Chp.2 Meeting Lee Everett

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As we left off, Clem and (YN) heard a loud gunshot coming from the trees, they walk up to see what it is, luckily, Clem made a secret tunnel to go around, as they did, they look around the trees...and suddenly, they spotted someone near a police car that crashed, upside down too, and to see this somebody waving and yelling for help...

Stranger: Hey!!! Help!!! Get someone!!! There's been a shooting!!

Clementine: look, there's someone! ...Should we help him?? Maybe he can help us and-

(YN): N-No! We can't!

Clementine: Huh?! But why-

(YN): Look!

Suddenly, they notice those undead walkers appearing out of the trees, as the stranger began to stood up, and seem to be injured from the leg by the looks of it...both Clem and (YN) ran back to the house and to then climb back up to the treehouse...

Clementine: (YN)! Why did we came back?! That stranger needed help..!

(YN): I know, but those...things were coming so I had to take you back here, keeping you safe! I can't let nothing bad happen to you!

Clem then felt a bit surprised the fact (YN) is being more protective for her...and felt happy...then, they heard grunting, as they took a peek out, and to see the stranger climb over the fence as the walkers then walked away as they heard more gunshots from the other side....the stranger got up, and to look around...

Stranger: Hello??? Anybody??!

(YN) looks at Clem, and to tell her to keep quiet...then, the stranger walks up to the treehouse...

Stranger: Hello?? Anybody up there??? ...Hello??...weird, could've sworn I saw two kids up the forest here...hey, are you two up there?? I'm not one of those things.

Still response...

Stranger: Guess no one's up there...empty I guess.

The stranger then walks away, roaming around the yard as he then walks and enters the house...

Clementine: He's in my house!

(YN): Yeah, but...I'm still not sure if we can trust him.

Clementine: Why say that??

(YN): We don't know him Clem, I mean what if he turns into one of those things when we talk to him?

Clementine: Ohh...well I mean...maybe he might be injured from that car crash, we did saw a police car crash.

(YN): Hmmm, you may be right on that, but still...we may not know ...

Okay now, let us introduce you all to this stranger that entered the house...his name is Lee Everett, little backstory of him, before the chaos happen, he was taken to jail, for what I heard, killing the senator for sleeping his wife, and his wife left him afterwards during anyways, Lee ended getting crashed in the forest and surrounded by the walkers, and here he is, Clementine's home. He entered the house, and to roam around a bit, and notices no one's in there...he heads to the kitchen, nothing, no food, no drinks at all, but he did found a glass of water at the sink and drank it took feel more refresh...also what he did found was a walkie talkie in the counters. Afterwards, He then heads to the living room, nothing...until then, Lee hears the beeping sound of the phone, and notice there was several messages he goes up and hears them...

Phone: You have THREE new messages: Message One, 5:43pm...*Beep*...

Then, we then hear Clem's mom speaking...

Diana: Hey Sandra, we're still in Savannah with (YN)'s parents still, Ed had a little incident with some crazy guy near the hotel, and brought him it the ER and have him checked out. He's not feeling well, so we're staying an extra day, thanks again for looking out for Clem and (YN), we promise we'll be back after spring break.

After that message...another message is heard...

Phone: Message two, 11:45...*Beep*

This time, it's (YN)'s mom speaking...

Maria: H-Hey Sandra, it's (YN)'s mom, Maria! Sorry, the calls are getting drop! They won't let us leave and aren't telling us anything about Atlanta, please...p-please take Clementine and (YN) and leave the city and take them back to Marietta, I have to get to the hospital, please let me know you and the kids are safe!

And then...the final message...

Phone: Message three...*Beep*...

This time, it was both (YN)'s and Clem's mother speaking, with such emotional tone in their voices...

Diana: C-Clementine baby?! If you can hear this, call the police, it's 9-1-1..j-just let you know...we love you...we love you so much...

Maria: And (YN) hon, don't you worry, you're a strong boy, I know you are...j-just take care of yourself and Clem as well...remember what your father told you about taking care of yourself....and...We love you as well...<te queiro mijo, cuidate mucho...>

After got cut off...and no more messages left...

Lee: Oh no...

Back at the treehouse...

(YN): Wait Clem! You still got your walkie talkie??

Clementine: O-Oh! Yea I do!

(YN): Nice! Maybe that man can hear you talking! Try it.

Clementine: Okay..!

Clem grabs her Walkie Talkie and Communicates with the house, Lee then hears the walkie talking he found...

Clementine: Hello?

Lee: Huh??...Hello??

Clementine: You need to be quiet.

Lee walks up to the kitchen talking with Clem...

Lee: Are you okay??

Clementine: Yeah, we're okay, they tried to get us, but we're hiding safely until our parents get home.

Lee: ...*Oh boy...* ...What's your name? And also, someone's with you??

Clementine: I'm Clementine...

(YN): And I'm (YN). Your in her house.

Lee: Hi (YN), Hi Clementine, I'm Lee...but hey, where are your parents ??

(YN): Our parents took a vacation trip and left us with Sandra.

Clementine: Yeah, their in Savannah I think, where the boats are.

Lee: I see, but are you two safe??

Clementine: We're outside in our treehouse, they can get in.

(YN): Yeah, sorry if we didn't say nothing back...we weren't sure if...Uhm...

Lee: It's alright, I get it, it's good you two found some safety at least.

Clementine: Yeah, look, we can see you through the window, can you see us??

Clem and (YN) both stick their heads out and wave at Lee, as Lee smiles and waves them back at them...until...

Clementine: AH!!

(YN): Behind you!

Lee quickly turns around and to see a walker trying to eat him, Lee panicked and tries fighting back, and what's sad about this walker is that this walker is Sandra, the babysitter for (YN) and Clem, Lee pushes her away and manage to flee the kitchen, but slips from a puddle of blood as Sandra began chasing him...

Clementine: Oh no! He's in danger!

(YN): Come on! Let's go help him!

The two rush down the treehouse and to go and help Lee, they find him crawling away from Sandra, as Lee kicks her head serval times and pushing her away...

(YN): Here!

(YN) hands him his bat, as Lee swings the bat to Sandra's face, dropping her to the floor, but still tired getting up, se Lee began swing the bat several times, smashing her whole face until the last hit wplzldes her whole face into pieces....killing her...

Lee: Oh man...

Lee turns around and hands (YN) his bat...

Lee: Hey there...

Clementine: I-Is she dead??

Lee: Yes...or maybe something else killed her.

(YN): We heard her scream two nights ago...

Clementine: And that's probably how she...turn into a monster.

Lee: Two nights ago?! ..Man, I think so too...say, have you two been alone through this?

Clementine: Yeah, we want our parents to come home now

(YN): They said their coming soon this day.

Lee: ...I think...that might be a While, you know?

Clementine: O-Oh...

(YN): ...

Lee: But hey, I don't know what's happening, but from what I'm seeing, your brother here sure is taking care of you good.

Clementine: O-Oh...Uhm...he isn't my brother, we're best friends.

(YN) then holds her hand...

(YN): Yeah, my best friend.

Lee: Heh, that's good to hear.

Clem and (YN) Softly smiles at each other, and also to hear they have Lee on their side for now...

Clementine: So, what should we do?

Lee thinks about it...he then wants to leave this place now, not in the dark, day seems safer...

Lee: We need to find help before it gets dark.

(YN): Yeah, it's not safe at night.

Clementine: And scary too.

Lee: Very well then, let's go, stay close to me.

(YN) and Clem the follows Lee to leave the house and look for somewhere safe...they walk over to the gate at the back...and as they did....they spotted two people moving a car...Lee was going to call them, but then notices (YN) and Clem both being still, worried...

Lee: Hey, what's wrong?

Clementine: Should we stay?

Lee: What?

(YN): I mean, we don't wanna sleep at the treehouse again, it's uncomfortable and not good, but we wanna stay and not leave...what if our parents come home?

Lee: ...Hey, I won't leave you two alone.

Clementine: Okay...but, can we go somewhere safer, and closer?

Lee: Yeah, Thats a good idea.

So it's settled. Lee opens the gate, as the two people heard it and startled...

Shawn: Holy shit!

Chet: Don't eat us!

Lee: Don't worry, we're not gonna hurt you!

Shawn: O-Oh thank god, thought for a second there you and those two were gonna give both of us the chomp.

Lee: Do you know what the hell this is?!

Shawn: So you've notice too? I don't know, it just happen out of nowhere and a bunch of those started turning and eating people up.

Lee: Yeah, you can say that, but we need help as well.

Shawn: Are you trynna get out of here? Cause you should be, those things are all over the damn place. I've never seen as gnarly as this neighborhood since downtown Atlanta 15 miles back. But anyways, I'm Shawn Greene.

Lee: Lee, these two are Clementine and (YN).

Chet: I'm Chet.

Shawn: We shouldn't be out here openly, how about you help us clear our way, and take you and your kids out of here, I can take you at my family's barn, it should be safe there.

Lee: O-Oh, I'm not their dad...I'm..just some guy.

Shawn: Some guy??

Lee: Yeah, found them alone.

Shawn: Aw crap, that's crazy, but hey, let's get going then, staying here too long will be a mistake.

Lee looks at Clem and (YN)...

Lee: What you two think?

Clem and (YN) both had to make a choice, a hard one, either leave the house and go with Lee, or stay and wait for their parents to arrive....but then...

Chet: Their coming! We gotta go!

Shawn: Shit! Lee, help me out!

Lee: Gotcha!

Lee helps Shawn move the car in their way as (YN) holds his bat up, protecting Clem at all cost...Lee and Shawn move the car more and more, as they made a way to drive off...

Shawn: Nice! Let's go!

They all rush to Shawn's truck, as Chet goes behind...then, a walker appeared out of nowhere, close up to Clem..

Lee: Clementine!!

(YN) grips his bat, gets in front of Clem and swings it,  braking the walkers jaw and dropping him down as (YN) grabs Clem's hand and getting in the truck and Lee as well as they all luckily drive off safety...

Shawn: Nice swing there kid!

(YN): Thanks!

Shawn: So, some guy right??

Lee: Y-Yea.

Shawn: Well seems like you saved bunch of lives today.

They all drive and Shawn takes Lee, Clem and (YN) to his barn with his he does, Clem looks at (YN), smiles at him and hold his hand and whispers to him...

Clementine: Thank you

(YN) gently smiles and these two now are with Lee...and to survive with him.


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