Angel | Pt. 1

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beautiful [✓] | nostelgic [✓]

♪  𝓪𝓷𝓰𝓮𝓵,  𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽  𝓯𝓵𝔂  𝓼𝓸  𝓬𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮  𝓽𝓸  𝓶𝓮  ♪

'people like me break beautiful things'

Alexandra Olympus stepped out of the airport with nothing but her purse in one hand and a bottle of ginger ale in the other.

"Dria, over here," a familiar face greeted her as she scanned the area. She smiled and walked over, giving the elderly man a light peck on the cheek.

"How was your flight? Was it up to your standard?" he asked.

"Mhm," she nodded, beaming. "I'm glad you found it satisfactory. I apologize for not being able to fly down myself to bring you back, but I'm afraid that your mother needed some help with the new contract," he said, shaking his head in regret.

"That's alright, I had a lovely time anyways. Is King back yet?" she asked, ducking her head and squinting in an attempt to peer into the tinted glass of the car.

"Right here, Dria," King, her older brother, and the only person who could beat her at Mario Kart, tapped her shoulder. "And guess who's with me?" Peeking out behind King was their younger brother, Jay, or JJ, as he was known affectionately in their family.

"Xixi!" the little boy shrieked, jumping from his brother's arm to his sister's, throwing Alexandra off guard. Despite this, the obsidian-haired girl had quick reflexes, catching her brother just in time.

"JJ, don't do that," King reprimanded gently. "Dria might fall, and you might both get hurt." Alexandra laughed and ruffled Jay's hair.

"Sorry, Xixi," the boy wrapped his tiny arms around his sister.

"No need for apologies," she smiled. "Never say sorry." Turning to talk to the elderly man, she shifted her arms so that Jay would be more comfortable. "Uncle Kai, shall we head home?" she smiled, her eyes shining with happiness at the unexpected arrival of her brothers.

"Of course, follow me," Kai said, holding open the door. Although he wasn't family by blood, none of them were, he was their uncle through and through, spoiling them even during the most normal or random of days. Their mother's brother by blood, he had been there even before their adoption papers had been signed.

"Let's go home!" Jay cheered.


Alexandra hadn't been home in a decade, if not more. She'd left home at the age of seventeen, earning her spot at one of the top universities in the world.

It was a three-hour drive home, and it hadn't changed one bit.

King was home regularly, especially whenever he wasn't on tour with his group, and JJ pretty much went wherever his older brother went. The reason was simple: King had the most time to look after him, not to mention that whenever King performed, there was a crew of people to look after Jay.

That didn't mean that Alexandra never saw them, just that the two brothers would often travel to her home in New York, dropping in for a visit every month or so.

It didn't matter how busy she was; she would always make time for the two of them, as well as their mother, who frequently showed herself—sometimes during situations where her appearance was less than ideal.

As the car sped past the mountains, Alexandra felt herself reliving memories that she would've rather stayed forgotten, buried under eons of sweet experiences.

Before she could get swept up in the nostalgic feeling of reliving her past, Jay unbuckled his seatbelt and threw himself at King, who caught him unblinkingly.

"Do you think we can show Xixi the new pool?" the sapphire-eyed boy asked eagerly. "Well, that depends, have you done all your homework?" King asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yup!" Jay nodded.

"Well, then, of course, you can. I can't wait!" Alexandra grinned in affirmative to her twin brother's words.

"Ooh, Xixi, I'm gonna show you how to do a summersault underwater!" Jay waved his hands in an imitation of doing a summersault—more of an underwater roll, really, but Alexandra and King weren't going to ruin his pure happiness.

"Do you think Mummy's gonna let us dive?" the little bundle of sunshine asked, babbling on nonstop with questions.

Alexandra couldn't blame him; after all, he hadn't lived in the same home as her before, not counting her home in New York, for that was her apartment, and not the home she had grown up in. She wondered just how much it had changed, especially in all her time being away from home.

"Hey JJ, have you ever watched Fast And Furious?" Alexandra asked, her ocean-blue eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Only the good ones," Jay replied, tilting his head in an adorable manner. "Why?" His sister grinned. "Well, then we have a lot to do," she announced.

She had no plans for the summer, and she was working from home during these six weeks; that much she'd made sure her board of directors got into their heads. Running a network of information wasn't easy. Of course, she wouldn't outwardly call it that, but that didn't mean that it was any less true.

A businesswoman at heart, nothing that went on in the world escaped her ears.

She had at least three sets of eyes around every corner and twice the amount of ears.

A collector of information, she ran an organization that collected information, and everything went through her. If the FBI needed something, she'd have five people ready to help them by supplying them with weapons, spies, insight, and, of course, information.

But everything came with a price, and she didn't deal with money; she had enough of that to last her twenty lifetimes of luxury.


She dealt in favors, which she held in great regard.

Under the name of The World, she had friends everywhere in the world.

But right now, she didn't want to think about work; all she wanted to do was spend time with her brothers, mother, and uncle.

"Hey Uncle Kai, how long more?" she asked, poking her head in between the driver seat and passenger seat. "Just another hour or so," the elderly gentleman replied, his lips curving into a smile.

"I'll put on some music, and we can do some karaoke," with two gifted singers listening on eagerly, Alexandra and Kai burst into an expert rendition of Charlie Puth's "Attention." Swept up in the music, time became meaningless as they drove past the beautiful scenery of the Swiss Alps.

'wish it didn't have to be this way'

✎...A/N: part 2?

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