okay? Always am. You know that."

"What are you getting at?" Gabriel repeated, voice hard.

"Well," Charlie put his hands into his pockets and looked ahead. This assessment was based off from what he'd heard from Gabriel, and what he'd seen himself. But the idea was firm and fast in his mind, and Nikki always told him he had good instincts with people. "You had an... imbalanced relationship, lets say, teacher and student and all. But, and here's what I think is funny, you are his conquest."

Gabriel was frowning at the back of Mr boyfriend's head. "Does that even matter?"

"You've never been a conquest before."

"Why are you acting like it's important?"

Charlie caught the answer on the tip of his tongue. Gabriel was no stranger to disappointment, he'd dealt with blow upon blow growing up. And with all his sleeping around in college the most Charlie had ever said to him was to use protection—but that was it. That was the extent of how Gabriel could be hurt. But Charlie could see a lot more possibilities now. "When you're the one that's more attached, the one that cares more—it can hurt, Gabe. You can get hurt here."

Gabriel wasn't happy with him. Charlie could see it in the way his brow drew down, and that flash of anxiety in his eyes. "And how would you know which of us cares more? You don't know Will."

"You're right, I don't know Mr boyfriend. I know you, though." Charlie replied. "And you didn't go eight months without a lay for someone you only kind of care about."

"Are you telling me I should be less attached? You? Who's been following the same girl around since first year?"

"I'm not saying that at all. I just want you to be careful."

"Is it him you don't like?" Gabriel's voice hardened into real unfriendliness.

"No, no." Charlie insisted. "Mr boyfriend seems great. You two are perfect for each-other, far as I can see."

The hotel was coming up at the end of the street. Gabriel seemed to be working out if Charlie had been trying to insult either him, Mr Boyfriend, or their relationship. Eventually, he pat Charlie's shoulder.

"I appreciate the concern." Gabriel said.

"You get me?"

Gabriel was silent. Charlie couldn't read him anymore, his thoughts were sealed away behind a blank mask.

"Use his name." Gabriel told him. .


Gabriel's Uncle Henry crashed their night out. Not the dancing part, thank god, but the drinking part. Charlie wasn't even sure how he found them, since Gabriel was surprised by his sudden appearance. It was apparently his first time meeting Will, and their conversation went straight to rugby and the world cup. When Henry went to get them a round of drinks, Gabriel went with him to the bar.

Will had watched them, observing; "They don't look alike."

"It's more their manners that are similar." Charlie shared.

Charlie put his arm around Nikki's shoulder. A few years ago, this would be the point in the night where the shots started, and they decided what club to go to. But he was beyond clubbing now. The older he got, the more he dreaded the hangover. Besides, a night in bed with Nikki was exceedingly more enjoyable than a night of drinking. But, slipping away as a couple was more difficult with Henry's appearance. He couldn't just sod off and leave the awkward trio alone.

He peeked at the flare of pale skin between Nikki's skirt and her thigh-high boots. Or could he...?

Will almost knocked Nikki's drink off the table taking out his phone.

Charlie glanced at the bar, but Gabriel and Henry seemed caught it up in whatever they were discussing. Maybe business, if Gabriel was bored with work again.

"Are you guys near downtown?" Will was on the phone. "Come out, I'll teach you to dance."

Hm. Charlie tapped his leg. Their double-date was going to be getting even more additions.When Will excused himself to go meet his friends at the door, he leaned close to Nikki and spoke quietly. "Do you think we're too boring for him?"

Nikki rolled her eyes. "We were having an interesting conversation."

Charlie wasn't convinced. Not when he observed the wild, energetic way he interacted with his friends. He exuberantly taught the girl to dance, cracking jokes and letting out barks of laughter that made it's way around the entire bar. The little trio was the loudest group in the crowded bar. Gabriel returned from the bar with drinks and no uncle.

"Those took a while to get." Charlie commented. "Your boyfriend—" he corrected himself, "—Will, got bored waiting."

Gabriel was watching Will. "He's having fun."

"He's drunk."

Nikki and Gabriel both gave Charlie a look. He raised his hands defensively. "It isn't a criticism, it's an observation."

Gabriel gave him a warning look, and Charlie took note that maybe he should be keeping his observations to himself about Will. "What did your uncle want?"

"What he always wants. To set up a boxing match."

"Are you going to do it?" Charlie asked, genuinely curious. Was he still trying to go the straight and narrow at his teaching job? Or...

"My current employers wouldn't be too impressed if they caught wind of their workers taking part in illegal boxing matches, so no. I declined the offer." Gabriel's fingers tapped the table. His eyes didn't leave Will the entire time he spoke, so he was watching as the boy that had come in was pulled onto the dance floor, and the girl sat down to watch the drinks instead.

Charlie could see very clearly the change in Gabriel. The relaxation was gone.

"He's having plenty of fun over there." Charlie observed.

"Charlie." Nikki warned.

Gabriel put his drink down, and approached the group.

Nikki was watching them closely.

"Do you think that was on purpose?" Charlie asked her.

"Making Gabriel jealous?" Nikki glanced up at him. "I don't know. Maybe he just wants attention."

"Attention?" Charlie repeated.

"You always want attention when you've been drinking." Nikki finished her drink.

"Are you ready to turn in?" Charlie asked her.

"Yes. But..." she looked sideways toward the others.

It looked like a peaceful group to Charlie. There was no sour expressions. No tension. None that Charlie could detect from a distance anyway.

"But, is it safe for us to leave them?" Charlie finished her sentence. "Let's stay for one more, then head off." 

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