! Coming Soon !

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One night, four bandits were on a run through the forest, as if they were chasing something...or to say someone. The bandits yell and scream at whoever their chasing.

Bandit #1: Get back here!!

Bandit #2: Running away will make it worse!

Then, we see the two persons that were being chased and running for their lives, they're kids, and these kids look really familiar, but aged a bit. These two kids were best friends, a girl with a hat, short hair, and the other, a boy with a black sweater with a skull front and holding a bat...They are none other than (YN) and Clementine...they were making a run for, one of the the bandits were about to catch them up, but Clem slides under a log and (YN) jumped over it...Clem quickly grabs a pointy stick, and to stab the bandit as the other one came and (YN) hitting him with his bat towards the side of his ribs... they make a run for again as the bandits kept chasing them no matter what...but as they do, walkers appeared as Clem and (YN) move away from them and not to get eaten by them...as they did, the walkers surrounded the bandits as they have nothing to defend, and to get eaten up, but Clem and (YN) notices more of them appearing behind and make a run for it...they ran to the edge of a cliff, and to slip and fall over towards the river and to be dragged but mange to held onto each other and not split up...


Next day, it was the afternoon, Clementine was seen on the floor, soaking wet she wakes up, and to feel cold from the water she got off...and to look around..

Clementine: (Y-YN)??! (YN)!! Where...Oh no..! (YN)!!

(YN): Clem!? Clementine I'm here!

Clementine hears his voice and to look at the other side and to spot him, she was relief she didn't lost him, she rushes up to him and hugs him...

Clementine: I thought I lost you!

(YN): No way in hell I'll get lost and leave you alone.

The two held hands, smiling each other...but worried the fact that their on their own today...and now, the two are now going to survive on their own and take care of each other and have their backs.

Clementine: What now??

(YN): Now..we're on our own.

S2 Clementine x Male Reader (Book 2)

Coming Early 2023

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