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—————— STYLE ——————

"You want your usual?" Conrad asked Esme knowing she hated the taste of beer.

"Yes please," Esme said and Conrad led her to the cooler.

As soon as the four got to the bonfire Steven ditched them and went off with some girl, and Jeremiah was with his friends and couple of girls.

The pair found a place to sit down and it wasn't long before Esme was grinding on him as they kissed.

"I love you so much." Conrad mumbled into the kiss trailing his lips down her neck.

Esme didn't reply back just brought his lips back up to hers, his hands gripping her ass, rocking her hips on his now forming bulge.

—————— STYLE ——————

Belly quickly searched the beach when she got there, she tried to find anyone she knew. The only thing she noticed was that she was definitely overdressed.

"Yo, gas station girl," she heard a voice yell.

"Hey," Belly awkwardly waved.

"Where you coming from?" The gas station guy asked looking her up and down.

"Um, a-another party," she mumbled.

"Sweet." he nodded before moving closer to her. "Hey. Here, take my beer."

"No, no, no thanks, I'm ok," Belly shook her head taking a step back from him.

"So, uh... you got a boyfriend back home?"

"Um," she trained off looking around the party, sighing in relief as she saw her brother walking with a girl not far from her. "Steven!"

"What are you doing here?" Steven seethed rushing towards her and harshly gripping her arm. "And what are you wearing?"

"I invited her," gas station guy spoke up. "Who the fuck are you?"

"I'm her brother," Steven yelled at the guy. "She's fifteen, you pedo."

"I-I'm almost sixteen," Belly replied looking at the man like that was any better. She couldn't believe Steven was causing a huge scene.

"My bad," the guy said throwing his hands up in surrender and walking away.

"Jesus Christ " Steven shook his head looking at his little sister. "Belly, come on."

"What are you doing?" Belly shouted trying to get his hands off her arm. "Will you let go of me, please? What are you doing?"

"No... you're embarrassing me," Steven yelled back continuing to pull Belly with him.

"I'm embarrassing?" The girl scoffed. "You're embarrassing."

"Why am I embarrassing?" Steven asked annoyed before letting out a laugh. "Quit embarrassing yourself."

"Are you kidding me?" Belly sneered. "Stop it, Steven."

Steven finally let go of Belly's arm, only for her to end up on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Steven asked worriedly. The last thing he needed was for her to be hurt.

Belly slowly looked up from the ground seeing Conrad and Esme kissing, as Conrad's hand gripping Esme's ass while her hands were in his hair Belly was angry, that should be her with Conrad

"Belly?" Conrad said after pulling away from Esme both hearing the commotion.

"I thoughtyou said all the girls from your preppy bitches with daddy's money"." Belly said gesturing to Esme.

"Cagna gelosa" Esme said looking at  Belly getting off his lap.

"It's cause they are" Conrad said as belly looks at Esme who nods knowingly. "Esme does online due to her so it works for her music and modeling career"

"Are you going to take her to the deb ball?" Belly questioned still on the ground.

"Of course, she's my girlfriend" Conrad answered annoyed. "What's that got to do with you?"

"Well, I thought you said that deb balls are bullshit and that all debs are sheep?" Belly quoted the boys earlier words.

"You're such a brat." Conrad told Belly.

"Well, you're an asshole," She yelled loudly causing everyone around them to let out oh's.

"God, Belly grow up," Esme snapped angrily as Conrad pull Esme close to him.

Esme's yelling also finally caught Jeremiah's attention, who had came running over.

"Belly! You came!" Jeremiah cheered. "Great, we can all hang out."

"I'm about to take her home," Steven said looking apologetically at the girl he's been hanging out with all night. "What?"

"Yeah, we're leaving." Steven nodded grabbing Belly by the arm once again.

"Are you kidding me?" Belly exclaimed.

"Ok, Steven, chill out," Jeremiah said pushing him away from Belly. "Come on, just go hang out with Shayla or something."

"Let's go," Shayla said pulling Steven with her. "Come on."

"Fine," Steven groaned before turning back to Belly. "But just stay right here and don't talk to anyone."

"Okay. All right, chill," Jeremiah chuckled putting an arm around Belly's shoulder.

"Fuck you!" Belly yelled flipping her brother off as he walked away.

"Bitch made me spill my drink" Esme rolled her eyes walking away. Before she could reached the cooler two girls came up to her.

"Omg you're Esme Bianchi" The blonde said smile.

"Can we get a picture with you?" The other blonde asked holding her phone as Steven and Shayla walks over joining them.

"Yeah, Sure" Esme replied earning cheers from the two. "Steven you mind?"

Steven nods as he took the phone allowing the three to side hug Esme and they smiled big. Steven took the picture before handing the phone to the girls who ran off squealing.

"What was that about?" Shayla asked confused looking between the two.

"Esme here is famous" Steven answered while wrapping an arm around her shoulder before walking away seeing Conrad walk over towards them "Come on"

While Belly was occupied with Cameron, Conrad was trying to apologize to Esme, the boy knew she was pissed about what Belly said he knew the moment she started speaking Italian.

"It was way before I met you and it was about Amber Tate and her posse " Conrad promised her.

"I know, Con, I'm not gonna let some jealous little girl get to me" Esme said walking over to get her a drink.

"So you know?" Conrad asked.

"That Belly is obsessed with you?, Yes. Do I care? No, You want to know why?" Esme said getting closer to Conrad "Who do you want moaning your name me or a little girl who can't do half of the shit we do"

"You definitely you" Conrad said following his girlfriend grab her waist pulling her to the floor.

"I'll be right back" Conrad said as gets up to get another beer.

"Hi there" A guy said as he joins Esme. "I'm Mike"

"Hi" Esme replied already bored.

"Any one ever tell you your hot?" Mike slurred as Esme rolled her eyes.

"I'm 15" Esme responded looking at Mike who was quick to up and leave as Esme and the girl next to her laugh.

"Sorry, I just that's one way to get a guy to leave" The girl says after calming down. "You're not actually 15 right?"

"No, I'll be 18 the 4th of July but I have a boyfriend and if I'd say that then its an easy open for them to say 'he doesn't have to know" Esme answered deeping her for a little earning another laugh from the girl.

"I'm Nicole" the girl, Nicole said holding her hand out.

"Esme" Esme responded shaking her hand.

"So that boyfriend of yours?" Nicole asked as a familiar voice shouted causing the two to look up.

"What's your problem, man?" Conrad grunted turning to the guy with a glare.

"Is about to get into a fight uhh nice to meet you Nicole but I gotta go" Esme says standing not giving Nicole room to reply.

"It's one beer," the guy laughed. "It's a party relax."

"No, give me my beer back," Conrad demanded, trying to grab the cup back.

"I paid for this," The guy scoffed pushing Conrad away from him. They continued to fight over it, as Esme ran over catching the attention another person being Belly who also ran over.

"Stop, Conrad," Esme said grabbing his arm and pulling him back, "You're drunk, stop, just let him have the beer."

Conrad looks down at his girlfriend calming down about and was about to leave.

"Hey, maybe you should listen to her," the guy said smirking. "When you're done with her mind if I get a turn?"

"No, ignore him Con please," Esme pleaded griping his arm when he tried to go after the man.

"Hey, baby when you done with this little boy why don't you come and ride a real man" The dude says smacking Esme's ass.

Conrad pushed Esme away with Nicole pulling the girl out of the way as Conrad tackles and swings punching the guy as Jeremiah and two guys were trying to separate them but it wasn't working.

"Conrad, stop," Esme yelled grab his arm but ended up getting hit in the face.

"Shit, Esme, you okay?," Nicole asked helping her up off the ground.

"Fuck." Esme cursed lifting her hand up to her nose, pulling it back to see blood.

Esme wasn't the only one who got hurt though, because Belly, thought she could break up the fight only to get elbowed.

"Belly, are you ok?" Jeremiah ran over to her. as a loud siren could be heard cause if everyone on the beach to freeze.

"Cops," someone yelled. "Get out of here."

Jeremiah helped belly up off the ground and grabbed Conrad and Esme while they all ran to the car.

—————— STYLE ——————

"Get in the car," Jeremiah instructed holding the back door open for his brother. "Watch your head. Legs, legs."

"Yes, I know how to get in a car," Conrad snapped at him, annoyed.

Jeremiah got in the drivers seat turning his head to look at Belly who was standing outside the keep with the guy she was with earlier.

Conrad looked over at Esme, who was leaning her head back against the seat with her eyes closed holding a napkin to her nose.

"I didn't mean to hurt you." Conrad said to her. Esme sighed opening her arm allowing Conrad to lay his head on her chest.

"Belly, let's go," Jeremiah said to her through the open window. "Get in."

"Uh, Cam can give me a ride home," Belly said turning to the boy. "Right, Cam?"

"Yes, yeah," The boy said nodding his head. "That's no problem."

"No, you're not gonna get in the car with a guy you just met." Jeremiah said.

"I'm Cam Cameron," the boy said outstretching his hand to Jeremiah.

"Your name is Cam Cameron?" Jeremiah asked sarcastically earning giggles from the two in the back.

"N-no, it's ju-just Cam," Cam replied. "But we actually, we know each other. Seventh grade, Latin convention. So like, we're not total strangers."

"Ok, no offense, but no. Belly get in the car." Jeremiah ordered looking at the girl seriously.

"Just get in the car," Conrad rolled his eyes. He just wanted to get home and cuddle Esme preferably naked.

"Um, you should probably go," Cameron told Belly. "But, uh, the whaling boat that I intern on, it leaves at dawn every morning if you were wondering"

"Uh, yeah, yes, sure," Belly laughed looking down trying to hide her blush. "I mean, how else will you get your hoodie back, right?"

"That's true." Cameron smiled nodding.

Jeremiah watch as Belly leaned up and pecked Cameron's lips. No one said anything as she got in the car.

Belly looked back at Conrad hoping to see if he seemed jealous, but he was too busy laying his head between Esme's breast to notice.

"Uhh Miah we forgot Steven" Esme told Jeremiah as she looked around the car before remembering the younger girl didn't arrive with them.

"Fuck, Watch Conrad. I'II be right back." Jeremiah yelled as  he sprinted out of the vehicle

"Okay" Esme said at the boy ran back down the beach. Conrad reached his hand up and started twirling a piece of Esme's hair.

"I love your hair..." he mumbled, Belly, smiled turning around, only for the smile to wipe off her face when she saw he was talking to Esme. "It's so soft"

"Soft?" Esme asked amused at the drunk boy's confession.

"Yeah, like pretty It's pretty. You're pretty." Conrad slurred as belly looks down at her hands sadly. "And I like grabbing when we hav-"

"CONARD!" Esme exclaimed blushing looking down at the boy with wide eyes.

"I love you," Conrad said but Esme didn't have time to say it back before a female cop was by Conrad's window.

"Have you guys been drinking"

—————— STYLE ——————

"Officers, thank you. It won't happen again, I can promise you that much." Laurel apologized as the cops were walking out the door.

"Tell Mr.Fisher the chief wants to set up a tee time when he gets back in town."

"Absolutely," she nodded, forcing a smile. "Sorry again for all of the trouble. Have a good night, officers."

As soon as the front door was closed Laurel turned around to look at the teenagers. Esme was standing next to Conrad who say on a bench with his head on her stomach.

"How could you guys be so irresponsible?" Laurel shouted glaring at the teens.

"Mom, it wasn't a big deal." Steven spoke brushing the whole thing off. "All right? Seriously, the cops were just looking to break up the bonfire."

"Not a big deal?" Laurel scoffed. "I would say getting picked up by the cops for underage drinking is a pretty big deal, Steven."

"Were-were you guys smoking tonight?" Steven blurted out, catching Laurel off guard who stuttered.

"What?" Laurel asked. "Keep your voice down Susannah's asleep."

"Well, I wasn't yelling." Steven said

"Well, yo-you were." She stuttered.

"Just so you know, Laurel, I-I didn't drink tonight. I was the DD, I swear," Jeremiah announced only laurel didn't believe him.

"Your the oldest. What the hell's gotten into you?" Laurel questioned looking at Conrad before turning to her daughter. "And when did you leave the house without telling anybody? And what in the world are you wearing?"

"It's Taylor's," Belly shrugged looking down. "And why am I the only one not allowed to go out?"

"It's not that you're not allowed to go out, it's that you should have told us you were going. How did you even get there?"

"I walked," Belly mumbled not looking at her mother.

"Jesus," Laurel threw her hands up.,"You know better than to walk that far down the beach alone late at night."

"Can you stop treating me like a little kid?" Belly shouted.

"Belly. If you want to be treated like an adult, you need to act like one."

"Then maybe you guys should too," Conrad responded causing Esme to cover his mouth with her hand.

"What does that mean?" Laurel asked but only received a scoff in response. "I hope you realize this night could have ended a lot differently if your family wasn't your family."

"We're sorry Laurel," Jeremiah apologized.

"Just... go to bed guys," Laurel sighed watching the teenagers walking up the stairs, stopping Conrad "I don't understand what is going on with you."

"Nothing," he shook his head. His eyes looking up at Esme who was walking up the stairs. "Nothings going on."

"Connie..." Laurel sighed watching him go up the stairs.

Conrad entered his room watching Esme as she got ready for bed. He walked up to her trying to hold her but she pulled out of his grip.

"What? Mad at me too?" Conrad scoffed walking away from her.

"I'm not mad at you." Esme said looking at him. "What's going on? and don't sit here an lie, Is something wrong?"

"There's nothing wrong," Conrad shook his head.

"Something is obviously wrong because the Conrad I thought I know, wouldn't start a fight with a guy over a beer," Esme said walking closer.

"I didn't fight him because of the fucking beer Esmeralda" Conrad scoffed "I fought him because he talked about you like you were some piece of meat and then smacked your ass"

"And I told you to ignore him he was riling you up Con. This Conrad is not the one I fell in love with" Esme shakes her head as her eyes started watering.

"Then maybe you don't know the real me," Conrad shrugged looking over at her.

"I'm gonna go take shower" She walked into the bathroom connected to his room. Conrad watched her close the door, hearing the shower turn on.

"Fuck!" He screamed punching the wall before throwing himself on the bed.

Belly stands outside the couples room eavesdropping on their argument. When she hears the bathroom door shut she heads to her room with a smile on her face.

Conrad will be hers soon

—————— STYLE ——————

When Esme came out of the bathroom after her shower with her lace pj set on as Conrad sat on his bed waiting for her to come out.

"I'm sorry, I have been an ass and there so much I want to talk about but I-Im scared that if I talk about it's going to be real and I don't want it too" He finished, tears streaming down both of their faces.

"I love you but you have to talk to m-" She got cut off by Conrad smashing his lips to hers.

Esme gasped as he bit her lip and lifted her up by her thighs walking over to his bed and laying her down.

"Wait,wait how sober are you?" Esme pushed Conrad off.

"I'm pretty much sobered up"
Conrad answered as she helped him take off his shirt and help him take of her shirt leavening her top half naked.

"Fuck, you're perfect," he groaned as he quickly took one of her pierced nipples between his lips,

Esme reached down, unbuttoning his shorts, he pulled back, pulling his shorts off.

Conrad laid her back on the bed as he pulled down her sleep shorts.

Slowly kiss down her chest as she bends her back so her chest was pushing against his lips. Conrad finally reached where she needed him most his fingers teasing her as she moaned.

"Please,Con" Esme whined as the light touches a loud moan leaves her lip as Conrad licks her clit before blowing on in leaving a shiver to crawl up Esme's body.

Conrad watched with a smug smirk on his face as he leaned down devoting his mouth on her.

As Esme reached her climax she pulls Conrad up to kiss his lip tasting herself.

Conrad stands and walks over to his desk to get a condom. slipping it on climbing in between Esme legs again.

He took her leg over his shoulder and thrusted his hips forward not wasting any time, pushing into her.

"Fuck," he groaned he always love how tight she felt, Esme let out a loud moan, immediately Conrad covered her mouth.

"Shhh, baby we don't want anyone to know how good your taking me do we?" Conrad asked his voice deeper and filled with desire as Esme back arched pressing into him.

"Fuck Con," Esme moaned out rocking her hips to match Conrad's hard thrusts, both moaning trying not to be loud. When Conrad suddenly flipped them so she was the one on top.

Esme whimpered as she rode him through every thrust feeling another knot in her lower stomach.

"Conrad " she whimpered, as he pulled her down and wrapped he arms around her thrusting his hip up in a fast pace.

"You feel so good wrapped around me" Conrad whispered against her skin,

"Oh fuck yes," Esme monad as Conrad slammed her into him a couple more times before they both came, breathing heavily.

Esme rolled off of him before passing out exhausted leaving Conrad to clean up and falling asleep with a smirk on his face.


cagna gelosa : (Italian) jealous bitch

And that the end of episode one loves hope you enjoy and thank you for getting me to 200 I love each and everyone of you.

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