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As we left off, Lee and them make their run over to the mansion in luck....but as soon they got there, they went to check up on the boat, and to see it's gone.

(YN): The boat...

Kenny: What the fuck?! ..Come on...just...come the fuck on!!

Christa: Well, we aren't coming back here till we find Clementine.

Kenny: I-I mean who?! Who the fuck would it be!?

Lee: ...This must be Vernon.

Christa: You think?

Lee: Yeah, I'm right.

Omid: Guys, Lee's right.

Omid find a a note in the garage...that is written by Vernon...

Omid: It was Vernon and his support group.

Kenny: No fucking way!!

Omid: Their actions contradict your characterization but, yeah.

Christa: Yeah, he's right, they're people who've been dealing with shitty situations more than we have.

Lee: Fuck em, cancer, no cancer, saints, who gives a shit. They're people who knew what we're doing.

Kenny: Screwing is that's for sure! They fucked us! Damn it!!

Christa: Omid, can you go over the fence and let us into the backyard? We shouldn't be out the opening.

Omid: Yeah...

Kenny: This..can't be so fucked!

Christa: Hey don't worry, Clementine is still out there.

Kenny: So we get her and then what?!

Christa: We get the fuck out of this city! I'm done with cities. We go to the country side and make a go of it.

Ben: Yeah, that sounds good.

Kenny: Nobody asked you.

Ben: But you just did.

Kenny: Don't get FUCKING smart with me!

Lee: Ken! Everyone keep it together, nothings has changed.

Kenny: Nothing has changed?!

Lee: I mean immediately, we stay on course, don't turn on each other.

Then, Omid opens the other side of the door that leads to the backyard of the house...

Kenny: Ben, I swear to god..

Ben: What??!

As Ken and Ben heads to the back with Omid, (YN) stood with Lee and Christa...

Christa: What do you think Lee? What we do without a boat?

Lee looks at (YN), pats him on the head and replies...

Lee: ...Get to the countryside, we dick around the cities, coastlines and boats too long. Take Clem and (YN) out there...they'll live safe there with you.

Christa: I agree, the countryside is the safest place to be, but you're not dead yet, so out a pin on it okay?

Lee: Okay.

They walk out to the yard and see Ken and Ben arguing...

Kenny: Where the hell you get off?!

Ben: I'm just saying, we should all chill, not just you of course.

Kenny: Chill?! Hey idiot, My friend here's been bitten and not knowing how long he has left , Clementines is missing, not knowing who the bastard took her, and we're robbed from our only hope we'd had!

Ben: So?!

Kenny: So Lee should have left your ass back at Crawford! you've already made more problems enough to get us into-

Ben: Fuck you Kenny!!!

Kenny: ??!!!

(YN): ...Uh-Oh.

Lee: Careful...

Ben: I-I am so, so, SO sorry about Katjaa and Duck, and I am! And I know I fucked up okay?! But STOP pushing me around and STOP wishing I was dead!

Kenny: Y-

Ben: NO!! You know how they've said goodbye to them, but I didn't...I never get to see my family, my parents, and my little sister..! Do you get that?! Your family is gone but at least you get to lose them, I...I never made it home, they could be alive, dead or walkers and I don't know! And I know I've been useless since the beginning and everyone says that, and I mean everyone out there, but GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK DAMN IT!!!

Kenny: ...A-Aw Ben, I-

(YN): U-Uh guys!!!

They all heard walkers as they began to appear from the garage, they all make a run for in the house...

Christa: We. An secure this place!

Lee: Christa, get upstairs and check every boards on the windows to make sure their sealed!

Christa: Got it!

Lee: Kenny, look for weapons that will be sue for us to defend!

Kenny: Will do pal!

Lee: Ben, Omid, kill anything that tries getting in!

Omid: You got it! Let's go kid!

Ben: Okay!

Lee: And (YN)-...(YN)??

Lee notices (YN) standing stiff, and scared...

Lee: (YN), what is it??

(YN) rushes down the hallway, to see the front doors open, and walkers trying to come in...

Lee: Everyone front doors! Help (YN)!

Everyone rushes to the front doors and helping (YN) close the doors shut not letting walkers in, some hands appeared as Lee grabs a knife from the kitchen and to swing it, cutting the walkers hands off from trying to get it as the doors shuts completely...
But then again, the walkers broke into the house and at the back door...


Lee: Shit! New plan, upstairs!

Kenny: Go!

They all rush upstairs as they began shooting the walkers...Lee and Kenny moved a furniture to block the walkers to slow them down, and now to find a way to hide...the attic! Lee pulls the lever of the ladder as they all climb up and made it in there in time...they can still hear them...

Kenny: That could've gone better.

Christa: Well everyone's alright though.

(YN): ...Lee's bitten.

Kenny: I know kiddo.

Omid: Okay, let's get out of here and keep moving.

Kenny: Kids right, we gotta keep moving, thinks there's any chance we get Clem and catch up to those thieves?

Lee: I don't know, maybe.

Omid: Well we can't escape from that window though, no latches, no roof access, and thirty feet straight down.

Kenny: Hmm. long you've have?

Lee: Wha? I-Oh...I don't know, maybe longer.

Kenny: We could've cut it, it'll been better.

Lee: No it won't, doesn't matter if I cut it or not.

Kenny: Well I think we have a little "adult" conversation, about what happens if Lee takes another spill. I mean we could look at Larry's situation.

Christa: Who's Larry?

Lee: Ken, nows not the time, I think it's best we look for Clem right now.

Kenny: It won't be good if you attack us.

(YN): But it won't happen.

Kenny: And how will we know that?

Christa: Guys I don't know what happen in the past before us meeting you, but we can still cross the bridge.

Kenny: Lee man, I'm not advocating anything here, but how is this NOT A thing? We are all so worked up about Clementine and to forget what happen to you?!

Lee: Hey my arm isn't the issue! I ain't the problem! It's the hundred of walkers out there and no doors on this god damn room!

Kenny: Yeah maybe at the moment! But who's to say when I comes an issue? From that point, there may not have time to des with it!

Ken and Lee began (YN) ignores it and tries to find a way to go save Clementine....he began touching the walls...and they seem a bit he holds his bat, and to swing and hit the wall and mad e a hole with an ease...

Omid: Woah kid, what are you-

Christa: Shut up sweetie, look!

They all see the hole, and Kenny feeling the wall...

Kenny: It's corroded to hell. Bits the other side??

Lee takes a look inside...and to surprisingly see another hidden room with windows...

Lee: There's a hidden room inside, and way out of here.

Kenny: Well I'll be damned.

Lee: (YN), let me borrow your bat quick.

(YN): Okay.

Lee grabs his bat and to take another hit to the wall and easily brakes...

Lee: Heh, this wall ain't shit.

Omid: Is it really possible?

Lee hands Kenny the bat as they began braking the wall...

Kenny: Yeah, we can do this.

Lee: Yeah, we can.

Kenny: We'll work in shifts, Omid, Christa, I, maybe (YN), Lee you rest. We have to work fast.

Lee: ....I'm sorry.

Kenny: Me too, I get it pal, go rest.

Lee: Ok, come on son.

Lee and (YN) goes sit down with Omid and Christa while Ken works on braking the wall...

(YN): Lee.

Lee: Yeah?

(YN): ...I'm glad you didn't lie about you not being bitten back there.

Lee: Really?

Christa: Of course Lee, it wouldn't be easy not to.

Lee: Yeah, well...

Christa: We would have left you alone if you didn't told us, which would've been a mistake.

Omid: If I were you, I wouldn't be scared shitless.

Lee: I was...that fucking happen so fast, like if you ever hit someone at a crosswalk, like WAM, thing saw me and was blinded.

Christa: Wouldn't be better if it were cut off?

Lee: No, not anymore...

(YN): Really?

Lee: Yeah...I'm losing much feeling on feels hot, like braking a bone, but tingly, when it's asleep.

Omid: Hmm, so when we get this guy...what you think?

(YN): I'll hit him as many times as I want to for kidnapping my friend, even he hurts her too.

Lee: Heh, we'll see (YN)...but I'll make sure he doesn't take any one ever again, the worlds go enough evil in it.....Christa, Omid...

Christa: Yeah?

Omid: What's up?

Lee: If...well you know...I'll get to the point....I want you two to take (YN) and Clem after all this.

(YN): ..??

Christa: Stop it..

Lee: I'm serious, they'll be safe and relatively happy with you two.

Christa: Lee, we are not doing this-

Omid: Babe, listen to Lee...

Lee: It's what I want, okay?

(YN): But...what about Kenny??

Lee: Don't think it wrong son, Kenny will still be with you guys...but if he goes solo...then Christa and Omid will take care of you and Clem.

(YN): ...Okay.

Omid: ...What about Ben??

They all see Ben sitting down, feeling sad and guilty for the trouble he's caused...and didn't even had the chance to see his family and parents...and his little sister...

Lee: We gotta support him, he a kid still.

Omid: Will do.

Kenny: Okay, I'm out of look good to go.

Omid: Sure, if you don't count an infected leg.

Christa: You want me to do it?

Omid: Nah hon, you can hop in after me.

Omid takes his turn to brake the wall as Kenny rests...

Kenny: Shouldn't be long now...but still, can't believe you still got chomped, like...fucking hell...

Christa: At least he told us.

Kenny: Took some brass, I know I wouldn't...*sighs*

Christa: How you feeling?

Kenny: I'm...i don't know how to answer that...

Christa: I'm've lost more than anyone of us here...

Lee: It'll be alright Ken, we're still here for you.

Kenny: Thanks pal. I appreciate from both of y'all, we lost a lot of families...*looks at Ben*

Lee: Maybe ease up with the kid from here on out. You may be angry, but not at him.

Kenny: Maybe...Maybe not...I never really thought about him nor seeing his parents that way....

Omid: We're in! No walkers as well, things are looking up.

Kenny: Good! Let's move it.

Everyone then entered the hole to arrive at the other side of the room...and to then find a way out of here this house...they open the balcony door, and to see they can leap towards another roof building...

Kenny: Looks like we can stay off the street if we head to river street.

Christa: Let's go.

Lee stands on the balcony and to leap towards the other roof, Omid takes a turn and makes it, Christa as well, (YN) too, and so as Kenny....but as for he was gonna make a jump for...the balcony became loose and to fall off, causing Ben too fell straight to the ground...

Ben: Wha-AHHHH!!!

Lee: Ben!!


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