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2. Farewell My Friend ; The Boys

t/w: murder

On the evening on the 24th December, members of the public spotted a man dumping something large and heavy into the water at Bondi. After notifying the police, a female body was later pulled out of the water. The woman has yet to be identified, but according to the police it could be a lifeguard from Bondi.

With a heavy heart Terry and Hoppo stood in the mortuary of the police. They had been notified that the woman might have been someone of their team. As soon as the doctor pulled away the s shroud, the two lifeguards broke down in tears. "That's [y/n]!", Hoppo confirmed. Both men holding each other as they broke down in tears.


After telling the news of [y/n] death to the rest of the team, they all had been equally heart broken. Terry had decided to close the beach earlier that day, in honor of their former lifeguard. They announced a dawn service trough the local newspaper. Much to their surprise almost a 100 people showed up at the beach a few days later.

"Today we say goodbye to our beloved [y/n]", Terry began. "Taken from us too soon." His gaze wandered over the beach. Maxi and Jesse holding onto her mother and older sister. "She had the ability to brighten everyone's day. When she shared a shift with Mouse, she even balanced out his bad luck." The team laughed. Knowing to well that when Mouse was on shift, bad things always happened. They all continued with what an honor it had been to work with [y/n]. How many lives she had saved — specially those of children. Eventually those who could all grabbed a surfboard and got into the water. The former a circle holding their hands.


After the investigation was over, they found out that [y/n] had been killed by her ex boyfriend. A man she had trusted with her life and hoped to marry, but after she caught him cheating on her with her best friend she called off the wedding.

Months turned into years. New team members came, and old ones went but no one was ever able to fill the void [y/n] had left behind. Each year on December 24th, when they closed Bondi, they swore they always saw [y/n] on her favorite surfboard in the middle of the sea. Laughing and waving from them to join her in the water.

They sat up a memorial for her at the main tower. Each day people came to pay their tribute to her. Although she was gone too soon, she was never truly forgotten.


a/n:  what can i say. writing about happiness' easy, but try writing about dark stuff.

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